The gambling girl chapter 1
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The five pretty girls sat in the limousine. They were attractive, in their twenties. A recent checkup confirmed they were in perfect physical health. The windows were completely opaque. The ride took many turns and lasted over an hour. The doors opened and they found themselves inside a building. The driver motioned them to sit on comfortable chairs.

Hello Ladies. Welcome to this place. You were invited to be here because you have large gambling debts and need a chance to get help. My boss, a man of great wealth has given you an offer of assistance which you all accepted. You are to play a simple game of chance. If you win, then your debts will be paid and you will go away with $1 Million cash. If you lose, your debt will be paid, but you will receive no cash. Instead, you will spend one year in a private prison cell.

First, let me explain the game. You will flip two coins. If either one lands on heads you may leave with your winnings. However if you flip the coin, and it lands on tails twice in a row, then you will be placed in the prison. Very simple.

All five were given coins. Ladies please examine the coins. There is no trick here, you may practice tossing them. Sarah tossed her coins several times and saw that the landed on heads half of the time. It seemed that almost always at least one landed on heads. She felt confident.

If you consent to play please sign the release form in front of you. Sarah read the form. If she signed it there was no backing out. But she was in a real predicament, so in desperation, she took the pen and wrote her name on the line.

Your names have been placed in random order. When I call you please come to the table and toss a coin.

Lindsey, Sandy, Greta and Sally each tossed their coins. Each one had at least one head and they were asked to follow the attendant out to the limousine with their money. Sarah tossed her first coin and got tails. No biggie. Then she tossed her second coin and it landed on tails also. She gulped. The driver asked her to sit back down and he began to leave. Sarah started to follow him. But he closed a solid steal door behind him and it clicked. Trying the knob it was locked.

I am sorry Miss, but you will not be leaving. Please have a drink said the attendant. Would you like some coffee? Her throat was suddenly quite dry and she nodded. Your prison sentence will begin in a little while but I first will orient you. He gave her the coffee with cream and sweetener. Smiling he said the prison was below this floor. You simply get in the elevator.

During your stay, ample nutritious food will be provided. There is a control panel to order what you desire. Here is a list of food we will provide. On the back is a list of rules. There are not too many. But if you break the rules you will be placed in punishment. Simple chores will be assigned daily. Failure to do them will result in punishment.

You should be quite comfortable. The cell is very warm and cozy. I am sorry but you will remain nude during your prison term. What! She choked.

You will also be allowed to phone home at intermittent intervals. You are not allowed to divulge the location of this house or that you are kept nude. Do you understand? Would you like to call them now? Yes please said, Sarah. She was handed a phone. Here is your mother.

Hello, Mom? she said sobbing. Hi honey, she replied. They told me about the treatment program you are in. Are they treating you well? The phone had a strange delay between sentences. I am fine mom but they are planning to keep me nude! Her mom only heard 'I am fine'. The attendant interrupted, you will receive the punishment he hissed, be careful! Her mom said, Are you still there? Yes, mom. Okay Honey they said you have to go, but please call as often as you can. Yes mom I love you! (beep, the call ended)

As you see the calls are edited by A.I. You are not allowed to mention your punishments. Also, your family is not allowed to tell you the time and date. Sarah wondered about that. How weird.

It is time to begin. Please place your clothing and belongings in this box. Humiliated, Sarah complied. She felt the cool air on her private parts. Now let's step into the elevator. Pushing a button the elevator gradually descended into her cell.

It looked like a simple living room, perhaps twenty feet by ten feet. There was a bed and a desk. Also, there was a toilet, sink and shower. Soap, toothpaste and a hand towel were provided. There was a small closet as well.

For breaking the phone rules you will be punished. But since you just got here the punishment will only be for one hour instead of the usual six. Leading Sarah to the closet the attendant addressed her authoritatively, Place your arms in these tubes. Then a chain was placed across Sarah's back locking her in place with her arms immobilized. She was facing the wall with her nose an inch away. The 'punishment closet' door was latched leaving Sarah in darkness. There was adequate ventilation. But sadness overwhelmed her.

In a little while, she was let out. The attendant pointed to the call button. You may request food here. Goodbye. He climbed into the elevator which disappeared into the ceiling. She noticed that the high-ceilinged cell had no doors. The floor was wooden and the walls were covered with an off-white mat.

Sarah wondered what time it was. There was no window and no clock. She lay on the bed and turned off the light. The room was pitch black. Actually, it was well-illuminated by infrared lights and monitored closely by camera. She laid naked on the bare mattress and soon drifted to sleep. Sometime later she awoke and turned on the light. What time was it? She realized that not knowing the date and time would make her sentence feel like forever.

She pressed the request button. A computer voice answered. Hello, may I help you? What time is it? Knowing the computer would not tell her. I am sorry that information cannot be provided. May I help you with something else? Sarah looked at the menu and ordered a coffee. A small door opened and the coffee was there. Not bad she thought. Maybe I will get through this.

Sometime later, days or weeks Sarah could not tell, the computer informed her: Your phone call is ready. A voice said Sarah are you there? Yes mommy I am here. How are you dear? Okay, I am okay... She whispered mom, what day is this? (beep, the call ended). The elevator came down and two large men entered the cell. One addressed her. Please go to the punishment closet and put your arms in the tubes. Frightened Sarah ran. The men easily caught her and placed her arms in the tubes. She was soon stuck in place again with her face to the wall.

Sarah was there for so many hours. Finally, she peed and pooped on the floor of the punishment closet. She was determined to follow the rules in the future.

On another occasion, the computer voice spoke: Sarah! You have an assignment. You will do five jumping jacks. Begin now. Sarah got up and did the assignment. Good said the computer. After a few minutes, the computer spoke again. For your next assignment, do 100 pushups. Sarah began doing pushups. But after about forty she could not continue. She heard the elevator and knew she was about to be punished. This time a very small girl got out of the elevator. She wore a beautiful dress. The girl told Sarah she was being punished and to get into the closet. Do it quickly and do not argue. Sarah was so ashamed since she was nude, but she knew she had no choice but to obey, otherwise, her punishment would be more severe. The little girl locked her in and said you will be there two hours!

Sarah was relieved that the punishment was not six hours. She could do two hours okay. But she needed to pee. As soon as the little girl released her she had to run over to the toilet. The little girl glared at her. Then it seemed like the computer gave difficult assignments more often. Do thirty pushups. Sarah was barely able to comply. Then the computer gave humiliating assignments. "I see you masturbating". Repeat twenty times "I am a fucking whore". Sarah replied "I am a fucking whore", "I don't want to masturbate but there is nothing to do and I can't help it." Finish your assignment, or punishment will be administered. You have twenty seconds.
Nice, bit still I World like to read about some execution.

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