“The frightened three” Part 2
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This is my first story – the second part. Hope you enjoy it. All characters are over 20. The story is pure fictitious, any resemblance to anyone is random.
“The frightened three” Part 2
The appeal
The days were passing by, and finally the time has come to Mui and Cheiko appeal hearing. Alessandra could watch the trial on the TV screen mounted on the wall in their cell. Usually, the screen showed a stream of stupid and boring soap operas interrupted by commercials and occasionally news albeit about nothing really important, barely any politics, some crimes but mostly trivia. Stories of the new born local Siam twins occupied the screen for weeks. The Prison’s authorities authorised only this one soap opera channel, and they occasionally used the screen to communicate some internal rules. The inmates have had no control over the TV sets in their cells. The sets turned on automatically at 9AM and went down at 10 PM each day; the only thing the inmates could do about it was to turn it on and off and lower or increase the speaker’s loudness. The channel allowed in the Chi Prison was thus a badly boring stuff, but apparently even they were interested in showing the death penalty announcement on the two local girls. The visible sign to demonstrate that the drug offences are punished in an exemplary manner. And there Alessandra saw Cheiko and Mui with their hands cuffed in front, when they heard the judgment convincing them to be hanged, she did not understand a word but the look of the tears falling from the terrifying, widely open eyes of Cheiko and Mui. The harsh voice of the commentator was self-explanatory. The camera focused on the court clerk who approached the condemned bench and crossed out the name tags in front of Cheiko and Mui. The channel went on to comment on the judgment and the shots showing the faces of the two frightened girls were repeated several times. When the victims came back to their common cell Alessandra hugged them and started to cry with them. They cried until late evening. The TV channel was repeatedly coming back to the scene at the court so they decided to shut it down. They kept it off for few days until the channel went back to the usual content. Some days later Cheiko and Mui were transferred to the separate death row cells on the floor above. It was a prison’s protocol to keep the condemned inmates separately under constant surveillance. They were now subjected to the 24 hours suicide watch with a women guard in the cell constantly looking at the inmate. They were not allowed anymore to meet at the yard, instead the death row cells were situated on the corridor with a spacious walking area and separate toilets and bathrooms. These were available only to the death row inmates. Alessandra hugged the girls for the farewell, correctly predicting that they just wanted a comforting kiss and a cuddle, she was not aware yet that she will be joining them soon. On that day Alessandra received a small token from Mui and Cheiko, a strange symmetric sign which as they explained was named “his-his” a symbol of double luck. Alessandra smiled nervously looking at the sign, she will be needing it, she knew.
Alessandra continued to meet her beloved husband each Saturday. She became more “natural” girl during her stay in prison. The prison authorities have not provided any depilation detergents or razors or anything that could help to remove armpit or pubic hair. Fortunately for Alessandra, she never had a problem with hairs on her legs. Her steady growing pubic and armpit hair were as Anthony told her very feminine and he said he liked her like that even more. It turned to be a sexy spice to their meetings that he was very fond of. Anthony talked frequently to her lawyer preparing her for the upcoming appeal hearing. He spared no means to achieve the release for Alessandra or at least spare her from the worst. Alessandra felt safe and loved when she was hugged by him. At a meeting a week after Chinese girls’ transfer to the death row cell Anthony looked anxious and worried, he told Alessandra that the lawyer expects summons to her appeal trial anytime soon. Indeed few days later the guard brought a letter stating the time and place of the appeal hearing and informing her that she will be transferred there and back by the prison van.
Before the appeal hearing Alessandra met her lawyer. He told her that their strategy was based on proving the very probable attempt to abuse her as an unconscious drug mule. It was easy to arrange a secret compartment in her luggage which someone could emptied after her arrival to the hotel since every stage of her trip was known to a wider circle of organizers of the “beauty” contest (a she put it), staff and reporters. The plot seemed well suited and the lawyer told there was a hope for her.
The appeal trial was in the centre of media attention, cameras were everywhere on the way and in the court building, many journalists asked her questions on her way from the prison van to the courtroom, but her lawyer who already waited for her together with Anthony at the arrival asked her to remain silent. Alessandra in her prison shirtdress looked pretty and sexy presenting her legs up to the mid thighs and her breast nearly pushing out of the buttons (she slimed out a little due to stress an lack of appetite). Alessandra was happy and full of hopes when she saw Anthony, who kissed and embraced her before the entrance. The three moved to the courtroom surrounded by four guards. On the hearing, however, the things did not go as planned. The witnesses from the beauty contest company excluded a possibility of accessing the luggage by anyone as it came brand new and in factory packaging. The prosecutor drew the attention of the court to the fact that the micro traces of the same drug were present not only on the suspect’s clothes in the bag with the secret compartment but also on the clothes in her other luggage pieces and on her shoes. This was beyond doubt confirmed by the independent scientists from Sinkunk’s Polytechnic and foreign experts asked by the prosecutor to examine the evidences. This was the ultimate proof that Alessandra had access to the drug herself before flying into Sinkunk. The unconsciousness theory did not work at all. Alessandra tried to keep brave and steady when questioned in the witness box but a sob shook her body and she began to cry when she looked into panicked eyes of Anthony and her lawyer. When the court went on with the delivery of the definitive sentence, upholding the death penalty on her, frightened Alessandra started screaming asking Anthony to take her out of this country, he moved frantically towards her but was stopped by the guards, Alessandra was quickly handcuffed and hold by the prison guards. She was then removed from the courtroom and have not seen her name tag stroke out by the court clerk (she later have seen the scene on the TV).
Sobbing Alessandra was immediately transferred back to the prison and redirected to the death row cell. She cried continuously over two hours watched by two guardians being on her first suicide watch. It was still early afternoon when she heard the steady steps of four prison guards and officials at the doors of her cell. The thought that they are going to execute her immediately after the verdict had crossed her mind. It could not be that fast she thought though, but the cold stroke of fear run through her body and her stomach was nearly ready to be emptied. The court clerk entered the cell first, keeping in his hand a piece of paper which scared her ever more. The clerk however, only handed over to her the written death sentence, which Alessandra accepted calmly trembling a little, he explained that she still may write for a pardon. Together with the clerk a small man entered her cell. He introduced himself as the deputy warden of the prison and said that he in charge of the death row section. He then very gently explained that what happened in court was inacceptable by local standards and that it is his duty to react for Alessandra’s conduct at the courtroom this morning. Normally, a behaviour like this is classified as an offence comparable to obstruction of justice. If committed by an inmate it is subject to a severe corporal punishment of 20 to 40 lashes or of up to additional year of imprisonment. The deputy went further that in view of her present situation the court empowered him to decide about the actual delivery of the corporal punishment. It was the only possibility in her case, since the prolonged imprisonment was not applicable to the death row inmates. He was not in a position to spare her the punishment at all, but taking into account the circumstances he decided to punish her for adjunction petty offence at the announcement of the sentence, instead of the offence against justice. Moreover, he promised that she will not be lashed with canes for her all stay in the death row, but today on her arrival he is forced to inflict on her 5 lashes on her bare buttocks. Alessandra was shocked that a thing like that can actually happen, her reaction at the courtroom was indeed hysterical, but well justified. She said she is sorry for that reaction but she was frightened and had not known what to do when she heard it; her reaction was spontaneous. The warden said that it is good that she shows remorse, he said that it would also do good for her position if she would write an apologising letter to the court and allows it to be publicly announced, but anyway today is the day of her corporal punishment. The deputy warden’s explanation left her speechless for a while, she couldn’t move watching terrified at guards behind the deputy. The deputy pointed to two guards waiting outside. They shackled her hands in front of her and she was given a small leather stick to bite her teeth in, a similar thing she have already seen at Samantha’s ordeal. Once she gritted her teeth on the leather stick they secured it behind her head with thin cords. The taste of the leather was bitter and salty, Alessandra at that point realised that it had to be in long use before and probably never cleaned or disinfected. The last use, which probably was that of Samantha’s added her taste layer. She suddenly felt a strong gag reflex, saliva flowed from the corners of her mouth as she had difficulties with swallowing, she tried to spit the leather stick out of her mouth, she made a humming sound but the cords prevented the stick from moving out. Then she was very gently and slowly dragged out of her cell by two men and tied to the portable wooden hurdle with her bottom up, she could only think about the promise that the deputy made that this will be for the first and the last time of her stay. Her ankles were tied together with her wrists, her belly was on the hurdle. Her thick and long hair fell down, blurring her ability to see clearly what happened around, she could only see sad faces of Mui and Cheiko looking at her from behind barred doors of their cells. Quickly her dress was raised, panties pulled down and nude buttocks exposed. It was a pleasant sight, she came to Sinkunk with a fair overweight and a too fat bottom, now her booty’s curve was not too big, instead it was attractive and tempting, not to thin not too fat. Alessandra was nervously chewing the leather stick trying not to think about hygiene. The deputy warden followed her and kneeled at the level of her head, he gently caressed her cheek and hair and told her to be strong and that it will be over soon. Still stroking her hair and her exposed neck, he nodded to a guard with the cane, she felt humiliated like a dog receiving the unwelcome caress, but could do nothing about it. Alessandra received five strokes with the thin bamboo stick with the 5 seconds intervals after each hit. She squeaked after each stroke in response to the inflicted pain. The deputy warden was still kneeling besides her head and kept his hand on her neck. The strokes left five even, dark-pink marks but no blood was shed, tears ran down her cheeks and Alessandra was sobbing quietly. The deputy raised up, looked at her, still tied in an awkward position and inspected the marks on her booty, touching them with his hand. He put her panties up and said something to guards, she was untied from the hurdle and the guards hold her both arms helping her on her way back to the cell. The delicate touch of the same guard who had beaten her a while ago was confusing, Alessandra sobbed and went little floppy on her way back. Through the tears she saw Mui looking at her from behind the bars of her cell. Alessandra did lay on the bench in her cell with a groan and kept her butt up, she delicately pulled off her panties. The female guard on suicide watch approached her and told her that she will give her a comforting plaster on her wounds, she smiled on her and caressed her hair.
