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The Pirate Princess
The old Baron Douglas Sheppard wanted to impress his young and beautiful bride Countess Maria Alvarez. It was well known that the Young countess's cousin was killed by
pirates plaguing the Southern Sea. There were many pirate clans and rogues prowling the ocean and oneof them was the beautiful but deadly Selene Forsight, known as the
Pirate Princess. To earn the affection of the young countess, the old Baron financed the expedition to hunt the famous female pirate and her crew of women who weren't
afraid of anyone and fought like the devils. After ten long months, a special squadron of warships finally cornered the famous female pirate and her gang and thanks
to the betrayal of the Pirate Princesse's former lover, the Selene Forsight was finally captured along with twenty women of her crew who survived the final battle.
After a short trial, all of them were sentenced to death by hanging, and the old Baron wanted to supervise the execution personally, to make sure the justice was done.
The young countess was deply impressed and upon seeing the female pirate captives promised the old Baron her heart and her hand in marriage as soon as the last of the
pirates was strung up for their crimes.Countess Maria Alvarez was not a stranger to hanging. The sight of the criminals dancing on the rope excited her both sexually
and spiritually. Since she was a young girl, she liked to watch the hangings and observed the highly erotic dance of death with cold curiosity and a smile on her face.
She liked to see the erections of the hanged men, the bulges in their trousers as they strangled and knew that many had spilled their seed in their final moments of life.
The women who died by hanging also perfomed well. Most of them simply jerked on their ropes like puppets with cut strings, choking nosisly, thrashing and kicking, and
voiding their bladders and bowels as the noose squeezed the life out of them. Some excational hanged women knew how to die in such way that their final dance made them
a legend. And when the day came to hang the pirate crew, the Countess wanted to be there to observe the proceedings.
The old Baron was deeply impressed by his bride's devotion. The condemned women were taken to an alley, where they were strung up on the trees one by one using thin but
very strong hemp ropes. The Baron's men pulled them up slowly and as the victims began their death dance, the Countess would stand and watch. The villagers would also come
and watch the hangings. The sight of the jerking young bodies excited all, and the Countess was delighted at the notion that so many came to witness the executions and see
the future wife of their lord and master. The smell of shit and piss didn't bother the young countess. She looked at the grimacing faces of the victims and licked her
lips as the nooses bit into the young necks and forced the womens' tongues out of their mouths. Some victims' faces turned purple with trapped blood and some remained
deadly pale and graduallu turned bluish. The pirate women fought hard in life and they did fight hard in death. Some of them lasted longer than others and the Countess
complimented them on their stamina. The last to hang was the young and skinny cabin girl, an eighteen year old girl named Sarah. With her black hair cut short, and her
her chest being flat,she looked like a boy in her old dirty shirt and trousers. As the soldiers prepared her to meet her maker, the Countess looked at her from the height
of her magnificent horse. "What have you to day for yourself, pirate wench?" she asked the girl. "Your life has just began and you wasted it by becomeing a pirate."
"I did what I wanted," retorted young Sarah. "I have no regrets." "You will,once the noose goes tight around your young neck," replied the Countess. "And I will watch you
dance and soil yourself before these fine people. Then you will strangle and rot here with crows feasting on your sinful flesh. Soldiers, hang her!" Young Sarah tried to
fight back, but her hands were tied behind her back. The sldiers slipped the noose over her head and snugged it then pulled it tight. The young girl kicked oneof the
soldiers in the groin and then man gasped and doubled over in pain. "Hang the bitch!" sommanded the countess. "Hang her slowly so she will feel everything!" The soldiers
obeyd and pulled on the rope. Sarah's dirty bare feet left trhe ground and the soliders hoisted her up so her face was at the level with that of the young countess.
