The Rebel Princess
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The Rebel Princess
Another deviant story by William Potter © 2022

Lady Veronica knew she was in trouble. She hated seeing animals in bondage and released the captive birds just before the day of another stupid royal feast. She had crept out to the coop house hatchery in the wee hours of the morning and when she was certain that no one had seen her, opened the pen and raced back to her bed.

What do you do with a true demon child? Do you risk letting her become monarch over a peaceful country? With great foresight, the Kingdom instituted a law to prevent this. It was a special law that even future monarchs could not disobey at the peril of causing a revolution.

Thus it was that Veronica was brought before the royal tribunal. She had been seen committing her latest crime by some peasants sleeping in the barn. They were compelled to identify the Princess as the culprit. The King and Queen were quite sad. The King gazed at her for an embarrassing moment then began to speak softly.

My dearest Veronica. You are no longer a child. You reached the age of maturity some time ago. Since then you have embarrassed the royal family with your antics nine previous times. Veronica interrupted gently, “Oh father show me mercy. Please don’t have me whipped again.” This was subtle sarcasm because she actually enjoyed physical punishment. You don’t understand child this is your tenth major infraction which no longer allows me to show mercy. This time you will be punished by the priest and it will be up to him to offer mercy. The King continued, you are no longer to enjoy your royal garb or your royal quarters. Your four sisters will now prepare you.

As the eldest, Veronica was not accustomed to being led away by her younger siblings. They brought her to the main royal bath where the next oldest ordered her to disrobe and take a bath. If you hesitate I will summon the guards, her eyes were serious. She obeyed and lowered herself into the tub as her sisters watched. Veronica loved the royal baths. The girls washed her hair and body while she relaxed. She savored the scented soap. Your bath is done said her sister. You will rise and put on your punishment clothes.

Veronica saw the elaborate robe but did not grasp the purpose of its belts and hooks. This beautiful garment was custom sewn for your body and delivered this morning from the monastery. She held out her arms and let her sisters put her in the punishment robe. The sleeves were especially tight and had no outlet for her hands. Strong ropes were sewn into the garment at strategic locations. A nun was present who gave instructions for fastening the various parts of the garment.

The nun motioned for the sisters to tightly lace up the back. A flap of sturdy cloth was revealed to cover the laces and prevent removal. It was buttoned down and a small chain was threaded through hoops. For the moment this chain hung down loosely. The nun grasped a crotch chain. It ran through a heavy loop in the lower front of the suit and the ends were threaded through the girl’s legs to separate loops at either side. The nun produced a special lock and pulled the three chain ends tight at the small of the back. She applied the lock and snapped it shut. Removal was now quite impossible except with a special key kept only by the priest.

Veronica gasped at her lack of freedom. The garment did not completely cover her lower backside, which she imagined was designed to facilitate the beating she would receive. In fact, it was merely designed to humiliate and allow for the hygienic excretion of waste. Finally, ropes at the ends of her sleeves were secured crisscrossed over her stomach and secured to opposite sides of her waist. Follow me to your new temporary quarters requested the nun.

The sisters watched giddily from behind as they accompanied their sister to the royal chicken coop building. Sister Minerva held Veronica’s elbow gently as they approached an empty coop right in the middle of the large old building. “You expect me to get in that!”, she blurted out, then got quiet again as she remembered she needed to be pardoned. The prisoner was helped to ascend a small ladder. Putting hands on her head the group helped her bend down and get in the cage.

For a chicken coop, it was spacious. It was specially built for a human detainee. Not quite four feet tall, six feet wide, but only two feet front to back. Veronica found she could walk about hunched over just a bit. Thick braided wire on all sides prevented any sense of privacy. A small shelf in the middle of the cage held two small empty dishes apparently for food and water. The nun spoke. You will be cared for and fed regularly. We must leave. How long will I be here? she pleaded. But there was no answer from the retreating backsides of the nun and her siblings.

In the loneliness, Veronica sobbed quietly over her plight. She had to poop badly. Finally, she decided to ease nature at the end of her cage. She glanced disgustingly at her new companion, the odorous pile of waste, and hobbled back to her ‘bed’. Surprisingly she was able to nod off and get just a bit of sleep. She woke and sat up wishing this was a bad dream. A slight whiff of her own poop reminded her that this was her reality.

Presently there arrived two smallish eunuch slaves. Don’t worry ma’am we are your servants. We won’t ‘urt ya. See! They pulled down their britches to reveal scars and a complete lack of genitalia. They kept their pants down for a long time until Veronica could grasp their purpose. We are here to feed ya, mum. The boys slid various bolts around and under the cage and then opened the door. “Can I come out please?”, she begged. Sorry, mum. We clean waste and give you food.