The cell was almost as big as the previous one, yet this time she was only one inmate and a female guard on a suicide watch was present around the clock. The walls on left and right-hand side were concrete, the doors and front wall from the corridor side were wholly barred as on the lower floors of the prison, the rear wall of the death row cell had the great barred window with the direct view on the prison’s yard. There were two seats in the cell – one constantly occupied by a suicide watch – a table, the TV set with the same contents as below in their common cell and a mirror with small washbasin below. The toilet was in a corner, separated by small screen to provide some privacy for the condemned woman, but keeping her visible for the watch. The female guards on the suicide watch were polite towards her but kept distant and formal. She was permitted to spend time with Cheiko and Mui on the wide corridor opposite the death row cells, but they were not allowed to go freely on the yard as other inmates and their floor was not accessible to them. They could only see the normal yard’s life through their barred windows. Alessandra sked for a possibility to see Samantha from time to time and it was granted, Samantha was allowed to spent time with Alessandra, Cheiko and Mui during their time on the corridor. They were talking a lot, Samantha tried to comfort them, but laugh was not heard too often. For Alessandra it was important to see Anthony, she was told that they were not allowed to see each other on private sessions anymore, instead Anthony could come and see her every day for an hour in the presence of the suicide watch in her death row cell. Anthony came to visit her every day at 5 PM, often passing by Samantha who around that time used to return to her floor as if she was the girl-next-door in the neighbourhood. For Alessandra his visits were the greatest part of each day. They usually hugged and kissed. He used to hugged her tightly, stroking her back, her hair and neck, it was sweet and calming. Alessandra told him what happened to her on the first day, he knew that already, because the footage from her punishment was made public, though he had not seen what was going on out of the camera range, about the warden who caressed her during the punishment and that he touched her buttocks afterwards. Anthony could only gave Alessandra a comforting kiss and a cuddle and said that he loved her and that she was brave.
The true
All three inmates were invited to write on the letter to the highest Council of Sinkunk for a pardon and Anthony encouraged Alessandra to do that so to use every possible chance to spare her. This was the first time when she spotted on Anthony’s head a strand of grey hair above his left ear.
Alessandra wrote the letter as did Mui and Cheiko, the warden told them that there are fair chances for at least one reprieve and it poured some hope into their hearts. Alessandra suffered intense pain at nights in the death row feeling disloyalty to her husband caused by not revealing him the whole truth, she indeed volunteered to became a drug mule with a view to quickly raise some money to match the level of wealth she thought be required to become accepted by Anthony’s conservative family. How stupid she was she could realise only in the situation she found herself; Anthony had not hesitated to marry her even in a jail with or without the approval of his parents – Alessandra had asked him about their reaction and Anthony explained that he actually did not asked about their point of view on the matter. He told though that they encouraged and supported him during his stay at Sinkunk. Alessandra tormented herself with thoughts that she had lost all chances for the happy life she had been expecting and that she was solely responsible for it. Every night she cried and deeply regret her wrongdoing, every morning she looked in a mirror seeing reddish eyes and trying to make her face looked comfortable at Anthony’s quotidian evening visit. She decided to confess to Anthony her crime and was surprised that he accepted her explanation calmly. He then had hold her for a long time in his arms, he felt her chest moved by a rhythmic sobbing, and caressed her long hair trying to calm her down. Tears were rolling on Alessandra’s cheeks and every look he throw had deepen the cut in his hearth.
Five days
The answers from the high Sinkunk council arrived in two weeks and were finally unfavourable. Soon after the denial of pardon Alessandra and the Chinese girls received a death warrant appointing the execution in five days. Five days - that was the agenda of my life thought Alessandra, the bright part was that over four of her remaining days she could still see Anthony, at least. The death warrant informed her that the the time of execution is set at 5:30 PM, but the preparations start earlier at 5 PM. The warrant advised Alessandra to discuss funeral arrangements with her relatives and take care of her last will. She was informed that her husband received a formal information about the date of the execution too and that he could be present at the audience, if she agrees (this way Alessandra acquainted herself with the fact that there will be audience). Anthony received the official letter informing about the details of his wife’s execution the same day. It stated the date, time and place of the execution. In the letter he was advised that he might claim the body already on the same day, about an hour after the time of the execution, which was scheduled at 5:30 PM and that he might be present during the procedure as the observer, if his wife agrees. There was a warning that the executions are public, some audience is allowed on the spot and the event is broadcasted. If present at the audience, he must obey the strict rule of silence, the attendants are not allowed to speak or articulate any voice or noise under severe punishments including imprisonment and several lashes. It stated that he might also see his wife on the day of the execution at 8.30 AM, the scheduled time and the visit is limited to 30 minutes. He then will be able to see her body in the morgue and file in the paperwork necessary to claim the body. The letter emphasised that the body will be handed over naked, so he should arrange some clothes before claiming it and a coffin for transport. He will be given 30 minutes at the morgue to wash her and put the clothes on the body. The trolley will be available for use to transport the coffin at the prison. The authorities at prison also offered an option to cremate the body, which would spare him the hassle with transporting it on his own. Anthony did not share the details of this horrid message with Alessandra, but asked her to allow him to be present. “You will be the only one loving and thoughtful person on the public that day” - she said and agreed nodding her pretty face, at least she could look in his loving eyes just before her death she thought.
The same day in the evening, when Anthony left, Alessandra was unexpectedly visited by the deputy warden and asked whether she would agree to give an interview to the local TV. It was strange, but she learned that there was a substantial fee involved which she could leave to Anthony to partially cover the enormous cost of her defence and his stay in Sinkunk for several months. After some hesitation she agreed, she told that Anthony next day and although he opposed initially, he agreed too, thinking that this could be the last footage of her he could keep seeing when she is gone.
Four days
The journalists crew came in the morning on the fourth day before the execution. Alessandra was nervous, she made her hair up in a bun, it looked a little messy without the hairspray, she could only secure it with a bungee secretly borrowed from an older female guard who had a watch that day. The journalist was a woman in late thirties wearing a grey formal dress and a well-tailored black jacket. She had a short circled pearl necklace and pearl drop earrings, impeccable short bob hair style, high heels, pantyhose, and self-confidence of young woman with her career ahead confirmed by a Mona-Lisa’s smile. A perfect contrast to Alessandra nervously counting time, waiting for her life to be cut just in few days, with her lips unintentionally twisted downwards. The journalist asked about her life to-date, then about her motive to come to Sinkunk, Alessandra was happy to share her story of the contest (she said it was a beauty contest) and her unexpected caught at the airport, she uphold her story that she was framed, she also said how grateful she is to Anthony and that she loved him as much as she could, she would be happy to spend more time with him. At the end of the interview Alessandra broke down and started to cry, the conversation with a perfectly dressed journalist aided her realise what kind of life she was losing. The TV interview attracted wide audience around the world. Not always you can see a conversation with a young girl condemned to die as a drug mule. The journalist made this clear, in her off screen commentary, she explained that the evidences were very strong and no doubts existed as to the fact that Alessandra was a drug mule indeed.
The same day on the afternoon she was unexpectedly visited by a professional hairdresser. It came out a bit as a surprise which Anthony arranged for her. The girls’ hairs were to be cut off according to the execution protocol with which Anthony was familiarized by the lawyer. He knew that Alessandra would appreciate if her hair will be taken care of. Cheiko and Mui’s hairs had also been arranged to be cut by prison personnel. Alessandra was asked by the two guards to sit and her hands and legs were tied to the chair with plastic tie strips - it was a precaution, as one of the guards explained. The guards stayed in her cell and looked at her as the hairdresser did the job, the suicide watch guard was looking at her too. For Alessandra it was a strange experience – for the first time (and for the las time – it had crossed her mind) she was fastened to the chair during hairdressing. The hairdresser - a Chinese woman in her forties - cut her long hairs with the true scissors instead of electric razor usually experienced by inmates at such occasions. Alessandra could not say too much on the length of the cut, it had to be low and short haircut. The hairdresser proposed for her the short bob with fringe bangs, well above the shoulders, leaving her neck exposed and the top section a bit longer around the hairline, especially around the ears. It looked good albeit Alessandra still had tears in her eyes viewing her long hairs landing on the floor. The hairdresser’s services were also proposed to Mui and Cheiko as well, Anthony arranged that they may choose the professional hairdresser paid by him, if they wish, instead the razor in prison’s guard hand. The girls gratefully agreed for this option. Mui picked the short pixie style, Cheiko with her round face preferred short bob similar to Alessandra. The hairdresser also proposed to do manicure and pedicure work on nails and toes, this was also proposal for all the girls. They were allowed to seat together on the corridor and have their treatment of nails and toes. Alessandra picked up a juicy, pleasing to the eye deep red colour for her nails and toes. That day Alessandra showed her new hairstyle to Anthony during his daily afternoon visit. She spun around her axis, Anthony said he loves her new look. He also admired her hands and toes. They spent most of time hugged and kissing each other under the visual surveillance of the suicide watch guard. Anthony did for her also a relaxing foot massage and said that she picked up adorable clour.
Three days
On the third day before the execution some more preparations started. The girls were shackled and escorted to the photo room, Alessandra was given a small table with her name and details about her, her crime and that she is condemned for drug smuggling to be hanged, she was instructed to keep it in front of her while pictures are taken. The pictures were taken from the front, left and right side on the background of a banner with height measurement in feet and inches. Then the girls were weighed, the results were programmed into their stickers by a smiling nurse in a white smock holding a scanner. Alessandra was surprised to see only 128 pounds on the scale instead of 155 she had before. She had not been eaten too much in the prison, the stress and lack of appetite caused her to slim out, she looked lovely with her big boobs thin arms and big eyes, Anthony kept telling her that, but she considered it to be a courtesy. In fact the pain she went through added her dignity, while the loss of appetite made her shape marvellous. In the room there was also a thin and tall man with a moustache wearing a black suit in contrast to the nurse’s white gown. He held in his right hand an elastic measuring tape he raised his hand with the tape as if it was a self-explanatory to the girls. He approached slowly to Alessandra stopped behind her and measured her neck carefully with the tape, then he handed the tape to the nurse and touched her neck with his hands for a while, he also touched her shoulders checking on the muscles. His gently but firm touch was almost pleasurable. He then took the tape again, measured the head circumference placing the measuring tape at height of the forehead, around Alessandra’s head, above her eyebrows. He told the nurse the numbers, the nurse entered the numbers into the scanner and touched the sticker on Alessandra’s left breast to connect the outcomes with her. The same procedure was then repeated with the Chinese girls. Alessandra slowly realised that this man could be her executioner, she have not seen him before amongst the personnel, but she did not dare to ask this. Later on she learned that the measure of the neck was necessary to match the loop circuit while the head circumference was necessary to prepare the fitted hood. The execution protocol required to have tightly fitted hood on the condemned head to see afterwards, if she was still breathing after the drop. Alessandra heard that later on from the older female guard who used to borrow her the hair bungee for the interview with the journalist.
Two days
Two days before, the prison’s technical crew prepared the scaffold, on which three hemp ropes were fixed. They also started to build wooden tribunes for the observers and the railings before the gallows and the tribunes. The yard was temporary excluded from the normal use and all inmates could watch the preparations through barred windows of their cells. The trapdoors were checked few times. Each time Alessandra was jumping up on her seat hearing the ghastly sound of the release mechanism and the trapdoor smashing the wall. She cried convulsively on Anthony’s arm that evening.