"Strangle bitch, strangle good!" said the young countess. "Let's see how you dance for us!" Young Sarah gurgled and as the rope bit into the flesh of her young neck, she
started kicking and jerking, desperately trying to breathe and free her hands to remove the noose. But all her efforts were in vain. Her slim skinny body flailed and her
feet kicked hard, but her desperate struggle only made the noose tighter and tighter. Her tongue protruded and saliva poured from her mouth dribbling on her chin. Her
teeth bit into her tongue and drew blood. Her neck became longer and powerful convulsions shook her young slender form. Erotic dance of death lasted a long time, and
in the med Sarah finally pissed herself, her trousers becoming stained with her piss that dripped down her twitching bare feet. The countess heard the wet familiar sounds
of bowels being released and two big turnds came out of the hanged woman's pant legs and ropped on the ground. The crowd cheered and applauded. The countess waited until
the young pirate went absolutely still and reached out with her hand to touch the once pretty dead face, now discolored and twisted with death. "Such a pretty young thing,"
she purred."Such a lovely way you go to heaven!" When she returned to the baronial mansion, the old Baron greeted her warmly and they had a nice lunch on a veranda.
"How was the hanging, my dear?" asked the old Baron. "I wish I could witness it with you but I was busy. I do hope to see the pirate wenches dangling on the ropes soon enough.
We almost hanged them all except the Captain Selene Forsight and her forst mate Jessica Wood. But do not worry, my dear, we will see them hang soon enough. I just want'them
to take a look at their fellow pirates after the crows had feasted on their eyes and tongues. I want this hanging to be memorable and exciting. I have invited some guests
to witness it in our courtyard where I ordered a gallows to be constructed. oneof the guests is a doctor, and he is most interested in working on the bodies of the dead
pirates and dissect them. Not only we will have a great hanging, we will serve science aswell with the inspection of the dead bodies of these famous pirates."
"I am so happy to hear this, my love," replied the countess."This pirate Captain is very pretty and strong. I would like her to dance well for all of us soon."
Deep in the dungeon of the baronial mansion, pirate captain Selene Forsight was awaiting execution with her first mate Jessica Wood. She was informed about the hangng of her
entire crew and she took the news calmly, knowing that the same fate awaited her in the end. Selene became a pirate with full knowledge that she would either be rich or
die in battle or on the gallows. Death by hanging didn't scare her. She had seen enough hangings to know everything about this simple method of death and after she was'betrayed
and captured, she prepared her mind and body for meeting with the noose. Her last request surprised the Baron but was granted. She awaited the handsome captain of the
ship that captured her and she wanted to have sex with the man both to please herself before death and reward him for his bravery by being his conquered trophy. Everything
has been arranged for the meeting and before the captain arrived, Selene resurged her skills by sucking cocks of the prison guard who liked her and treated her well and
that of a young priest, who was temporarily seduced by her charms and fucked her in secret. Selene was happy to be with males again and both the guard and the priest have
enjoyed the pleasure of her beautful muscular body. Selene sucked cocks with skill and swallowed their seed enjoying the taste and feel of it in her mouth. And when the handsome
captain arrived to sleep with her, she proved to him that she deserved her nickname as the Pirate Princess. They fornicated with passion and lust, sucking, fucking and
tasting each other until both climaxed several times and were happily exhaousted by their mutual efforts. The day before her hanging, Selene was refreshed and happy
that she had the man she liked shoot his seed in her belly and down her throat. Sje knew she wouldn;t get the time to get pregnant and patiently waited until she was
escorted to the gallows. Her first mate, Jessica Wood aslo managed to get a man to sleep with before her final day. She was a good looking redhead with strong body
and lovely pale face. Both young women would hang together and die without fear. Selene promised herself that she would give them all a performance they will never forget.
The hanging day came and the guests began to arrive at the baronial mansion. They had to pass down the alley where the bodies of the executed female pirates dangled from'the tree
branches. The sight was both repulsive and erotic. All of the hanged pirate women were once young and beautiful, no one older than thirty. Now, the Baron's guests had to
ride down an alley where the crows feasetd on the corpses of the hanged. The crows ate the condermed eyes and tongues and if the breasts were exposed, they feasted on them too.
