CC goes to the gas chamber
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I posted this before and did a few corrections I am considering doing a series as you will see in the story I perfer inmates clothed and blindfolded I enjoy the preparations and details I hope you enjoy enjoy cheers...
“Well tonight’s her last night, Cathy Caron will be executed in just over two hours, for the murder of police officer Laurie Hackle. she’ll be the second woman to die in Missouri’s gas chamber,”
said the female TV news anchor through the old black and white TV. “She will be the first woman executed since Bonnie Heady six years ago.”
She has been moved to the death row holding cells, not to far where at midnight they will escort her to the chamber where she will be strapped in to await the dropping of the cyanide pellets into a vat of sulfuric acid which will form the lethal gas.
They are now starting with the preparations which I understand will include putting on a pair of beige leotards and a short gown, she will also be given an enema, and then a butt plug will be pushed up her rectum. She will then have time for prayers then she will then be blindfolded and led to the gas chamber in her stocking feet.

Cathy had been watching the TV through the bars of her death row cell at the Missouri State Penitentiary where she waited to be walked to the gas chamber.

The short, slender 34-year-old woman released her grip on the bars and turned away from the door. She was dressed in a grey prison smock and on her feet were a pair of white socks that sagged on her stocking toes.
“Oh my God is what she said true? Will I have to have an enema and a butt plug in my bum?” She cried to the matron.

“Yes Cathy, but nothing to worry about dear, I have had many enemas myself it will be fine” The nurse will be giving you an enema shortly its to empty your bowels sweetie and the plug is to prevent any accidents when your…. her voice trailed off.

“When I’m dead.” Cathy replied.

The matron nodded, she was a middle-aged woman she was dressed in a mauve dress and white blouse her hair was tied up and she had on copper-colored nylons, Cathy watched as she slipped her shoes off wiggling her reinforced stockinged toes.

“Why did you take your shoes off?” Cathy asked. “What are you doing?” as she watched her pick up her shoes and put them in a cabinet.

Cathy jumped as the large steel door was unlocked and swung open and watched as the nurse came through with an enema bag and a small satchel, she placed the items on the small counter and Cathy watched as she sat down and toed off her white shoes and handed them to the matron who placed them in the cabinet next to hers and locked it. Cathy noted her white opaque leotards stretched a bit and her ankles wrinkled as she wiggled her now stocking toes.

The matron open one of the lower doors and retrieved three lengths of red carpet placing one at the door and unrolled it she took the longer one and rolled it through the door to the execution chamber and placed the last one inside the chamber in front of chair A and returned to the cell door.

“What are you doing? why are you both in stocking feet?”

“Regulations dear you will be executed shortly we must remove our shoes for security reasons don’t worry its alright sweetie.” She cooed.

“What’s the carpet for?” Cathy asked her voice quivered with fear as her final preparations began, she realized her time was getting short.

“The floors cold dear and you will be going in your stockinged feet, its just a bit more comfortable and quite honey, nothing to worry about.”

She then went over to the cupboard once more and took out a gown and beige leotards. Cathy looked in horror as she realized the lady on the news was right the nurse meanwhile began to fill the enema bag and poured some Joy dish soap in the top before screwing the nozzle in place, she removed the air from the tube and dried the bag off picked up the satchel and approached Cathy’s cell door.

Cathy sat on her bunk wide eyed as the matron opened the cell door and the two women padded into the cell. The nurse attached the bag to the bars of the cell and hung the long hose on a clamp.
“Please stand and undress for me Hun and put these on.” She laid the leotards and gown on the bed.

Cathy began to remove her smock and put it on the bunk she reached back and undid her bra letting it fall to the floor next she lowered her panties and handed them to the matron, who placed her clothes in a bag

Cathy sat on her bunk, removed the socks, and handed them to her she put them in the bag and sealed it.

Cathy took the leotards and unrolled them she rolled one leg and slipped her foot in and did the same with the other leg she drew them up her short well shaped legs and looked down at her stocking feet wiggling her toes under the material then the nurse helped her put on the gown opening at the back and tied a drawstring at the waist.

“Ok sweetie its time for your enema now please lay down, I have to tie your feet together, so you don’t kick.”
“Oh, do I have to be tied up?” Cathy began to weep and then laid back as the matron placed her stocking feet side by side and the nurse slipped the black strap under her legs and looped the one end through the buckle pulling it tight securing Cathy’s feet together. Then she produced a black hood and placed it over Cathy’s head obscuring her face from view.

“Oh my god I can’t see.” Cathy cried from under the hood.”

“I’m sorry sweetie its alright, you must be blindfolded for the enema dear.”

Cathy calmed down and said, “perhaps its best I’m sorry I’m just scared please don’t hurt me.”

“Please roll onto your left side Catherine.” the nurse cooed. Cathy did as she was told and rolled onto her left side, the nurse lubricated her finger and asked the matron to expose Cathy.