The day ahead
The day before the execution Alessandra could watch the rehearsal with the three sand bags. The sandbags were quite tall reassembling rather the boxing punching bags. The TV crews were allowed to broadcast the test. The wooden tribunes were already erected opposite to the scaffold and the guards dragged in the sandbags each weighing as much as each condemned girl – as the as the elderly female guard on the suicide watch explained to Alessandra – who starred her eyes observing the dry run. It’s me that sandbag thought Alessandra to herself looking at the tallest one on the right end. The nooses were soon secured on the upper part of the sandbags, the guards kept the sandbags on both sides with one hand, the second hand each guard held on to the grip handle dandling from the top beam next to the rope. Traps were released one by one with 10 maybe 15 seconds delay, and the sandbags fell one after another with the loud thud of the trapdoors hitting the concrete wall. The ropes stopped the run of sandbags making a creaking sound after not so long way down as Alessandra noticed. A horrifying feeling had been raising in her stomach. As she might have seen, each sandbag felt approximately 2-3 feet below the level of the scaffold’s floor. “Her” sandbag stopped at little below than the “waist” level. It will suffice explained the guard, Alessandra hid her face in her hands, a sobbing had shaken her body, the guard moved her gently from the barred window and made her sit on a bench. How have I found myself in a situation like this she thought to herself. This day she had a final visit of Anthony. It was a heart breaking event. Alessandra thanked him for all good he made for her. Anthony was devastated, he explained that he simply could not save her despite enormous effort, he hold her in her arms for a long time until the suicide watch told him to go. Tomorrow he would see her dying and will collect her lifeless body from the morgue - a horrific thought had crossed his mind.
That day
The protocol demanded the execution to finish at dawn, so Alessandra had almost all day to come at peace and acceptance. She did not, though. She was nervous, she sobbed from time to time, cried and fearfully walked in her cell from one end to another. She refused a dose of sedatives that the suicide watch offered to her. She wrote a letter to Anthony once again explaining everything and thanking for his love and attention. Finally she sat and waited. She could not concentrate on anything, she watched a TV set on the wall showing prison from outside inside and some preparations on the pit and the audience gathering in front entrance. Earlier that day she briefly saw Anthony they hugged and cried together and she still felt the sense of his scent on her hands, it had calming effect on her. The execution was scheduled at 5:30 PM. Around 5 PM she heard the steps on the corridor it made pulsing every nerve in her stomach and neck. The deputy warden and six men appeared on the other side of the bars. Alessandra got up from the chair too quick knocking it over to the floor. Amid the metallic sound of the fallen chair she pulled backward to the corner of the cell near barred window, her frightened eyesight was directed at the guards. The gate opened and two men entered the cell while the deputy warden and remaining men went further to the next cell. The guards approached Alessandra who turned her head and closed her eyes, her fear almost pumped the air in between, she moaned quietly something like long, suppliant “no, please”. They gently took her arms from both sides and moved her to the centre of the cell. One of the guards stood in front of her and put his hands on her upper arms watching directly in her face, another one went on her back, grabbed her forearms and in one motion moved them behind her. When doing that Alessandra’s palm accidently touched his manhood being too close behind her, she immediately clenched her fists, though she felt that it was erected. She recalled her meetings with Anthony when she used to kneeling in front of him with his manhood in her mouth when he used to hold her head caressing her long hair an gently directing her head. She was brought back to the reality by the guard in front of her who touched her left boob – she initially thought it was accidental, then she realised it was not. He lowered the left sleeve of her shirtdress and undid the top two buttons. Instinctively she stepped back as if something hot has had touched her and was immediately stopped by the guard staying behind her. “Miss, the code on your sticker must be easily visible” – said the guard in front – continuing to undid the next two buttons. “Besides” – he continued his explanation slowly – “there is a custom for condemned women to wear this during her ‘walk of shame’ to the execution place”, he produced a petty metal bell. “It must be attached to the left nipple of the condemned woman” said the guard from her back. The one in front rang the bell in front of Alessandra’s face. He bared her left boob completely touching it around and started to slowly massage and screw her left nipple waiting for it to grow a little, then he hold it between two fingers and wrapped the nipple with the adhesive tape and attached to it the petty copper bell. Finally, he snapped the top of her breast to check how the bell sounds. Alessandra whimpered in pain, not being prepared for such an ordeal, but was firmly held by the guard on her back who at that moment crossed and pinioned her hands behind her with a leather strap and fastened them tightly. She moaned quietly. Her arms arched backwards and it made her breasts moved forward, her left boob protruded invitingly in front and the bell rang quietly causing a laugh of the guards. The guard behind her bent and started to wrap a black, plastic tape about two inches over her knees, he fastened it tight with a plastic buckle so she could walk, taking tiny steps, but certainly she could not run or kick someone. The mid thighs tape reassembled the self-supporting stockings and Alessandra imagined that she must have looked very sexy being so tightly tied behind with her tit naked, the mid thighs wrapped with a black elastic tape and a small bell dandling from her left nipple. The guards were ready to move, they slowly dragged her outside the cell and stopped. Alessandra watched the cameras carefully taping her and Chinese girls who also were dragged out of their cells pinioned, taped at the thigh level and having bells attached to their tinny left breasts.
The execution party was ready to go; the deputy warden made the last inspection and rushed in front. The girls could not walk too fast being tightly restrained at their mid thighs, so they were making tiny steps on the corridor, carefully observed by automatic cameras on their way, they stepped down on the stairs three floors down, being watched by the strangely silent inmates at their cells, many girls watching them wept silently. The bells on condemned women nipples’ were ringing, Alessandra had an impression that two guards holding her arms on both sides shake her a little from time to time, just to hear the bell ring. Weeping and crying inmates watching the scene had contagious effect on the condemned girls, when slowly they reached the Prison’s yard all three were crying and moaning, tears falling down their cheeks. The TV crews taped each their move and cameras made close-ups of their faces. In contrast to that horrible humiliation Alessandra decided to keep her head up and body straight, she was searching Anthony in the crowd on the tribunes, but could not see him, the audience consisted mostly men, surprisingly many of them white and making an impression that they came from all around the world. Tickets must have been expensive thought Alessandra looking at fine clothes and watches of the audience. On the audience there were also a lot of females, many of them young, well dressed and wearing jewellery, necklaces, hats and sunglasses for the afternoon sun rays were bright and sharp that day. Alessandra was surprised to see in the front row of the audience three generations of women evidently of the same family. The elderly but still well shaped grandma smiled gently at her. Next to the grandma was the middle age daughter with bright long hair and a granddaughter all of them elaborately costumed in fancy, same style, white silk dresses with elegant black buttons and wearing the silk tiny gloves. They looked at her with interest and anticipation as she was passing by. Alessandra wearing the short orange shirtdress with the left boob jiggling around and bell ringing and elastic band restricting her mid thighs caught the eye of the audience much more than the upper class ladies in their elegant dresses! The audience was silent, the sound of three bells rang was arrhythmical as each of condemned were making tinny steps, Alessandra tried to look for Anthony but could do nothing to prevent her gaze concentrating on the gallows. She stared off into the crowd but didn’t seem to see anything. The piercing sight of three dandling nooses was so devastating, that she could see nothing besides, she shook her head with crying face left and right, seeing nothing around anymore but the nooses and the tall moustache man who the other day took her neck’s and head’s measurements. Now he was patiently waiting on top of the gallows stairs.
Before climbing up on the stairs an elderly female guard who watched Alessandra in her death row cell approached and scanned her bar code sticker (easily visible) above her left breast. She saw the outcome on the scanner, nodded her head and handed over a black fabric piece to the guard. She said something and moved her head up pointing to the gallows.
The stairs were too narrow to accommodate three people, so Alessandra was assisted by the guard on her right, leaving her left side exposed to the sight of cameras and audience. She was slowly escalating to the top of the stairs with her bared left boob and ringing petite bell on her nipple. She still tried to keep her head up, and had her mid thighs restrained, so she made a few false steps on the stairs making few extra sounds of the bell. Her face was wet of tears and her frightened eyes contrasted with her straight posture. When she reached the top she was a little confused. The trapdoors were marked with the numbers, she tried to go further on the gallows to the last trapdoor numbered as 3, but was stopped by the guard at the first noose closest to the stairs, at the trapdoor number 1. The condemned girls following her on the stairs were slowly passing by Alessandra and were heading to the next nooses. Mui was stopped at the trapdoor marked with 2 and Cheiko on the last one marked with 3.
At the gallows Alessandra was hold by two guards from each side, she looked through the loop of the noose, she was caught by cameras when she turned her big eyes upwards and moved her head a little away from the loop. She still had not seen Anthony among many faces of the audience, tears were falling down her cheeks and she glanced helplessly to the left and to the right as if desperately looking for the rescue of the knight on the white horse. She instinctively pushed backward her upper part of the body to distance herself as far as possible from the noose but was firmly held by the guards. One of the guards bent, crossed her feet and bound them together with a short leather belt at the ankles level. Having her legs bonded in ”x” shape she could hardly kept a balance and had to rely more on the support of two guards holding her arms. She throw a look to her right, at Mui who waited next to her also looking at Alessandra with terror in her black eyes. At that moment Alessandra’s thoughts went to the sequence of upcoming events that were to occur in following minutes. At the rehearsal, that she observed through the window of her cell she saw that the sandbags were dropped separately one after another, so either she or Cheiko would be the first one to go, probably her as she was standing on the trapdoor marked as 1. She looked down fearfully. Apparently Mui thought the same starring at her. Alessandra turned her head to Cheiko, who also was looking at them. Cheiko looked at Alessandra for a short while but abruptly turned her sight down when she felt that her legs were crossed and bounded. Both Cheiko and Mui too were held firmly by the guards, Alessandra saw as Mui and Cheiko legs were crossed and bounded together at the ankles level with the leather straps. The silence of the scene was so overwhelming that she could hear the creak of the leather belts being fastened at Cheiko’s and Mui’s ankles. The man with the moustache approached Cheiko and stand in front of her, he produced another leather belt which was this time fastened at her elbow level below her breast. When the belt was tightened and fastened her elbows arched unnaturally inside toward her back while her breast stretched forward. Cheiko starred at him with her frightened, weeping eyes, she said something in Chinese which sounded to Alessandra as begging, the moustache man just whispered something in response lowering his voice. The guard next to Cheiko handed over a black hood to the moustache man, with his hand he flatten her hair on top of her head and slowly covered her head and face with the hood. The hood was made of thin elastic fabric, it adhered exactly to the features of her face, Alessandra could recognise Cheiko’s eye sockets with her eyes closed, her cheeks, nose and mouth, the front of the hood soon became wet of tears. The hood was short it ended just below the chin leaving the throat and the neck barred and exposed. The moustache man slowly placed the noose on Cheiko’s neck. When all was ready he bent and unlocked the security lock in front of the trap, at that moment hearing the metallic sound of the lock Cheiko shifted nervously back and moaned, she was stopped by her guards and urged to stand on the middle of the trapdoor. The moustache man stood up and approached the wooden stick with a knob on Cheiko’s right side and put both hands on it. Both guards holding Cheiko’s arms moved apart and grabbed the handles that swayed from the wooden bar above. Alessandra and Mui watched this in growing fear. The scene was so horrid that Alessandra started trembling, her jaw opened, eyes were growing. The moustache man looked at Cheiko once more and with a fast move swung the wooden stick, the trapdoor opened and hit the wall behind with a loud sound, Cheiko’s body rushed down fast but was abruptly stopped by the rope about three feet down. Alessandra could see as her head twisted making a horrible sound of broken neck bone accompanied by the last rings of the nipple bell. Both Alessandra and Mui jumped up Alessandra closed her eyes. When she opened them she saw the audience through her loop, everyone was looking at Cheiko’s body swinging on the rope in complete silence. At that time she spotted Anthony he was the only one who was not looking at Cheiko, he was looking at her. He was seated in the left upper part of the audience, so she have not seen him when she entered the pit. He was moving his mouth without articulating words “I love you” and hold his hand on his hearth. “I love you too” whispered Alessandra and send him a bitter smile. She was looking at him from that point on for all her remaining time, she barely noticed what was happening to Mui. Meanwhile, the moustache man approached Mui, he fastened belt at her elbows. Alessandra heard that Mui said something in Chinese crying and sobbing but she hold her eyes on Anthony who had been whispering to her the most beautiful words ever told, she was not sure due to the distance, but she saw tears flowing from his eyes too. She had heard, the already known parts of the protocol this time applied to Mui. The leather belts on her elbows was tightened making a creaking noise, the hood was put on her head, Mui started to breathe a little faster and heavier, a rustle of the rope placed on Mui’s delicate neck. All this time Allesandra had been still eyeing Anthony, she had been trembling a bit, she blinked when she heard a metallic sound of the security lock at Mui’s trapdoor. She then abruptly frowned and closed her eyes for few seconds when she heard a loud crack of the trapdoor hitting the wall and the swung as the body dropped. Finally she heard the crunching sound of broken and twisted neck and an unpleasant squeak of rope swaying from the wooden beam and the hateful sound of the bell ringing.