The smell of the rotting flesh was not as bad as many of the guests thought. Many stopped to look at the hanged women and marvel at the simple and effective method of the their
demise. The Baron had promised his guests the ropes from the necks of the hanged as a good luck charm. At the baronial mansion, a table was set for the guests along with fine food,
drinks and music. The old Baron and the countess greeted their guests and everyone could see a gallows with two hemp nooses with two wooden crates underneath. After the
appetizers were served and the first round of drinks poured, the old Baron called for attention and the pirate first mate Jesica Wood was brought forth by the Baron's
guards. The guests were impresed at the sight of this strong built and well muscled redhead, who was known to kill more than two hundred men with her sword. Jessica Wood
had stong young muscles, impressive breasts and strong young muscular neck. She smiled mockingly at the people present and let herself be placed on the crate and noosed
without struggle. "Well, pirate wench,"said the old Baron. "What have you to say for yourself at the last minute of your life?" "Well," replied the redhead, "I had a
good life and fucked many men and sucked many nice thick cocks. I ate their cum like sweet cream, something the fine ladies here don't know how to do. Trust me, it's fun!"
"Yes, you may be right wench," said the countess. "But our guests like to see you dance and I want to know how long your tongue is. Hnag her!" she commanded the hooded
executioner. The executioner nodded and swiftly kicked the crate from under the redhead's bare feet.
"Gharrhgkk," the pirate woman gurgled wetly and nosily. The drop was short, less than half a foot. The rope went taut under the young woman's weight and the thin help rope
bit deeply into the white slooth fleshof her muscular neck. The guests allpauded and cheered and the young redhead began her dance of death. Her will and her neck were
very strong, but gradually, the pressure from the noose closed the pirate woman's windpipe and her pale face beagn to darkne and grow blue then purple. Her neck muscles
and tendons visibly stretched under the weight of her strong young body. She bean to kick her feet and jerk her hips, twisting and writhing in the air with her bare feet
only a foot from the stone floor. Her bladder let go and her old trousers were instantly soaked with her piss that dripped and poured down in a shower of golden droplets.
Her eyes became bloodshot and after swining back and forth her body went into powerful convulsions. After several long minutes the tremos ceased and the freshly strangled
redhead hung lifeless, with her blue lips prerssed shut. "What a wonderful performance!" said the old Baron. Let's give the applause for the pirate wenche's great rope dance!
The guests raised their wine glasses, drank and clapped their hands. The sendon and the third course were served. The countess made sure the dessert arrived after the dead
redhead's body cooled. "And now, dear guests, we offer you a special treat," said the young countess. "The punishment of the notorious pirate Selene forsight, known as the
Pirate Princess. Let's welcome her!" The men and women around the table stood and applauded enthusiastically as the young pirate captain was brought out and escorted to
the gallows. Selene Forsight was a small and skinny woman with short cropped hair and dark complexion of a Gypsy. She looked like a young teenage boy, but everyone
knew that this small woman was the scourge of the seas and a master ambusher. The countess approached her and walked around her examining her skinny body.
"Look at your first mate, wench," said the countess. "You will look just like her, dead and covered with your own filth." The pirate captain smiled and spat in her face.
The thick gob of saliva hit the coutess and she took out her handkerchief to wipe it off. "Bitch!" she said. "Executioner, make sure strangles slowly and shits herself."
Selene Forsight mounted her wooden crate in silence. She looked at her first mate and twitched the fingers of her boung hands. The executioner slowly placed the noose around
her young slim neck and placed the knot on the side to prolong the strangulation process. When the crate was kicked out from under the infamous pirate captain, it took her
a long time to die becasue of her light weight. She struggled very hard and while twisting in the air on her rope, she moved her hips seductively with such vigor that some
of the male guests had powerful erections and some even came in their pants. The noose mercilessly bit into the young neck of the female pirate. Selene Forsight's tongue
bulged out of her mouth, swelled and resembled a badly cooked piece of meat. She swayed and jerked but contrary to the countess' expectations she didn;t soil hersef as she
strangled. Disappointed, the young countess examined the fresh corpse and turned to the old Baron. "I want these two pirate wenches to hang here until the flesh rots from
their bones!" "Yes I think it's a good idea, replied the old Baron. I hope you won't be offended at the smell, my dear." Not at all my love," replied the young countess.