The eunuchs cleaned up the waste and soiled bedding then poured water into one bowl and feed into the other. Veronica scrunched up her face in misery as the boys carefully slid home the locking bolts under the cage. Do you know how long I will be here? Not exactly, mum. All we can tell you is that the priest is expected to arrive this week. We will tend to you every eight hours. Then they quickly left.

Veronica had not had food or water for several hours. But the thought of lowering her mouth to the bowl was challenging. She could not even pick up the bowl but would have to try to lap up the contents. Finally, she stuck in her tongue and was rewarded with only a few drops of water. To get more she would have to dip in her whole nose and chin. Eventually, she got the hang of this and was happy she would not die of thirst. Food would be another matter.

But in her boredom and growing hunger pains, she experimented with putting her mouth down to the food. The food smelled weird and not appetizing but eventually, as her stomach growled she had to give it a try. To her surprise, it contained enough honey to make the lumpy mass tolerable. To get any meaningful nourishment out of the bowl she had to stick her whole chin and nose down in it. It made quite a sticky mess of her face. She was able to clean her face only a bit by wiping it on the bedding. No doubt this was part of her punishment.

[end of part 1]
The Rebel Princess - Part 2 of 3
Another deviant story by William Potter © 2022

As the evening wore on Veronica wept bitterly. The servants came briefly to add fresh food and water and clean up her cage a bit. But they were not to engage in chatting with the girl, nor could they touch her even to wash her face. Days went by. Finally, they brought news that the priest had arrived in town and she would be taken to him for punishment in the morning. She still believed that she would merely be whipped, though severely, and restored to her place in the castle. She refused to consider anything worse could happen to her.

In the morning she was greeted by visitors, her youngest sister, and her only brother. Thomas was in a wheelchair and quite sickly. The doctors did not expect him to reach adulthood. But Veronica loved him very much. She looked out at them from her cage. They were both taken aback by the smell and her terrible appearance. Her hair was a dirty tangled mess. Her face too was dirty and encrusted with the stick remnants of honey and bedding that stuck to it.

My God, he gasped. Sister, what have they done to you? “I am being punished for letting the birds out of the coop. Now I am a prisoner in their place. I am soon to be whipped by the priest and hopefully be returned safely to my place with you.” Tears on her brother’s face alarmed her. He informed her: My beloved Sister, the priest has never whipped anyone. He is here to attend your funeral and ask God to give you absolution and entrance to his great temple.

My funeral? You must be mistaken!

They were interrupted by the nun and her guards. Get out of here she screamed. This criminal is to have no visitors as she pays the high price for her sins! The guards drove out the two siblings. The nun addressed Veronica and said you will most certainly be whipped 100 lashes until you cry out for mercy, then we shall see what the priest has to say!

Then the guards opened the cage and brought out Veronica to the penitent's cart. They placed a loop of rope around her waist and tied the other end to the cart. You may not speak, do you understand? Bite on this. They put a small stick into her mouth and tied it tightly around the back of her neck. To hide her royal identity a sackcloth bag was placed over her head and shoulders and tied so that it would not fall off. piece You will walk behind us. If you fall you will be beaten. The horses started pulling the cart at a walking pace and the defeated prisoner followed. First, they rode through the town so the crowd could jeer at the condemned girl.

For almost an hour the journey went on until they reached the edge of the forest. They paused. Veronica’s bare feet were sore and blistered. She could see quite well through the coarse fabric of the bag on her head. The nun commanded the guards. We will rest a bit. The evil nun removed the bag from Veronica’s head and then the gag. Chain her to a tree. She was tightly chained by the ankle to prevent any attempt to escape.

The nun removed the lock on Veronica’s punishment robe and helped the girl out of it until she was completely naked. Let her wash off her filth said the nun with disgust. They brought her a bucket of water, cloth, a brush, and a large mirror. Veronica was glad to clean herself before the next ordeal. She took her time, even though the nun and her servants looked on at her naked body.

They gave Veronica a piece of crust and some water. I have to use the toilet the girl said. Go ahead was the nun’s reply. Veronica, desperate, turned her back to the spectators, squatted down, and relieved herself.

Bring out the punishment board and secure her for the beating. Methodically the guards prepared the naked girl for the beating. Laying on her back they secured straps to hold secure her neck, head, shoulders, elbows, wrists, upper torso, and waist. Veronica was confused. Every other beating was given face down. Her question was answered quickly as her ankles were secured wide apart to anchors on either side of her exposed breasts. She could clearly see her own nether region as it was forced upward by the curve of her spine. Straps were also tied around her thighs to prevent any side-to-side motion of the hips. The satisfied nun was happy to see her artwork complete.

The nun spoke to the guards again. Beat her entire ass thoroughly! 100 lashes of the medium cane! I am going for a walk. The nun walked off to find a quiet spot to relieve her bowels and other needs. She smiled as she could hear the wacks and screams coming from the helpless girl which brought her great delight. The guards one on each side, taking alternating turns, carefully struck the entire ass. The strokes came at roughly ten-second intervals. They observed the uncontrollable twitching of the anus with each stroke.