The moustache man approached now to her she just picked up on the top of her tiptoes and moved forward beside the noose to keep the clear visual link with Anthony while the moustache man was fastening the leather belt on her elbows. The moustache man tightened the elbows towards her back so hard that she jerked and groaned. When the hood was placed Allessandra’s vision blurred, she tried to keep her eyes open, she starred sightlessly into the darkness for a while before she screwed her eyes shut. The hood was fitted well, she felt that it tightly surrounded her head making close contact with her face. Then she felt the rope on her head and neck, the moustache man positioned the knot under her left jaw, the contact with the hemp was unpleasant, Alessandra’s heart bitten fast, she was breathing heavilly. Suddenly she felt the smell of urine and the moisture on her right thigh, then she heard the slashing sound when the fluid reached the floor. Her white panties and front of the shirtdress under her belly was wet. She then heard the metallic sound of the lock, and felt that the grip of hands on her arms loosened, then the guards let her go to stand alone for a second. When the trapdoor missed from below her, she dropped few feet down and felt unbearable pain in her arms but not too much squeeze on her throat.
The TV journalist who interviewed her few days ago and, in the TV studio, was commenting the execution for the TV audience immediately spotted that something went wrong, she said that she can’t see it right - “but something horrible had happened, the white girl is still alive, she swings and torsions on the rope, but the loop does not tightens”. The journalist continued her comment “the girl is swinging on the rope making the gurgling and wheezing sounds, this indicates that she still gets the air”. The prison’s staff appeared to be confused, the nurse present at the execution in her white professional outfit approached Alessandra and observed her for a minute then asked the closest guard to come and pull her down, but the guard shook his head and refused, apparently the execution protocol had not been prepared for such an event. The guards were supposed not touch the victim, until dead. The scene lasted already more than a minute – a time normally sufficient for the condemned went limp. The guards hold Anthony who was on his way screaming that they should let her go free. Alessandra was conscious all the time, she immediately realised that something went wrong and that moving does not help her, so she stopped twisting, especially that the squeeze of the rope was not very painful. She felt that her body’s weight was uphold by her arms. The deputy warden finally appeared on the spot and ordered to take Anthony outside to the waiting room. The warden looked at his watch and ordered to wait the quarter of hour prescribed by the law. The public was hushed down by guards. Gradually the silence was coming back, the whole audience looked in tension to a white girl still alive contrary to the circumstances. The same family three generation of women were intensively digesting the unexpected event. Alessandra remained calm. She feared of a slow agony, she was afraid that the loop eventually squeeze her throat and she would experience a slow and convulsing death. Her steady, but nervous breathing was easily visible, her chest moved regularly and there was a delicate movement of her mouth, visible under the thin fabric of the hood, indicating that she was still breathing. While every one was looking at Alessandra, the nurse came back to her duties, she unbuttoned Cheiko’s shirtdress, lowered her sleeves down and started to listen her bare chest with the stethoscope. She then moved to Mui, unbuttoned and lowered sleeves and bared her tiny breast, for a while the audience attention moved to bared breasts of the dead girls swinging gently on the ropes. After the prescribed 15 minutes Alessandra heard steps of two persons who approached her, someone unbuttoned her shirtdress and lowered it little below her elbows exposing chest and breasts. The nurse with the stethoscope approached and formally touched her chest right to her left boob. She looked at the deputy warden and shook her head. Alessandra felt a slow motion down. The two guards assisted Alessandra when she was taken down on the rope. When she touched the ground they had to hold her firm. She then had been partially unbound by the guards, the leather belts were taken off her elbows and ankles, but her hands were still crossed and bound and the elastic tape remained on her thighs. The hood was taken off, she saw the sunlight, that she was never expected to see again, and that all made her hysterical, she suddenly escaped forward from the hands of two guards, but the elastic tape on her thighs restrained her movement, she bent in half and shook all her body to the left and to the right, escaped forward and fallen on the sand of the prison’s yard. She was raised and kept firmly by four guards. In the meantime the warden ordered to empty the closest cell on the ground level and she was taken there. She was seated on the bench and a cold water was given to her by the elderly matron who earlier scanned her sticker. After 15 minutes the warden appeared again in front of her and said that the procedure must be repeated. He apologised and explained that during the previous try, the rope was erroneously flopped under her arm while the leather belt was fastened on her elbows. She looked at the guards and the warden with utter misunderstanding, her eyes carried a mixture of shock and barely contained anger, she asked to see Anthony and her lawyer. The warden disagreed explaining that her execution is already heavily delayed, they waited for her to calm down and now it is time to proceed with the execution. Alessandra raised from the bench, started screaming and called Anthony to help her. This time she was so desperate that she had to be gripped by four guards before leaving the cell, at the yard she tried to break out attracting the vivid interest of the audience and cameras. She screamed, jerked and twitched, her breasts remained bare and were now flopping loosely. Again she saw the noose – this time only one ready to accommodate her. Her eyes were wide spread when she saw a scene as from a frantic movie, the bodies of Cheiko an Mui were now bared to the half and the nurse with the stethoscope was standing next to Mui’s bare chest, Alessandra had not seen what happened next as she was pulled up the gallows stairs. When she was up, she saw the noose and that made her calmed down a little. Two guards hold her arms, one guard bent, crossed her feet and tied them with a leather belt, another leather belt was then quickly fastened on her elbows, again it made her moaning loudly. The moustache man covered her head with the hood and placed a noose on her neck, Alessandra had been breathing rapidly and shallowly the bell at her nipple was ringing all the time, the tension in the audience has grown to the utmost; they knew that the history had been made in their presence. Alessandra heard familiar sound of the security lock and then it was silence. Alessandra felt the grip of two guards on both her arms has gradually eased up. Then the silence was rapidly broken by sound of opened trapdoor. Alessandra felt sudden emptiness under her feet. She has fallen down instantly, her bare breasts went up while she was falling down, then there was a loud sound of the trapdoor and crunchy, unpleasant sound of cracked neck, Alessandra was already in the darkness, she went unconscious, finally hung quietly with her head down.
The crowd on the tribunes looked the scene astonished. Indeed the tickets’ prices were cosmic this time, but everyone was satisfied. The three generation women were all amazed, their panties were wet from an massive orgasms experienced thanks to the show and ball vibes in their vaginas. The show was though not ending yet. The prison’s crew was now to take down the bodies. Before doing that another 15 minutes had to pass before Alessandra’s body could be examined by the nurse, this time it already was clear that the execution was completed successfully, the hood did not move, Alessandra’s chest was still. However, the prescribed 15 minutes had to be observed. During that time, the personnel untied hands and elbow belts and took off the shirt dresses and panties from Cheiko’s and Mui’s bodies. Their hoods were also taken off showing peaceful faces, albeit after a prolonged swaying on the ropes their necks stretched for about an inch into a “goose” throats, the cameras and audience could admire the pretty young bodies for a while before the leather belt and thigh band restrains were removed. After the lapse of prescribed time, the nurse approached Alessandra’s body and examined her chest trying to listen to any sound, but it remained silent. She slowly took off ALessanra’s hood and stepped back nervously, Alessandra’s eyes were opened and starred at her with the strangled expression, the left eye was turned downward. The guards removed her restraints shirtdress and panties, the audience could see her in frontal nudity now. Her bushy pussy attracted a lot of attention and comments. The bodies were left for a while for the public to satisfy their eyesight, then the prison personnel towed in the body trolley and first the Cheiko’s body was cut off together with the noose on the neck stuck deep into the skin and was transferred to the morgue, then Mui and Alessandra bodies were processed.
Anthony was devastated by the turn out of the events, he recovered only after about two hours. He was treated very politely by the prison personnel, he got few cups of tea and was apologised by the deputy warden. He then was invited to collect his wife’s body. He saw it in the morgue on the cold steel table, naked and uncovered. He washed her with a sponge and soap, washed her hair and kissed her cold mouth several times. He used the surgical scissors to cut the noose. He did not close her eyes, he preferred her face with her eyes staring at him. Finally he dressed her in fancy lingerie, garter belt and stockings, an elegant top and skirt, high heel shoes and put on her head a small elegant hat. He then painted her lips with lipstick and did some makeup to cover the traces of the noose around her neck. Finally he put on her face the sunglasses and asked the funeral house personnel to place her into the coffin. Then they left the Chi prison.
On Alessandra’s funeral Anthony met Samantha again, they started to see each other, Samantha used to tell Anthony the last moment of Alessandra’s life they spent together in the Chi prison. Samantha knew that man like Anthony is a treasure and made everything to keep his interest in her. Several months later Anthony married Samantha and for their honeymoon they decided to go to Moqurovia – a sunny remote islands on the Pacific ocean…
The end
This is my first story – the second part. Hope you enjoy it. All characters are over 20. The story is pure fictitious, any resemblance to anyone is random.