"And I want to marry you here in this courtyard in the view of these two hanged pirates. This will be a great celebration and no one will ever forget our special wedding
The Pirate Princess
The old Baron Douglas Sheppard wanted to impress his young and beautiful bride Countess Maria Alvarez. It was well known that the Young countess's cousin was killed by
pirates plaguing the Southern Sea. There were many pirate clans and rogues prowling the ocean and oneof them was the beautiful but deadly Selene Forsight, known as the
Pirate Princess. To earn the affection of the young countess, the old Baron financed the expedition to hunt the famous female pirate and her crew of women who weren't
afraid of anyone and fought like the devils. After ten long months, a special squadron of warships finally cornered the famous female pirate and her gang and thanks
to the betrayal of the Pirate Princesse's former lover, the Selene Forsight was finally captured along with twenty women of her crew who survived the final battle.
After a short trial, all of them were sentenced to death by hanging, and the old Baron wanted to supervise the execution personally, to make sure the justice was done.
The young countess was deply impressed and upon seeing the female pirate captives promised the old Baron her heart and her hand in marriage as soon as the last of the
pirates was strung up for their crimes.Countess Maria Alvarez was not a stranger to hanging. The sight of the criminals dancing on the rope excited her both sexually
and spiritually. Since she was a young girl, she liked to watch the hangings and observed the highly erotic dance of death with cold curiosity and a smile on her face.
She liked to see the erections of the hanged men, the bulges in their trousers as they strangled and knew that many had spilled their seed in their final moments of life.
The women who died by hanging also perfomed well. Most of them simply jerked on their ropes like puppets with cut strings, choking nosisly, thrashing and kicking, and
voiding their bladders and bowels as the noose squeezed the life out of them. Some excational hanged women knew how to die in such way that their final dance made them
a legend. And when the day came to hang the pirate crew, the Countess wanted to be there to observe the proceedings.
The old Baron was deeply impressed by his bride's devotion. The condemned women were taken to an alley, where they were strung up on the trees one by one using thin but
very strong hemp ropes. The Baron's men pulled them up slowly and as the victims began their death dance, the Countess would stand and watch. The villagers would also come
and watch the hangings. The sight of the jerking young bodies excited all, and the Countess was delighted at the notion that so many came to witness the executions and see
the future wife of their lord and master. The smell of shit and piss didn't bother the young countess. She looked at the grimacing faces of the victims and licked her
lips as the nooses bit into the young necks and forced the womens' tongues out of their mouths. Some victims' faces turned purple with trapped blood and some remained
deadly pale and graduallu turned bluish. The pirate women fought hard in life and they did fight hard in death. Some of them lasted longer than others and the Countess
complimented them on their stamina. The last to hang was the young and skinny cabin girl, an eighteen year old girl named Sarah. With her black hair cut short, and her
her chest being flat,she looked like a boy in her old dirty shirt and trousers. As the soldiers prepared her to meet her maker, the Countess looked at her from the height
of her magnificent horse. "What have you to day for yourself, pirate wench?" she asked the girl. "Your life has just began and you wasted it by becomeing a pirate."
"I did what I wanted," retorted young Sarah. "I have no regrets." "You will,once the noose goes tight around your young neck," replied the Countess. "And I will watch you
dance and soil yourself before these fine people. Then you will strangle and rot here with crows feasting on your sinful flesh. Soldiers, hang her!" Young Sarah tried to
fight back, but her hands were tied behind her back. The sldiers slipped the noose over her head and snugged it then pulled it tight. The young girl kicked oneof the
soldiers in the groin and then man gasped and doubled over in pain. "Hang the bitch!" sommanded the countess. "Hang her slowly so she will feel everything!" The soldiers
obeyd and pulled on the rope. Sarah's dirty bare feet left trhe ground and the soliders hoisted her up so her face was at the level with that of the young countess.