Presently the nun returned and examined the sobbing girl's purple bruised bottom. Alright, let’s finish the process. They released the girl’s ankles from above her head. They let her wiggle her legs for a few minutes until she began to relax. Then these were tightly secured down flat to the board. They placed the board in the back of the cart and resumed the journey. The cart slowed and turned off the road into a large open prairie. They continued very slowly for a few miles until they saw the priest’s carriage.
Veronica was beginning to recover her wits. She wondered where they were and why she was still tied to the punishment board. A dark opaque bag was placed over her head. Then men carefully picked up the punishment board with the girl strapped down to it and carried it across the field to a place designated by the priest. Priest Matthew removed her veil and spoke softly. My dear Veronica. She recognized the man who had often visited the family when she was little. He shed tears. He dismissed the nun and her entourage. Only he would remain with the girl during her last few hours on earth.

At length, he told the maiden to speak. Where are we? We are in a grassy field, with flowers and birds. Why are we here? To pay for your crime. Am I to be punished yet again? You are to be transferred from this miserable life unto the presence of the lord. When? At sunset. You will be lowered on this board into an unmarked grave and dirt shoveled over your head until you give up your last breath. Is there no appeal? No defense? That was to be handled by the nun. She found you unrepentant.

[End of part II. Should Veronica’s life be spared? Message me or comment if you think so.]
Of course, the priest knew quite well that the nun was evil and loved to torture those under her judgment. She was very powerful however and simply could not be challenged. She had powerful friends and any who dared to stand up to her had disappeared.

“It is still several hours my dear until your time comes.” “Is there anything I can do for you?”, asked the priest. “Would you untie me from this board so that I may look around this beautiful country?” The priest thought a moment. “I have something in my carriage.” He returned with a sack of grain. Then said, “I will untie you a little bit so that you can sit up.” So he untied the leather straps holding her arms and wrists. Then he loosened the bonds holding her head, neck, and upper body. Then he helped the maiden to sit up and placed the sack of grain behind her back as a rest.

I am sorry he said but I must bind your hands to prevent the temptation to escape. He carefully and lovingly bound her wrists together and tied the loose ends around the back of her belly. The priest would have covered the girl’s nakedness except he knew that the nun and her men were no doubt observing from a distance.

The priest began to read from the Bible. He selected passages from the 23rd Psalm as well as Jesus' words in the Book of John, when he brought Lazarus back from the dead: “I am the resurrection” followed by the visions of Revelation: “I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God”

Then the priest told Veronica at length about his own beloved parents and his young sister who was already in heaven. “My mother was so beautiful with long golden hair and she sang as the chorus of angels.” He went on for a bit smiling, then invited Veronica to talk about her family and happy memories.

Veronica talked about her carefree childhood in the castle, with servants and nannies. She spoke about her sisters with whom she occasionally quarreled and then her lovely brother. Her words flowed freely and gaily until the day ebbed. The look in the priests' eyes indicated that his dreaded duty must soon occur.

Veronica looked at the hole that was soon to become her home. It was so small, so narrow, just big enough for the board on which she lay. Next to it was the pile of dirt, which would soon fill the hole again. Also, the piece of sod to hide her unmarked grave from the world was there.

It is time to lie down Dear. Veronica’s eyes filled with water and panic but she complied as he removed the bag of grain and lowered her back down onto the board. He veiled her face with a wrapping of fine silk. She could still see but would be protected for a time from dirt getting into her nose, eyes, and mouth. He tightened the straps holding her head almost to excess. The other bonds were also made as tight as possible to reduce the inevitable struggle and panic as the bitter taste of death would come slowly.

Father Mathew set up his block and tackle near the grave. He carefully threaded four ropes in corner hooks on the board of death. Next, he wound a crank tightening the ropes until the board started to lift off the ground. Gently he swung the apparatus over the hole. Then he reversed the crank and gently lowered the board. Veronica’s world was shrinking. Soon she could see only the rectangular outline of her eternal resting place. “Oh Father!, Oh Father, Save me.” The priest removed the device and pulled out the ropes.

Your hour of judgment has arrived child. God grant you endurance! He put in his shovel and poured dirt on the immobilized naked child. “Please oh no!”, she screamed. The priest hurried to make her suffering as short as possible. Dirt, dirt, more dirt came raining down. He covered her face last, but quickly. A few more muffled cries but they were quieter now. Veronica suddenly found peace. She saw heaven coming closer and embraced it.

As she was obviously gone, the priest slowed down. He finished filling in the hole and pulled the sod in place. In a day's time, he doubted even he himself could find the hole again. Veronica would truly be forgotten. According to law all historical references to her existence, her birth, and her place in the palace, were to be burned. Even mention of her name was forbidden by law. The priest prayed silently for her one last time and went home.

Unusual and interesting.

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