“The frightened three” Part 2
The appeal
The days were passing by, and finally the time has come to Mui and Cheiko appeal hearing. Alessandra could watch the trial on the TV screen mounted on the wall in their cell. Usually, the screen showed a stream of stupid and boring soap operas interrupted by commercials and occasionally news albeit about nothing really important, barely any politics, some crimes but mostly trivia. Stories of the new born local Siam twins occupied the screen for weeks. The Prison’s authorities authorised only this one soap opera channel, and they occasionally used the screen to communicate some internal rules. The inmates have had no control over the TV sets in their cells. The sets turned on automatically at 9AM and went down at 10 PM each day; the only thing the inmates could do about it was to turn it on and off and lower or increase the speaker’s loudness. The channel allowed in the Chi Prison was thus a badly boring stuff, but apparently even they were interested in showing the death penalty announcement on the two local girls. The visible sign to demonstrate that the drug offences are punished in an exemplary manner. And there Alessandra saw Cheiko and Mui with their hands cuffed in front, when they heard the judgment convincing them to be hanged, she did not understand a word but the look of the tears falling from the terrifying, widely open eyes of Cheiko and Mui. The harsh voice of the commentator was self-explanatory. The camera focused on the court clerk who approached the condemned bench and crossed out the name tags in front of Cheiko and Mui. The channel went on to comment on the judgment and the shots showing the faces of the two frightened girls were repeated several times. When the victims came back to their common cell Alessandra hugged them and started to cry with them. They cried until late evening. The TV channel was repeatedly coming back to the scene at the court so they decided to shut it down. They kept it off for few days until the channel went back to the usual content. Some days later Cheiko and Mui were transferred to the separate death row cells on the floor above. It was a prison’s protocol to keep the condemned inmates separately under constant surveillance. They were now subjected to the 24 hours suicide watch with a women guard in the cell constantly looking at the inmate. They were not allowed anymore to meet at the yard, instead the death row cells were situated on the corridor with a spacious walking area and separate toilets and bathrooms. These were available only to the death row inmates. Alessandra hugged the girls for the farewell, correctly predicting that they just wanted a comforting kiss and a cuddle, she was not aware yet that she will be joining them soon. On that day Alessandra received a small token from Mui and Cheiko, a strange symmetric sign which as they explained was named “his-his” a symbol of double luck. Alessandra smiled nervously looking at the sign, she will be needing it, she knew.
Alessandra continued to meet her beloved husband each Saturday. She became more “natural” girl during her stay in prison. The prison authorities have not provided any depilation detergents or razors or anything that could help to remove armpit or pubic hair. Fortunately for Alessandra, she never had a problem with hairs on her legs. Her steady growing pubic and armpit hair were as Anthony told her very feminine and he said he liked her like that even more. It turned to be a sexy spice to their meetings that he was very fond of. Anthony talked frequently to her lawyer preparing her for the upcoming appeal hearing. He spared no means to achieve the release for Alessandra or at least spare her from the worst. Alessandra felt safe and loved when she was hugged by him. At a meeting a week after Chinese girls’ transfer to the death row cell Anthony looked anxious and worried, he told Alessandra that the lawyer expects summons to her appeal trial anytime soon. Indeed few days later the guard brought a letter stating the time and place of the appeal hearing and informing her that she will be transferred there and back by the prison van.
Before the appeal hearing Alessandra met her lawyer. He told her that their strategy was based on proving the very probable attempt to abuse her as an unconscious drug mule. It was easy to arrange a secret compartment in her luggage which someone could emptied after her arrival to the hotel since every stage of her trip was known to a wider circle of organizers of the “beauty” contest (a she put it), staff and reporters. The plot seemed well suited and the lawyer told there was a hope for her.
The appeal trial was in the centre of media attention, cameras were everywhere on the way and in the court building, many journalists asked her questions on her way from the prison van to the courtroom, but her lawyer who already waited for her together with Anthony at the arrival asked her to remain silent. Alessandra in her prison shirtdress looked pretty and sexy presenting her legs up to the mid thighs and her breast nearly pushing out of the buttons (she slimed out a little due to stress an lack of appetite). Alessandra was happy and full of hopes when she saw Anthony, who kissed and embraced her before the entrance. The three moved to the courtroom surrounded by four guards. On the hearing, however, the things did not go as planned. The witnesses from the beauty contest company excluded a possibility of accessing the luggage by anyone as it came brand new and in factory packaging. The prosecutor drew the attention of the court to the fact that the micro traces of the same drug were present not only on the suspect’s clothes in the bag with the secret compartment but also on the clothes in her other luggage pieces and on her shoes. This was beyond doubt confirmed by the independent scientists from Sinkunk’s Polytechnic and foreign experts asked by the prosecutor to examine the evidences. This was the ultimate proof that Alessandra had access to the drug herself before flying into Sinkunk. The unconsciousness theory did not work at all. Alessandra tried to keep brave and steady when questioned in the witness box but a sob shook her body and she began to cry when she looked into panicked eyes of Anthony and her lawyer. When the court went on with the delivery of the definitive sentence, upholding the death penalty on her, frightened Alessandra started screaming asking Anthony to take her out of this country, he moved frantically towards her but was stopped by the guards, Alessandra was quickly handcuffed and hold by the prison guards. She was then removed from the courtroom and have not seen her name tag stroke out by the court clerk (she later have seen the scene on the TV).
Sobbing Alessandra was immediately transferred back to the prison and redirected to the death row cell. She cried continuously over two hours watched by two guardians being on her first suicide watch. It was still early afternoon when she heard the steady steps of four prison guards and officials at the doors of her cell. The thought that they are going to execute her immediately after the verdict had crossed her mind. It could not be that fast she thought though, but the cold stroke of fear run through her body and her stomach was nearly ready to be emptied. The court clerk entered the cell first, keeping in his hand a piece of paper which scared her ever more. The clerk however, only handed over to her the written death sentence, which Alessandra accepted calmly trembling a little, he explained that she still may write for a pardon. Together with the clerk a small man entered her cell. He introduced himself as the deputy warden of the prison and said that he in charge of the death row section. He then very gently explained that what happened in court was inacceptable by local standards and that it is his duty to react for Alessandra’s conduct at the courtroom this morning. Normally, a behaviour like this is classified as an offence comparable to obstruction of justice. If committed by an inmate it is subject to a severe corporal punishment of 20 to 40 lashes or of up to additional year of imprisonment. The deputy went further that in view of her present situation the court empowered him to decide about the actual delivery of the corporal punishment. It was the only possibility in her case, since the prolonged imprisonment was not applicable to the death row inmates. He was not in a position to spare her the punishment at all, but taking into account the circumstances he decided to punish her for adjunction petty offence at the announcement of the sentence, instead of the offence against justice. Moreover, he promised that she will not be lashed with canes for her all stay in the death row, but today on her arrival he is forced to inflict on her 5 lashes on her bare buttocks. Alessandra was shocked that a thing like that can actually happen, her reaction at the courtroom was indeed hysterical, but well justified. She said she is sorry for that reaction but she was frightened and had not known what to do when she heard it; her reaction was spontaneous. The warden said that it is good that she shows remorse, he said that it would also do good for her position if she would write an apologising letter to the court and allows it to be publicly announced, but anyway today is the day of her corporal punishment. The deputy warden’s explanation left her speechless for a while, she couldn’t move watching terrified at guards behind the deputy. The deputy pointed to two guards waiting outside. They shackled her hands in front of her and she was given a small leather stick to bite her teeth in, a similar thing she have already seen at Samantha’s ordeal. Once she gritted her teeth on the leather stick they secured it behind her head with thin cords. The taste of the leather was bitter and salty, Alessandra at that point realised that it had to be in long use before and probably never cleaned or disinfected. The last use, which probably was that of Samantha’s added her taste layer. She suddenly felt a strong gag reflex, saliva flowed from the corners of her mouth as she had difficulties with swallowing, she tried to spit the leather stick out of her mouth, she made a humming sound but the cords prevented the stick from moving out. Then she was very gently and slowly dragged out of her cell by two men and tied to the portable wooden hurdle with her bottom up, she could only think about the promise that the deputy made that this will be for the first and the last time of her stay. Her ankles were tied together with her wrists, her belly was on the hurdle. Her thick and long hair fell down, blurring her ability to see clearly what happened around, she could only see sad faces of Mui and Cheiko looking at her from behind barred doors of their cells. Quickly her dress was raised, panties pulled down and nude buttocks exposed. It was a pleasant sight, she came to Sinkunk with a fair overweight and a too fat bottom, now her booty’s curve was not too big, instead it was attractive and tempting, not to thin not too fat. Alessandra was nervously chewing the leather stick trying not to think about hygiene. The deputy warden followed her and kneeled at the level of her head, he gently caressed her cheek and hair and told her to be strong and that it will be over soon. Still stroking her hair and her exposed neck, he nodded to a guard with the cane, she felt humiliated like a dog receiving the unwelcome caress, but could do nothing about it. Alessandra received five strokes with the thin bamboo stick with the 5 seconds intervals after each hit. She squeaked after each stroke in response to the inflicted pain. The deputy warden was still kneeling besides her head and kept his hand on her neck. The strokes left five even, dark-pink marks but no blood was shed, tears ran down her cheeks and Alessandra was sobbing quietly. The deputy raised up, looked at her, still tied in an awkward position and inspected the marks on her booty, touching them with his hand. He put her panties up and said something to guards, she was untied from the hurdle and the guards hold her both arms helping her on her way back to the cell. The delicate touch of the same guard who had beaten her a while ago was confusing, Alessandra sobbed and went little floppy on her way back. Through the tears she saw Mui looking at her from behind the bars of her cell. Alessandra did lay on the bench in her cell with a groan and kept her butt up, she delicately pulled off her panties. The female guard on suicide watch approached her and told her that she will give her a comforting plaster on her wounds, she smiled on her and caressed her hair.