"Strangle bitch, strangle good!" said the young countess. "Let's see how you dance for us!" Young Sarah gurgled and as the rope bit into the flesh of her young neck, she
started kicking and jerking, desperately trying to breathe and free her hands to remove the noose. But all her efforts were in vain. Her slim skinny body flailed and her
feet kicked hard, but her desperate struggle only made the noose tighter and tighter. Her tongue protruded and saliva poured from her mouth dribbling on her chin. Her
teeth bit into her tongue and drew blood. Her neck became longer and powerful convulsions shook her young slender form. Erotic dance of death lasted a long time, and
in the med Sarah finally pissed herself, her trousers becoming stained with her piss that dripped down her twitching bare feet. The countess heard the wet familiar sounds
of bowels being released and two big turnds came out of the hanged woman's pant legs and ropped on the ground. The crowd cheered and applauded. The countess waited until
the young pirate went absolutely still and reached out with her hand to touch the once pretty dead face, now discolored and twisted with death. "Such a pretty young thing,"
she purred."Such a lovely way you go to heaven!" When she returned to the baronial mansion, the old Baron greeted her warmly and they had a nice lunch on a veranda.
"How was the hanging, my dear?" asked the old Baron. "I wish I could witness it with you but I was busy. I do hope to see the pirate wenches dangling on the ropes soon enough.
We almost hanged them all except the Captain Selene Forsight and her forst mate Jessica Wood. But do not worry, my dear, we will see them hang soon enough. I just want'them
to take a look at their fellow pirates after the crows had feasted on their eyes and tongues. I want this hanging to be memorable and exciting. I have invited some guests
to witness it in our courtyard where I ordered a gallows to be constructed. oneof the guests is a doctor, and he is most interested in working on the bodies of the dead
pirates and dissect them. Not only we will have a great hanging, we will serve science aswell with the inspection of the dead bodies of these famous pirates."
"I am so happy to hear this, my love," replied the countess."This pirate Captain is very pretty and strong. I would like her to dance well for all of us soon."
Deep in the dungeon of the baronial mansion, pirate captain Selene Forsight was awaiting execution with her first mate Jessica Wood. She was informed about the hangng of her
entire crew and she took the news calmly, knowing that the same fate awaited her in the end. Selene became a pirate with full knowledge that she would either be rich or
die in battle or on the gallows. Death by hanging didn't scare her. She had seen enough hangings to know everything about this simple method of death and after she was'betrayed
and captured, she prepared her mind and body for meeting with the noose. Her last request surprised the Baron but was granted. She awaited the handsome captain of the
ship that captured her and she wanted to have sex with the man both to please herself before death and reward him for his bravery by being his conquered trophy. Everything
has been arranged for the meeting and before the captain arrived, Selene resurged her skills by sucking cocks of the prison guard who liked her and treated her well and
that of a young priest, who was temporarily seduced by her charms and fucked her in secret. Selene was happy to be with males again and both the guard and the priest have
enjoyed the pleasure of her beautful muscular body. Selene sucked cocks with skill and swallowed their seed enjoying the taste and feel of it in her mouth. And when the handsome
captain arrived to sleep with her, she proved to him that she deserved her nickname as the Pirate Princess. They fornicated with passion and lust, sucking, fucking and
tasting each other until both climaxed several times and were happily exhaousted by their mutual efforts. The day before her hanging, Selene was refreshed and happy
that she had the man she liked shoot his seed in her belly and down her throat. Sje knew she wouldn;t get the time to get pregnant and patiently waited until she was
escorted to the gallows. Her first mate, Jessica Wood aslo managed to get a man to sleep with before her final day. She was a good looking redhead with strong body
and lovely pale face. Both young women would hang together and die without fear. Selene promised herself that she would give them all a performance they will never forget.
The hanging day came and the guests began to arrive at the baronial mansion. They had to pass down the alley where the bodies of the executed female pirates dangled from'the tree
branches. The sight was both repulsive and erotic. All of the hanged pirate women were once young and beautiful, no one older than thirty. Now, the Baron's guests had to
ride down an alley where the crows feasetd on the corpses of the hanged. The crows ate the condermed eyes and tongues and if the breasts were exposed, they feasted on them too.