“Lift your hips dear.” the matron said as Cathy with some difficulty lifted her hips as best, she could, the matron lifted her smock up over her hips and pulled her beige leotards down Cathy settled back on the bunk she could feel the cool air on her exposed anus and waited for what was to come next.

“Please pull your knees up to your chest the nurse instructed. As Cathy slid her knees up the material of her leotards sagged around her ankles and became wrinkled around her toes, the nurse had the matron take hold of the long hose by the long white nozzle. The nurse knelt at Cathy’s side and told her to wiggle her stocking toes as she watched the inmates toes begin to point and flex under the wrinkled material she placed her finger at Cathy’s anus and pushed it in, Cathy gasped “Oh my God.” the nurse moved her finger in and out of her rectum and finally withdrew it, the matron handed the nurse the long wide white nozzle which she placed at Cathy’s anus.
” Now take a deep breath and wiggle your toes for me dear.” Cathy again moaned softly and whispered, “Oh my God, I’m getting an enema.”
The nurse watched her inhale and began to wiggle her stockinged toes as she did the nursed slowly pushed the long nozzle into Cathy’s waiting rectum,
“Oh, no oh Cathy moaned. her toes pointed and flexed quickly as the nozzle went in all the way. The nurse took the clamp and opened it. Cathy wept softly as the warm fluid began to enter her bowels. When the bag was emptied Cathy continued to weep.

” There we go dear all done I want you to lay here quietly for a few minutes and let the enema do its job.” Cathy nodded as her stockinged toes flapped quickly as the pressure began to build.

After ten minutes the nurse untied her ankles and helped her to the steel toilet in the corner of her cell after a few minutes Cathy began to expel the contents of the enema into the bowl a foul odour began to fill the small room. embarrassed Cathy said from under her hood.
“Oh, ladies I’m so sorry about the smell.”
“Don’t worry Hun, we are used to it.” They watched as Cathy’s stocking toes curled as she pushed out the last of the liquid accompanied by loud farts, Catherine was glad the hood was over her head.

When she had finished, she stood and wiped herself, and flushed the foul-smelling contents down the drain.
“Ok dear one more little thing.”
They guided the blindfolded woman back to her bunk and got her into a kneeling position bum up and head down.
Catherine remembered what was next and begged
“Oh please, I do not need the plug now I have had a bowel movement, oh please no.” “Sorry dear its regulations.” Replied the matron.

The matron instructed her to place her ankles side by side Cathy wept and did as she was told.

“I have to tie your feet again Catherine.”

“Yes, go ahead and tie me up.” Cathy said lifting her stocking feet and placing them side by side to be tied again. Cathy began to wiggle her toes as she felt the strap tighten around her ankles trying to relax.

The nurse again lubricated her finger and taking the large butt plug smeared it and the narrow end and then again and approached Cathy’s waiting rectum,

“Oh, oh oh please, please don’t do this to me.” She sobbed. Undeterred the nurse again instructed her to take a deep breath and wiggle her stockinged toes.

“Oh God please don’t put that in my bum, “Oh my God.” Cathy moaned as the plug was placed at her rectum. Her toes curled as the plug was inserted when it was at the widest part the nurse gave one little push and it popped into place.

“Oh please, it hurts please take it out Cathy begged. To no avail she felt her leotards being drawn back up over her bottom. Cathy sobbed as she lay down her toes pointing and flexed as she tried to relax, the matron undid the strap and Cathy pointed and flexed her toes trying to restore the circulation in her feet.

“It will help if you get up and walk around it will help the plug seat itself, I know its uncomfortable and I’m sorry dear, would you like to keep the blindfold on for a bit?” The nurse asked. Cathy nodded and spoke. “Yes, leave the blindfold on, this is so embarrassing.” Cathy replied.

“Of course, dear.” The nurse cooed. Cathy moaned loudly as she rolled onto her side. As she felt the plug slip in a bit tighter in her anus. The two ladies helped her to sit up and gently placed her stockinged feet on the floor.

She could feel the cold concrete and for the first time she was glad they made her wear the leotards. the matron and nurse stood on either side of her and lifted her to her feet, Cathy instinctively went on her tippy toes and gently took some small steps with the aid of the two women.

“Oh, oh it feels so funny in my bum oh please take it out I don’t like it.” She moaned as they walked back and forth across the cell.

“I know dear its all right it will be over soon. Said the matron.
They walked her back and forth when they felt the plug was set, they helped her sit on her bunk and removed her hood and left the cell taking everything with them and locked the door.

The matron approached the cell door “Would you like a cigarette?”
“Yes please,” Cathy said as she stepped up to the bars and took the cigarette. She leaned her head forward as the matron lit it for her. Cathy took a puff and then removed the cigarette from her mouth and exhaled the smoke upward.