The cell was almost as big as the previous one, yet this time she was only one inmate and a female guard on a suicide watch was present around the clock. The walls on left and right-hand side were concrete, the doors and front wall from the corridor side were wholly barred as on the lower floors of the prison, the rear wall of the death row cell had the great barred window with the direct view on the prison’s yard. There were two seats in the cell – one constantly occupied by a suicide watch – a table, the TV set with the same contents as below in their common cell and a mirror with small washbasin below. The toilet was in a corner, separated by small screen to provide some privacy for the condemned woman, but keeping her visible for the watch. The female guards on the suicide watch were polite towards her but kept distant and formal. She was permitted to spend time with Cheiko and Mui on the wide corridor opposite the death row cells, but they were not allowed to go freely on the yard as other inmates and their floor was not accessible to them. They could only see the normal yard’s life through their barred windows. Alessandra sked for a possibility to see Samantha from time to time and it was granted, Samantha was allowed to spent time with Alessandra, Cheiko and Mui during their time on the corridor. They were talking a lot, Samantha tried to comfort them, but laugh was not heard too often. For Alessandra it was important to see Anthony, she was told that they were not allowed to see each other on private sessions anymore, instead Anthony could come and see her every day for an hour in the presence of the suicide watch in her death row cell. Anthony came to visit her every day at 5 PM, often passing by Samantha who around that time used to return to her floor as if she was the girl-next-door in the neighbourhood. For Alessandra his visits were the greatest part of each day. They usually hugged and kissed. He used to hugged her tightly, stroking her back, her hair and neck, it was sweet and calming. Alessandra told him what happened to her on the first day, he knew that already, because the footage from her punishment was made public, though he had not seen what was going on out of the camera range, about the warden who caressed her during the punishment and that he touched her buttocks afterwards. Anthony could only gave Alessandra a comforting kiss and a cuddle and said that he loved her and that she was brave.
The true
All three inmates were invited to write on the letter to the highest Council of Sinkunk for a pardon and Anthony encouraged Alessandra to do that so to use every possible chance to spare her. This was the first time when she spotted on Anthony’s head a strand of grey hair above his left ear.
Alessandra wrote the letter as did Mui and Cheiko, the warden told them that there are fair chances for at least one reprieve and it poured some hope into their hearts. Alessandra suffered intense pain at nights in the death row feeling disloyalty to her husband caused by not revealing him the whole truth, she indeed volunteered to became a drug mule with a view to quickly raise some money to match the level of wealth she thought be required to become accepted by Anthony’s conservative family. How stupid she was she could realise only in the situation she found herself; Anthony had not hesitated to marry her even in a jail with or without the approval of his parents – Alessandra had asked him about their reaction and Anthony explained that he actually did not asked about their point of view on the matter. He told though that they encouraged and supported him during his stay at Sinkunk. Alessandra tormented herself with thoughts that she had lost all chances for the happy life she had been expecting and that she was solely responsible for it. Every night she cried and deeply regret her wrongdoing, every morning she looked in a mirror seeing reddish eyes and trying to make her face looked comfortable at Anthony’s quotidian evening visit. She decided to confess to Anthony her crime and was surprised that he accepted her explanation calmly. He then had hold her for a long time in his arms, he felt her chest moved by a rhythmic sobbing, and caressed her long hair trying to calm her down. Tears were rolling on Alessandra’s cheeks and every look he throw had deepen the cut in his hearth.
Five days
The answers from the high Sinkunk council arrived in two weeks and were finally unfavourable. Soon after the denial of pardon Alessandra and the Chinese girls received a death warrant appointing the execution in five days. Five days - that was the agenda of my life thought Alessandra, the bright part was that over four of her remaining days she could still see Anthony, at least. The death warrant informed her that the the time of execution is set at 5:30 PM, but the preparations start earlier at 5 PM. The warrant advised Alessandra to discuss funeral arrangements with her relatives and take care of her last will. She was informed that her husband received a formal information about the date of the execution too and that he could be present at the audience, if she agrees (this way Alessandra acquainted herself with the fact that there will be audience). Anthony received the official letter informing about the details of his wife’s execution the same day. It stated the date, time and place of the execution. In the letter he was advised that he might claim the body already on the same day, about an hour after the time of the execution, which was scheduled at 5:30 PM and that he might be present during the procedure as the observer, if his wife agrees. There was a warning that the executions are public, some audience is allowed on the spot and the event is broadcasted. If present at the audience, he must obey the strict rule of silence, the attendants are not allowed to speak or articulate any voice or noise under severe punishments including imprisonment and several lashes. It stated that he might also see his wife on the day of the execution at 8.30 AM, the scheduled time and the visit is limited to 30 minutes. He then will be able to see her body in the morgue and file in the paperwork necessary to claim the body. The letter emphasised that the body will be handed over naked, so he should arrange some clothes before claiming it and a coffin for transport. He will be given 30 minutes at the morgue to wash her and put the clothes on the body. The trolley will be available for use to transport the coffin at the prison. The authorities at prison also offered an option to cremate the body, which would spare him the hassle with transporting it on his own. Anthony did not share the details of this horrid message with Alessandra, but asked her to allow him to be present. “You will be the only one loving and thoughtful person on the public that day” - she said and agreed nodding her pretty face, at least she could look in his loving eyes just before her death she thought.
The same day in the evening, when Anthony left, Alessandra was unexpectedly visited by the deputy warden and asked whether she would agree to give an interview to the local TV. It was strange, but she learned that there was a substantial fee involved which she could leave to Anthony to partially cover the enormous cost of her defence and his stay in Sinkunk for several months. After some hesitation she agreed, she told that Anthony next day and although he opposed initially, he agreed too, thinking that this could be the last footage of her he could keep seeing when she is gone.
Four days
The journalists crew came in the morning on the fourth day before the execution. Alessandra was nervous, she made her hair up in a bun, it looked a little messy without the hairspray, she could only secure it with a bungee secretly borrowed from an older female guard who had a watch that day. The journalist was a woman in late thirties wearing a grey formal dress and a well-tailored black jacket. She had a short circled pearl necklace and pearl drop earrings, impeccable short bob hair style, high heels, pantyhose, and self-confidence of young woman with her career ahead confirmed by a Mona-Lisa’s smile. A perfect contrast to Alessandra nervously counting time, waiting for her life to be cut just in few days, with her lips unintentionally twisted downwards. The journalist asked about her life to-date, then about her motive to come to Sinkunk, Alessandra was happy to share her story of the contest (she said it was a beauty contest) and her unexpected caught at the airport, she uphold her story that she was framed, she also said how grateful she is to Anthony and that she loved him as much as she could, she would be happy to spend more time with him. At the end of the interview Alessandra broke down and started to cry, the conversation with a perfectly dressed journalist aided her realise what kind of life she was losing. The TV interview attracted wide audience around the world. Not always you can see a conversation with a young girl condemned to die as a drug mule. The journalist made this clear, in her off screen commentary, she explained that the evidences were very strong and no doubts existed as to the fact that Alessandra was a drug mule indeed.
The same day on the afternoon she was unexpectedly visited by a professional hairdresser. It came out a bit as a surprise which Anthony arranged for her. The girls’ hairs were to be cut off according to the execution protocol with which Anthony was familiarized by the lawyer. He knew that Alessandra would appreciate if her hair will be taken care of. Cheiko and Mui’s hairs had also been arranged to be cut by prison personnel. Alessandra was asked by the two guards to sit and her hands and legs were tied to the chair with plastic tie strips - it was a precaution, as one of the guards explained. The guards stayed in her cell and looked at her as the hairdresser did the job, the suicide watch guard was looking at her too. For Alessandra it was a strange experience – for the first time (and for the las time – it had crossed her mind) she was fastened to the chair during hairdressing. The hairdresser - a Chinese woman in her forties - cut her long hairs with the true scissors instead of electric razor usually experienced by inmates at such occasions. Alessandra could not say too much on the length of the cut, it had to be low and short haircut. The hairdresser proposed for her the short bob with fringe bangs, well above the shoulders, leaving her neck exposed and the top section a bit longer around the hairline, especially around the ears. It looked good albeit Alessandra still had tears in her eyes viewing her long hairs landing on the floor. The hairdresser’s services were also proposed to Mui and Cheiko as well, Anthony arranged that they may choose the professional hairdresser paid by him, if they wish, instead the razor in prison’s guard hand. The girls gratefully agreed for this option. Mui picked the short pixie style, Cheiko with her round face preferred short bob similar to Alessandra. The hairdresser also proposed to do manicure and pedicure work on nails and toes, this was also proposal for all the girls. They were allowed to seat together on the corridor and have their treatment of nails and toes. Alessandra picked up a juicy, pleasing to the eye deep red colour for her nails and toes. That day Alessandra showed her new hairstyle to Anthony during his daily afternoon visit. She spun around her axis, Anthony said he loves her new look. He also admired her hands and toes. They spent most of time hugged and kissing each other under the visual surveillance of the suicide watch guard. Anthony did for her also a relaxing foot massage and said that she picked up adorable clour.
Three days
On the third day before the execution some more preparations started. The girls were shackled and escorted to the photo room, Alessandra was given a small table with her name and details about her, her crime and that she is condemned for drug smuggling to be hanged, she was instructed to keep it in front of her while pictures are taken. The pictures were taken from the front, left and right side on the background of a banner with height measurement in feet and inches. Then the girls were weighed, the results were programmed into their stickers by a smiling nurse in a white smock holding a scanner. Alessandra was surprised to see only 128 pounds on the scale instead of 155 she had before. She had not been eaten too much in the prison, the stress and lack of appetite caused her to slim out, she looked lovely with her big boobs thin arms and big eyes, Anthony kept telling her that, but she considered it to be a courtesy. In fact the pain she went through added her dignity, while the loss of appetite made her shape marvellous. In the room there was also a thin and tall man with a moustache wearing a black suit in contrast to the nurse’s white gown. He held in his right hand an elastic measuring tape he raised his hand with the tape as if it was a self-explanatory to the girls. He approached slowly to Alessandra stopped behind her and measured her neck carefully with the tape, then he handed the tape to the nurse and touched her neck with his hands for a while, he also touched her shoulders checking on the muscles. His gently but firm touch was almost pleasurable. He then took the tape again, measured the head circumference placing the measuring tape at height of the forehead, around Alessandra’s head, above her eyebrows. He told the nurse the numbers, the nurse entered the numbers into the scanner and touched the sticker on Alessandra’s left breast to connect the outcomes with her. The same procedure was then repeated with the Chinese girls. Alessandra slowly realised that this man could be her executioner, she have not seen him before amongst the personnel, but she did not dare to ask this. Later on she learned that the measure of the neck was necessary to match the loop circuit while the head circumference was necessary to prepare the fitted hood. The execution protocol required to have tightly fitted hood on the condemned head to see afterwards, if she was still breathing after the drop. Alessandra heard that later on from the older female guard who used to borrow her the hair bungee for the interview with the journalist.
Two days
Two days before, the prison’s technical crew prepared the scaffold, on which three hemp ropes were fixed. They also started to build wooden tribunes for the observers and the railings before the gallows and the tribunes. The yard was temporary excluded from the normal use and all inmates could watch the preparations through barred windows of their cells. The trapdoors were checked few times. Each time Alessandra was jumping up on her seat hearing the ghastly sound of the release mechanism and the trapdoor smashing the wall. She cried convulsively on Anthony’s arm that evening.