The smell of the rotting flesh was not as bad as many of the guests thought. Many stopped to look at the hanged women and marvel at the simple and effective method of the their
demise. The Baron had promised his guests the ropes from the necks of the hanged as a good luck charm. At the baronial mansion, a table was set for the guests along with fine food,
drinks and music. The old Baron and the countess greeted their guests and everyone could see a gallows with two hemp nooses with two wooden crates underneath. After the
appetizers were served and the first round of drinks poured, the old Baron called for attention and the pirate first mate Jesica Wood was brought forth by the Baron's
guards. The guests were impresed at the sight of this strong built and well muscled redhead, who was known to kill more than two hundred men with her sword. Jessica Wood
had stong young muscles, impressive breasts and strong young muscular neck. She smiled mockingly at the people present and let herself be placed on the crate and noosed
without struggle. "Well, pirate wench,"said the old Baron. "What have you to say for yourself at the last minute of your life?" "Well," replied the redhead, "I had a
good life and fucked many men and sucked many nice thick cocks. I ate their cum like sweet cream, something the fine ladies here don't know how to do. Trust me, it's fun!"
"Yes, you may be right wench," said the countess. "But our guests like to see you dance and I want to know how long your tongue is. Hnag her!" she commanded the hooded
executioner. The executioner nodded and swiftly kicked the crate from under the redhead's bare feet.
"Gharrhgkk," the pirate woman gurgled wetly and nosily. The drop was short, less than half a foot. The rope went taut under the young woman's weight and the thin help rope
bit deeply into the white slooth fleshof her muscular neck. The guests allpauded and cheered and the young redhead began her dance of death. Her will and her neck were
very strong, but gradually, the pressure from the noose closed the pirate woman's windpipe and her pale face beagn to darkne and grow blue then purple. Her neck muscles
and tendons visibly stretched under the weight of her strong young body. She bean to kick her feet and jerk her hips, twisting and writhing in the air with her bare feet
only a foot from the stone floor. Her bladder let go and her old trousers were instantly soaked with her piss that dripped and poured down in a shower of golden droplets.
Her eyes became bloodshot and after swining back and forth her body went into powerful convulsions. After several long minutes the tremos ceased and the freshly strangled
redhead hung lifeless, with her blue lips prerssed shut. "What a wonderful performance!" said the old Baron. Let's give the applause for the pirate wenche's great rope dance!
The guests raised their wine glasses, drank and clapped their hands. The sendon and the third course were served. The countess made sure the dessert arrived after the dead
redhead's body cooled. "And now, dear guests, we offer you a special treat," said the young countess. "The punishment of the notorious pirate Selene forsight, known as the
Pirate Princess. Let's welcome her!" The men and women around the table stood and applauded enthusiastically as the young pirate captain was brought out and escorted to
the gallows. Selene Forsight was a small and skinny woman with short cropped hair and dark complexion of a Gypsy. She looked like a young teenage boy, but everyone
knew that this small woman was the scourge of the seas and a master ambusher. The countess approached her and walked around her examining her skinny body.
"Look at your first mate, wench," said the countess. "You will look just like her, dead and covered with your own filth." The pirate captain smiled and spat in her face.
The thick gob of saliva hit the coutess and she took out her handkerchief to wipe it off. "Bitch!" she said. "Executioner, make sure strangles slowly and shits herself."
Selene Forsight mounted her wooden crate in silence. She looked at her first mate and twitched the fingers of her boung hands. The executioner slowly placed the noose around
her young slim neck and placed the knot on the side to prolong the strangulation process. When the crate was kicked out from under the infamous pirate captain, it took her
a long time to die becasue of her light weight. She struggled very hard and while twisting in the air on her rope, she moved her hips seductively with such vigor that some
of the male guests had powerful erections and some even came in their pants. The noose mercilessly bit into the young neck of the female pirate. Selene Forsight's tongue
bulged out of her mouth, swelled and resembled a badly cooked piece of meat. She swayed and jerked but contrary to the countess' expectations she didn;t soil hersef as she
strangled. Disappointed, the young countess examined the fresh corpse and turned to the old Baron. "I want these two pirate wenches to hang here until the flesh rots from
their bones!" "Yes I think it's a good idea, replied the old Baron. I hope you won't be offended at the smell, my dear." Not at all my love," replied the young countess.
"And I want to marry you here in this courtyard in the view of these two hanged pirates. This will be a great celebration and no one will ever forget our special wedding

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