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The three girls, Fatma, Miray and Hildiz sat up wide-eyed as the judge sentenced them to “Esit Olum” or “Equal death” Equal death was a religious concept similar to “An eye for an eye”. In this case, the three had been inspectors for Ismiribad airlines. They each checked off and signed paperwork that certified that the aircraft had been repaired according to bulletin 459-C. When the plane crashed in the Balıkesir mountain area all 117 passengers and crew perished. Investigation showed the work had not been done. The public was enraged and demanded blood repayment. How would this be done the women wondered?

Preparations began immediately after sentencing. The women were transported to the punishment center. “Remove all earthly covering” was the order. The women were to be disgraced and cursed before the people. They slowly removed their clothing and jewelry. Completely naked each of them was bound hand and foot and strapped tightly into weird harnesses. Finally, hoods were placed over their heads and they were wheel-chaired out to the airfield and boarded an airforce cargo jet. As it took off they all assumed that they were being transported to another prison.

A few minutes after takeoff the cargo jet slowed and began circling. The hoods were removed and the girls were allowed to look out the window. Reporters were recording the proceedings. They saw the desolate rocky terrain below. The executioner then spoke: “Take the prisoners to the disposal station.” The girls immediately realized in utter horror that they were going to be ejected from the plane. “No one will be allowed to look for your bodies. You will serve as food for wild beasts” First a mild sedative to relax you. Injections were administered to prevent the girls from losing consciousness. We don’t want you to miss anything so…

A man quickly inserted tiny metal clips into their eyelids to hold them open and secured strong goggles over their eyes. Next, female executioners brought the women to a lower rear room in the plane. Then the prisoners were forcibly seated on strong metal chairs facing the rear of the plane. Their harnesses were hooked tightly to the chairs. This was it. The executioner women kissed them on the cheek and spoke a blessing in their ears. The room was cleared and the door was sealed. The women were alone and looked helplessly at each other.

A large red time display showed the number 30, and a second later 29, then 28. Everything slowed down, but eventually, it showed 0. Then the floor below opened and the girls felt the tremendous wind blowing around them. A loud mechanical whirring began and the metal chairs which were attached to long poles were gradually lowered so that they were below the plane. The girls looked up one last time. Mechanical latches disengaged and the girls were thrown from the chairs into freefall toward the earth below. Tiny air guides on their feet forced the girls into a head-down dive. The ground slowly came up at them. A few tears… death was immediate.

The splattered remains were spread over a large area. Animals quickly scavenged all their flesh and their bones were left unburied by any human. Justice had been served.
Damn, that's a brutal and messy way to go...
Thank you firemaiden. I appreciate the feedback. I do wish there were some stats on the forum ie likes/dislikes and view count. Have a nice day!
I would have to agree with you there. Some stats would be pretty helpful, especially in the absence of comments.

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