The day ahead
The day before the execution Alessandra could watch the rehearsal with the three sand bags. The sandbags were quite tall reassembling rather the boxing punching bags. The TV crews were allowed to broadcast the test. The wooden tribunes were already erected opposite to the scaffold and the guards dragged in the sandbags each weighing as much as each condemned girl – as the as the elderly female guard on the suicide watch explained to Alessandra – who starred her eyes observing the dry run. It’s me that sandbag thought Alessandra to herself looking at the tallest one on the right end. The nooses were soon secured on the upper part of the sandbags, the guards kept the sandbags on both sides with one hand, the second hand each guard held on to the grip handle dandling from the top beam next to the rope. Traps were released one by one with 10 maybe 15 seconds delay, and the sandbags fell one after another with the loud thud of the trapdoors hitting the concrete wall. The ropes stopped the run of sandbags making a creaking sound after not so long way down as Alessandra noticed. A horrifying feeling had been raising in her stomach. As she might have seen, each sandbag felt approximately 2-3 feet below the level of the scaffold’s floor. “Her” sandbag stopped at little below than the “waist” level. It will suffice explained the guard, Alessandra hid her face in her hands, a sobbing had shaken her body, the guard moved her gently from the barred window and made her sit on a bench. How have I found myself in a situation like this she thought to herself. This day she had a final visit of Anthony. It was a heart breaking event. Alessandra thanked him for all good he made for her. Anthony was devastated, he explained that he simply could not save her despite enormous effort, he hold her in her arms for a long time until the suicide watch told him to go. Tomorrow he would see her dying and will collect her lifeless body from the morgue - a horrific thought had crossed his mind.
That day
The protocol demanded the execution to finish at dawn, so Alessandra had almost all day to come at peace and acceptance. She did not, though. She was nervous, she sobbed from time to time, cried and fearfully walked in her cell from one end to another. She refused a dose of sedatives that the suicide watch offered to her. She wrote a letter to Anthony once again explaining everything and thanking for his love and attention. Finally she sat and waited. She could not concentrate on anything, she watched a TV set on the wall showing prison from outside inside and some preparations on the pit and the audience gathering in front entrance. Earlier that day she briefly saw Anthony they hugged and cried together and she still felt the sense of his scent on her hands, it had calming effect on her. The execution was scheduled at 5:30 PM. Around 5 PM she heard the steps on the corridor it made pulsing every nerve in her stomach and neck. The deputy warden and six men appeared on the other side of the bars. Alessandra got up from the chair too quick knocking it over to the floor. Amid the metallic sound of the fallen chair she pulled backward to the corner of the cell near barred window, her frightened eyesight was directed at the guards. The gate opened and two men entered the cell while the deputy warden and remaining men went further to the next cell. The guards approached Alessandra who turned her head and closed her eyes, her fear almost pumped the air in between, she moaned quietly something like long, suppliant “no, please”. They gently took her arms from both sides and moved her to the centre of the cell. One of the guards stood in front of her and put his hands on her upper arms watching directly in her face, another one went on her back, grabbed her forearms and in one motion moved them behind her. When doing that Alessandra’s palm accidently touched his manhood being too close behind her, she immediately clenched her fists, though she felt that it was erected. She recalled her meetings with Anthony when she used to kneeling in front of him with his manhood in her mouth when he used to hold her head caressing her long hair an gently directing her head. She was brought back to the reality by the guard in front of her who touched her left boob – she initially thought it was accidental, then she realised it was not. He lowered the left sleeve of her shirtdress and undid the top two buttons. Instinctively she stepped back as if something hot has had touched her and was immediately stopped by the guard staying behind her. “Miss, the code on your sticker must be easily visible” – said the guard in front – continuing to undid the next two buttons. “Besides” – he continued his explanation slowly – “there is a custom for condemned women to wear this during her ‘walk of shame’ to the execution place”, he produced a petty metal bell. “It must be attached to the left nipple of the condemned woman” said the guard from her back. The one in front rang the bell in front of Alessandra’s face. He bared her left boob completely touching it around and started to slowly massage and screw her left nipple waiting for it to grow a little, then he hold it between two fingers and wrapped the nipple with the adhesive tape and attached to it the petty copper bell. Finally, he snapped the top of her breast to check how the bell sounds. Alessandra whimpered in pain, not being prepared for such an ordeal, but was firmly held by the guard on her back who at that moment crossed and pinioned her hands behind her with a leather strap and fastened them tightly. She moaned quietly. Her arms arched backwards and it made her breasts moved forward, her left boob protruded invitingly in front and the bell rang quietly causing a laugh of the guards. The guard behind her bent and started to wrap a black, plastic tape about two inches over her knees, he fastened it tight with a plastic buckle so she could walk, taking tiny steps, but certainly she could not run or kick someone. The mid thighs tape reassembled the self-supporting stockings and Alessandra imagined that she must have looked very sexy being so tightly tied behind with her tit naked, the mid thighs wrapped with a black elastic tape and a small bell dandling from her left nipple. The guards were ready to move, they slowly dragged her outside the cell and stopped. Alessandra watched the cameras carefully taping her and Chinese girls who also were dragged out of their cells pinioned, taped at the thigh level and having bells attached to their tinny left breasts.
The execution party was ready to go; the deputy warden made the last inspection and rushed in front. The girls could not walk too fast being tightly restrained at their mid thighs, so they were making tiny steps on the corridor, carefully observed by automatic cameras on their way, they stepped down on the stairs three floors down, being watched by the strangely silent inmates at their cells, many girls watching them wept silently. The bells on condemned women nipples’ were ringing, Alessandra had an impression that two guards holding her arms on both sides shake her a little from time to time, just to hear the bell ring. Weeping and crying inmates watching the scene had contagious effect on the condemned girls, when slowly they reached the Prison’s yard all three were crying and moaning, tears falling down their cheeks. The TV crews taped each their move and cameras made close-ups of their faces. In contrast to that horrible humiliation Alessandra decided to keep her head up and body straight, she was searching Anthony in the crowd on the tribunes, but could not see him, the audience consisted mostly men, surprisingly many of them white and making an impression that they came from all around the world. Tickets must have been expensive thought Alessandra looking at fine clothes and watches of the audience. On the audience there were also a lot of females, many of them young, well dressed and wearing jewellery, necklaces, hats and sunglasses for the afternoon sun rays were bright and sharp that day. Alessandra was surprised to see in the front row of the audience three generations of women evidently of the same family. The elderly but still well shaped grandma smiled gently at her. Next to the grandma was the middle age daughter with bright long hair and a granddaughter all of them elaborately costumed in fancy, same style, white silk dresses with elegant black buttons and wearing the silk tiny gloves. They looked at her with interest and anticipation as she was passing by. Alessandra wearing the short orange shirtdress with the left boob jiggling around and bell ringing and elastic band restricting her mid thighs caught the eye of the audience much more than the upper class ladies in their elegant dresses! The audience was silent, the sound of three bells rang was arrhythmical as each of condemned were making tinny steps, Alessandra tried to look for Anthony but could do nothing to prevent her gaze concentrating on the gallows. She stared off into the crowd but didn’t seem to see anything. The piercing sight of three dandling nooses was so devastating, that she could see nothing besides, she shook her head with crying face left and right, seeing nothing around anymore but the nooses and the tall moustache man who the other day took her neck’s and head’s measurements. Now he was patiently waiting on top of the gallows stairs.
Before climbing up on the stairs an elderly female guard who watched Alessandra in her death row cell approached and scanned her bar code sticker (easily visible) above her left breast. She saw the outcome on the scanner, nodded her head and handed over a black fabric piece to the guard. She said something and moved her head up pointing to the gallows.
The stairs were too narrow to accommodate three people, so Alessandra was assisted by the guard on her right, leaving her left side exposed to the sight of cameras and audience. She was slowly escalating to the top of the stairs with her bared left boob and ringing petite bell on her nipple. She still tried to keep her head up, and had her mid thighs restrained, so she made a few false steps on the stairs making few extra sounds of the bell. Her face was wet of tears and her frightened eyes contrasted with her straight posture. When she reached the top she was a little confused. The trapdoors were marked with the numbers, she tried to go further on the gallows to the last trapdoor numbered as 3, but was stopped by the guard at the first noose closest to the stairs, at the trapdoor number 1. The condemned girls following her on the stairs were slowly passing by Alessandra and were heading to the next nooses. Mui was stopped at the trapdoor marked with 2 and Cheiko on the last one marked with 3.
At the gallows Alessandra was hold by two guards from each side, she looked through the loop of the noose, she was caught by cameras when she turned her big eyes upwards and moved her head a little away from the loop. She still had not seen Anthony among many faces of the audience, tears were falling down her cheeks and she glanced helplessly to the left and to the right as if desperately looking for the rescue of the knight on the white horse. She instinctively pushed backward her upper part of the body to distance herself as far as possible from the noose but was firmly held by the guards. One of the guards bent, crossed her feet and bound them together with a short leather belt at the ankles level. Having her legs bonded in ”x” shape she could hardly kept a balance and had to rely more on the support of two guards holding her arms. She throw a look to her right, at Mui who waited next to her also looking at Alessandra with terror in her black eyes. At that moment Alessandra’s thoughts went to the sequence of upcoming events that were to occur in following minutes. At the rehearsal, that she observed through the window of her cell she saw that the sandbags were dropped separately one after another, so either she or Cheiko would be the first one to go, probably her as she was standing on the trapdoor marked as 1. She looked down fearfully. Apparently Mui thought the same starring at her. Alessandra turned her head to Cheiko, who also was looking at them. Cheiko looked at Alessandra for a short while but abruptly turned her sight down when she felt that her legs were crossed and bounded. Both Cheiko and Mui too were held firmly by the guards, Alessandra saw as Mui and Cheiko legs were crossed and bounded together at the ankles level with the leather straps. The silence of the scene was so overwhelming that she could hear the creak of the leather belts being fastened at Cheiko’s and Mui’s ankles. The man with the moustache approached Cheiko and stand in front of her, he produced another leather belt which was this time fastened at her elbow level below her breast. When the belt was tightened and fastened her elbows arched unnaturally inside toward her back while her breast stretched forward. Cheiko starred at him with her frightened, weeping eyes, she said something in Chinese which sounded to Alessandra as begging, the moustache man just whispered something in response lowering his voice. The guard next to Cheiko handed over a black hood to the moustache man, with his hand he flatten her hair on top of her head and slowly covered her head and face with the hood. The hood was made of thin elastic fabric, it adhered exactly to the features of her face, Alessandra could recognise Cheiko’s eye sockets with her eyes closed, her cheeks, nose and mouth, the front of the hood soon became wet of tears. The hood was short it ended just below the chin leaving the throat and the neck barred and exposed. The moustache man slowly placed the noose on Cheiko’s neck. When all was ready he bent and unlocked the security lock in front of the trap, at that moment hearing the metallic sound of the lock Cheiko shifted nervously back and moaned, she was stopped by her guards and urged to stand on the middle of the trapdoor. The moustache man stood up and approached the wooden stick with a knob on Cheiko’s right side and put both hands on it. Both guards holding Cheiko’s arms moved apart and grabbed the handles that swayed from the wooden bar above. Alessandra and Mui watched this in growing fear. The scene was so horrid that Alessandra started trembling, her jaw opened, eyes were growing. The moustache man looked at Cheiko once more and with a fast move swung the wooden stick, the trapdoor opened and hit the wall behind with a loud sound, Cheiko’s body rushed down fast but was abruptly stopped by the rope about three feet down. Alessandra could see as her head twisted making a horrible sound of broken neck bone accompanied by the last rings of the nipple bell. Both Alessandra and Mui jumped up Alessandra closed her eyes. When she opened them she saw the audience through her loop, everyone was looking at Cheiko’s body swinging on the rope in complete silence. At that time she spotted Anthony he was the only one who was not looking at Cheiko, he was looking at her. He was seated in the left upper part of the audience, so she have not seen him when she entered the pit. He was moving his mouth without articulating words “I love you” and hold his hand on his hearth. “I love you too” whispered Alessandra and send him a bitter smile. She was looking at him from that point on for all her remaining time, she barely noticed what was happening to Mui. Meanwhile, the moustache man approached Mui, he fastened belt at her elbows. Alessandra heard that Mui said something in Chinese crying and sobbing but she hold her eyes on Anthony who had been whispering to her the most beautiful words ever told, she was not sure due to the distance, but she saw tears flowing from his eyes too. She had heard, the already known parts of the protocol this time applied to Mui. The leather belts on her elbows was tightened making a creaking noise, the hood was put on her head, Mui started to breathe a little faster and heavier, a rustle of the rope placed on Mui’s delicate neck. All this time Allesandra had been still eyeing Anthony, she had been trembling a bit, she blinked when she heard a metallic sound of the security lock at Mui’s trapdoor. She then abruptly frowned and closed her eyes for few seconds when she heard a loud crack of the trapdoor hitting the wall and the swung as the body dropped. Finally she heard the crunching sound of broken and twisted neck and an unpleasant squeak of rope swaying from the wooden beam and the hateful sound of the bell ringing.