“Did you really do what they say Cathy?” the matron asked.
Cathy took another puff off her cigarette and then looked down as the smoke left her lips.

She grinned, “Yes, they got me. I did it, what else is there to say. I am no nun and I never claimed to be one either. It is a wonder I have lasted this long. At least I am going out while I am still young enough to look good. Despite what I must wear to the gas chamber”

She took another drag from the cigarette, “What time is it.”
“Eleven thirty.”
“They’ll be coming for me soon.”
“In about ten minutes.”

Cathy finished her cigarette and carefully sat down on the single cot in the cell. “How much longer?”
“A little under five minutes.”
A few more minutes went by and then the door at the end of the cell block opened. The warden and two female guards along with a chaplain entered.

“Joan, it’s almost time,” the warden said as the cell door was opened.

He went to the execution chamber to oversee the preparations the father approached her cell for last mass
Cathy got on her knees as the father began the final act, after making the sign of the cross he said, “Are you alright Catherine is there anything I can do for you?”

“No father I’ve made my peace with God. I pray I can make things right in the next life.” She looked at the chaplain, “Father please I would like to be alone for these last few minutes.”

He nodded his head and the left the cell.
Cathy looked at the floor and then got up and paced back and forth in the cell as her last minutes slipped by,

She sat back down and then stood up again. She had reached the center of the cell when the door opened this time the warden and two female guards who were in their stocking feet stood before her. “Is it time?” She asked.

“It is,” the warden answered. “I have to read the warrant of execution Catherine.” Yes of course, I understand.”

Catherine May Caron, you have been found guilty of murder in the first degree and sentenced to death by cyanide gas do you have anything to say before sentence is carried out?”

“Do I have time for one last cigarette.” She asked. The warden produced a pack and shook one out handing it to her. He lit it for her, and she thanked him and inhaled deeply.

She stood still for a few seconds and finished the smoke and tossed it into the toilet.

“I’m ready warden.” Cathy said as the two women padded into her cell, one slipped the familiar black hood over her head for the final time, the matron looked at her stockinged toes wiggle as it was secured under her chin, then she was led through the door the trio turn to the right and guided the condemned woman to the execution chamber.

She could feel the carpet under her feet and was glad it was there, as they approached the door of the green chamber one of the women told her to step up and they guided her into the A chair and began to strap her in, one strap around her chest another around her slim waist. one over each bicep and one over her forearms and then her wrists, and as they knelt to do her legs, they pulled to toes of leotards loose, so they were wrinkled then they placed one strap over each calf and finally secured her stockinged ankles to the base of the chair.

Cathy’s toes wiggled nervously as one of the women said just keep wiggling your toes dear it will be easier that way.” She gave Cathy a little tickle on her stocking sole Cathy thanked her and began to point and flex her toes. “That’s a good girl she said as she rose and padded out of the chamber.

Then the doctor stepped forward and unbuttoned the first couple of buttons of her dress.
“What are you doing?” Cathy asked.
“I’m just putting a stethoscope on you,” the doctor answered and then he taped a stethoscope over her heart and rebuttoned her dress. And left the chamber two guards shut the heavy door and turn the lock the chamber was pressurized

The witnesses stared through the windows at the condemned woman. The hood expanded and contracted as Cathy breathed heavily under it soon this would be over, she prayed. Her stockinged toes continued to wiggle under the loose material.

The warden looked at the clock mounted on the wall beside him and then as the hands of the clock reach the top, he pulled the lever that dropped the cyanide into the vat of acid beneath the chair in which Cathy was seated.
Cathy kept her head upright as she tried not to breathe the now forming gas. She raised her head slightly. Her lungs were exploding as she could no longer hold her breath, the hood formed to her face, and she took a big breath of cyanide gas. Her head began to rapidly shake back and forth. Her chest heaved forward against the strap and her stockinged toes pointed and flexed under her leotards.

Everyone watched as the minutes went by her stocking toes slowly stopped moving as the doctor listened to Cathy’s slowing heart. Twelve minutes after the cyanide gas was released the doctor nodded his head and signed the official papers on his clipboard and then removed the earpieces of his stethoscope from his ears. He looked at the warden and said, “The death sentence has been carried out I pronounce Catherine May Caron is dead.”
The next morning the headline read, “CATHERINE CARON DIES IN THE GAS CHAMBER” the woman who killed a police officer was escorted with a black hood over her head into the gas chamber at eleven forty five was led on a red carpet in stockinged feet and strapped into the A chair her toes wiggled as the door was closed the pellets were dropped at midnight she struggled as the gas took effect her head fell forward at twelve fifteen Catherine was pronounced dead a few minutes later.
Nice story. Very detailed. If I may offer an addition. Just before being led to the execution chamber she was catheterized, her bladder drained, and a urethral plug installed. This was necessary to prevent embarrassing spills. LOL
thank you I may just do that it never occurred to me but we learn new things every day thanks glad you liked it

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