The moustache man approached now to her she just picked up on the top of her tiptoes and moved forward beside the noose to keep the clear visual link with Anthony while the moustache man was fastening the leather belt on her elbows. The moustache man tightened the elbows towards her back so hard that she jerked and groaned. When the hood was placed Allessandra’s vision blurred, she tried to keep her eyes open, she starred sightlessly into the darkness for a while before she screwed her eyes shut. The hood was fitted well, she felt that it tightly surrounded her head making close contact with her face. Then she felt the rope on her head and neck, the moustache man positioned the knot under her left jaw, the contact with the hemp was unpleasant, Alessandra’s heart bitten fast, she was breathing heavilly. Suddenly she felt the smell of urine and the moisture on her right thigh, then she heard the slashing sound when the fluid reached the floor. Her white panties and front of the shirtdress under her belly was wet. She then heard the metallic sound of the lock, and felt that the grip of hands on her arms loosened, then the guards let her go to stand alone for a second. When the trapdoor missed from below her, she dropped few feet down and felt unbearable pain in her arms but not too much squeeze on her throat.
The TV journalist who interviewed her few days ago and, in the TV studio, was commenting the execution for the TV audience immediately spotted that something went wrong, she said that she can’t see it right - “but something horrible had happened, the white girl is still alive, she swings and torsions on the rope, but the loop does not tightens”. The journalist continued her comment “the girl is swinging on the rope making the gurgling and wheezing sounds, this indicates that she still gets the air”. The prison’s staff appeared to be confused, the nurse present at the execution in her white professional outfit approached Alessandra and observed her for a minute then asked the closest guard to come and pull her down, but the guard shook his head and refused, apparently the execution protocol had not been prepared for such an event. The guards were supposed not touch the victim, until dead. The scene lasted already more than a minute – a time normally sufficient for the condemned went limp. The guards hold Anthony who was on his way screaming that they should let her go free. Alessandra was conscious all the time, she immediately realised that something went wrong and that moving does not help her, so she stopped twisting, especially that the squeeze of the rope was not very painful. She felt that her body’s weight was uphold by her arms. The deputy warden finally appeared on the spot and ordered to take Anthony outside to the waiting room. The warden looked at his watch and ordered to wait the quarter of hour prescribed by the law. The public was hushed down by guards. Gradually the silence was coming back, the whole audience looked in tension to a white girl still alive contrary to the circumstances. The same family three generation of women were intensively digesting the unexpected event. Alessandra remained calm. She feared of a slow agony, she was afraid that the loop eventually squeeze her throat and she would experience a slow and convulsing death. Her steady, but nervous breathing was easily visible, her chest moved regularly and there was a delicate movement of her mouth, visible under the thin fabric of the hood, indicating that she was still breathing. While every one was looking at Alessandra, the nurse came back to her duties, she unbuttoned Cheiko’s shirtdress, lowered her sleeves down and started to listen her bare chest with the stethoscope. She then moved to Mui, unbuttoned and lowered sleeves and bared her tiny breast, for a while the audience attention moved to bared breasts of the dead girls swinging gently on the ropes. After the prescribed 15 minutes Alessandra heard steps of two persons who approached her, someone unbuttoned her shirtdress and lowered it little below her elbows exposing chest and breasts. The nurse with the stethoscope approached and formally touched her chest right to her left boob. She looked at the deputy warden and shook her head. Alessandra felt a slow motion down. The two guards assisted Alessandra when she was taken down on the rope. When she touched the ground they had to hold her firm. She then had been partially unbound by the guards, the leather belts were taken off her elbows and ankles, but her hands were still crossed and bound and the elastic tape remained on her thighs. The hood was taken off, she saw the sunlight, that she was never expected to see again, and that all made her hysterical, she suddenly escaped forward from the hands of two guards, but the elastic tape on her thighs restrained her movement, she bent in half and shook all her body to the left and to the right, escaped forward and fallen on the sand of the prison’s yard. She was raised and kept firmly by four guards. In the meantime the warden ordered to empty the closest cell on the ground level and she was taken there. She was seated on the bench and a cold water was given to her by the elderly matron who earlier scanned her sticker. After 15 minutes the warden appeared again in front of her and said that the procedure must be repeated. He apologised and explained that during the previous try, the rope was erroneously flopped under her arm while the leather belt was fastened on her elbows. She looked at the guards and the warden with utter misunderstanding, her eyes carried a mixture of shock and barely contained anger, she asked to see Anthony and her lawyer. The warden disagreed explaining that her execution is already heavily delayed, they waited for her to calm down and now it is time to proceed with the execution. Alessandra raised from the bench, started screaming and called Anthony to help her. This time she was so desperate that she had to be gripped by four guards before leaving the cell, at the yard she tried to break out attracting the vivid interest of the audience and cameras. She screamed, jerked and twitched, her breasts remained bare and were now flopping loosely. Again she saw the noose – this time only one ready to accommodate her. Her eyes were wide spread when she saw a scene as from a frantic movie, the bodies of Cheiko an Mui were now bared to the half and the nurse with the stethoscope was standing next to Mui’s bare chest, Alessandra had not seen what happened next as she was pulled up the gallows stairs. When she was up, she saw the noose and that made her calmed down a little. Two guards hold her arms, one guard bent, crossed her feet and tied them with a leather belt, another leather belt was then quickly fastened on her elbows, again it made her moaning loudly. The moustache man covered her head with the hood and placed a noose on her neck, Alessandra had been breathing rapidly and shallowly the bell at her nipple was ringing all the time, the tension in the audience has grown to the utmost; they knew that the history had been made in their presence. Alessandra heard familiar sound of the security lock and then it was silence. Alessandra felt the grip of two guards on both her arms has gradually eased up. Then the silence was rapidly broken by sound of opened trapdoor. Alessandra felt sudden emptiness under her feet. She has fallen down instantly, her bare breasts went up while she was falling down, then there was a loud sound of the trapdoor and crunchy, unpleasant sound of cracked neck, Alessandra was already in the darkness, she went unconscious, finally hung quietly with her head down.
The crowd on the tribunes looked the scene astonished. Indeed the tickets’ prices were cosmic this time, but everyone was satisfied. The three generation women were all amazed, their panties were wet from an massive orgasms experienced thanks to the show and ball vibes in their vaginas. The show was though not ending yet. The prison’s crew was now to take down the bodies. Before doing that another 15 minutes had to pass before Alessandra’s body could be examined by the nurse, this time it already was clear that the execution was completed successfully, the hood did not move, Alessandra’s chest was still. However, the prescribed 15 minutes had to be observed. During that time, the personnel untied hands and elbow belts and took off the shirt dresses and panties from Cheiko’s and Mui’s bodies. Their hoods were also taken off showing peaceful faces, albeit after a prolonged swaying on the ropes their necks stretched for about an inch into a “goose” throats, the cameras and audience could admire the pretty young bodies for a while before the leather belt and thigh band restrains were removed. After the lapse of prescribed time, the nurse approached Alessandra’s body and examined her chest trying to listen to any sound, but it remained silent. She slowly took off ALessanra’s hood and stepped back nervously, Alessandra’s eyes were opened and starred at her with the strangled expression, the left eye was turned downward. The guards removed her restraints shirtdress and panties, the audience could see her in frontal nudity now. Her bushy pussy attracted a lot of attention and comments. The bodies were left for a while for the public to satisfy their eyesight, then the prison personnel towed in the body trolley and first the Cheiko’s body was cut off together with the noose on the neck stuck deep into the skin and was transferred to the morgue, then Mui and Alessandra bodies were processed.
Anthony was devastated by the turn out of the events, he recovered only after about two hours. He was treated very politely by the prison personnel, he got few cups of tea and was apologised by the deputy warden. He then was invited to collect his wife’s body. He saw it in the morgue on the cold steel table, naked and uncovered. He washed her with a sponge and soap, washed her hair and kissed her cold mouth several times. He used the surgical scissors to cut the noose. He did not close her eyes, he preferred her face with her eyes staring at him. Finally he dressed her in fancy lingerie, garter belt and stockings, an elegant top and skirt, high heel shoes and put on her head a small elegant hat. He then painted her lips with lipstick and did some makeup to cover the traces of the noose around her neck. Finally he put on her face the sunglasses and asked the funeral house personnel to place her into the coffin. Then they left the Chi prison.
On Alessandra’s funeral Anthony met Samantha again, they started to see each other, Samantha used to tell Anthony the last moment of Alessandra’s life they spent together in the Chi prison. Samantha knew that man like Anthony is a treasure and made everything to keep his interest in her. Several months later Anthony married Samantha and for their honeymoon they decided to go to Moqurovia – a sunny remote islands on the Pacific ocean…
The end
Forum > Public / Stories > “The frightened three” Part 2