The Fate of Claire Lavendar
Forum Home > Public : Stories > The Fate of Claire LavendarAt eleven- o- clock, the masked guards opened the door to Claire's reception cell, telling her that the executioner had arrived. "It's time." Reluctantly but calmly, she stood up and walked to the doorway, where the guards took hold of her arms and led her out at a brisk pace. She was trotted through the building, to a chamber that she understood to be parallel to the public gallows.
When she got there, there were six other women already gathered. Two were trying to maintain a straight face, two were sobbing, and one girl looked absolutely infuriated. Claire's old cellmate Sarah- a girl who had the vast misfortune of turning eighteen on the day of her sentencing hearing- looked completely unconscious. At the front of the room was a group of masked guards, and a lead executioner, a man she recognized as Robert Calvert.. She shuddered- she had heard many tales about this man, and none were good. One of the guards picked up a bucket of water, intending to douse Sarah awake, but Claire jostled the blonde out of her haze before he reached the girl. All six were lined up in front of Calvert.
"Listen up.
All six of you are gathered here because you have been found guilty of the most heinous crimes, and have been sentenced to hang. There is no reason to resist or struggle, for nothing can change what has been deemed to happen.
"In order to prevent further sins of this nature, the six of you are to be hanged publically, in a manner constructed to dissuade sin and encourage virtue. This carries certain requirements. First of all, the stresses put upon the mind and body while one's neck is stretched can provoke... illicit responses. For this reason, cotton balls will need to be inserted into the orifices-"
"Wait, you're putting cotton balls up down our fucking throats??" said the one angry girl. "What's the point of hanging us if we'll choke before you drag us out?"
A sly grin slid across Calvert's face. "As I was saying, the cotton balls will be inserted into the orifices on your lower body- meaning your anus and vagina, if I wasn't clear." Several of the women gasped. Claire felt her face run red, but kept her eyes forward and on the hangman, who continued talking as if nothing had happened. "Each of you will be stripped, tied, down, and have the cotton balls inserted. Since you were the first to inquire, Lily Hendrickson... I believe you can serve as the first to go."
As the smirk disappeared from the angry girl's face, two guards grabbed hold of her. She shrieked and tried to kick them away, but they restrained her legs and carried her into a booth. "The rest of you will be prepared in groups of two. You will have the privilege of each other's company during the procedure. Please be aware that this is not punishment- this is simply a necessary step to ensure the execution is safe for all to view." An anguished wail chimed out from the booth where Lily was being 'prepared', followed by the crack of a whip against bare flesh. "Do not resist."
Claire nudged Sarah. "Come on, we have to go do this." Reluctantly, Sarah took Claire's side. Two men came up to them, and they were led into the stall.
inside the stall, there was two carabineder clips on the wall, put above the girls's heads. At the end of the stall there was a table with two sets of stocks and shackles, clearly meant to restrain prisoners while being 'prepared'. The men took no time in attaching their cuffs to the clips, both of them facing to the wall. Claire felt the hot breath of a man on her neck as he grabbed her collar. He leaned onto her ever so slightly, and she could feel his rock-hard cock against her ass. Sarah's shriek confirmed she was getting the same treatment. The man slipped his scissors under her collar and began cutting. With every snip-snip-snip she could feel the cool air of the chamber wafting further down on her back, until the cuts reached the base of her skirt, when the man abruptly ripped the rest of her skirt in two. He undid the back clips on her bra and reached around to give her large tits a quick squeeze before yanking the ornament away, and then slid her panties all the way down her legs.
"Step out of those. Also, take off your shoes. You'll get new ones for the walk to the gallows."
With a tinge of frustration, Claire stepped out of her underwear and kicked off the two sandals. She had always knew this would be part of her execution, but it still felt way more embarrassing than she had anticipated.
"Normally, we'd do the two of you at the same time, but that's when both have the same degree of compliance. Mrs. Lavendar, since you appear to be the more... mature of you two, would you mind being first on the table? As a demonstration, to assure your friend here that there's nothing to be afraid of when it's her turn?"
"I don't want to have a turn getting filled with cotton balls! I want to go home!" Sarah kicked and tugged on her chains. "I wasn't even eighteen when I was convicted, this shouldn't be happening to me! It's not fair!"
Ignoring the argument, the guard at Claire's back grabbed her right arm. He unclipped her right hand from the chain, and slid off her sleeve. He then clipped her right arm back in, and performed the same procedure on her left arm, after which her dress fell to the ground, leaving her completely naked. He then twirled her around, undid the carabinder clip, and cuffed her arms back together behind her.
"You can't do this to me, I don't deserve this! I'll- OW!" Sarah's protest was cut short by a cat-o-nine's tails striking her bare bottom. Her guard grabbed onto her hair to hold her steady as he mercilessly thrashed her five more times, her buttocks rippling with the force of each impact. Once he was finished, he let go, with her dangling limply.
"Listen to me. You will quit your insolent whining at this instant. Otherwise, every complaint will earn you six lashings. Got it?"
"Please... stop..."
"That's what I'm talking about! Six more!" Once again, the cat-o-nine descended on Sarah's rump, which was already getting red.
"Jesus Christ, take it easy on her, will you?" Claire shouted. "She's on her way to the gallows, you don't need to be this rough!"
"She should be aware of the consequences of her actions."
"She's practically a child, you don't-"
"Seeing as the murder of your child brought you here, Mrs. Lavender, I wouldn't be so haughty. Perhaps you could use some self-reflection before God claims your soul."
"I... I..." Overwhelmed by shame, Claire's head drooped and she closed her eyes. However, the masked man behind her spoke up.
"With all due respect, Mathias... Mrs. Lavendar has accepted her sentence of death as fair. I don't see why she can't have an opinion here."
"Fine." Mathias shrugged. "As you wish- you will receive the five remaining lashes intended for Sarah, as well as twelve lashes for speaking disrespectfully twice. Now shackle her already, Robert."
"Actually," Sarah said, lifting her head just a little, "I can take the last five lashes myself. And... could I be on the table at the same time as Claire? I'm not scared, I just..."
Without even responding, Mathias finished the process of stripping her and started marching her to the platform, with Robert shoving Claire along as well.
On the straw platform, the two dames had their heads and arms restrained in the pillory, while their knees rested on the floor. Shackles were tightened around their ankles, forcing their legs apart. A chill went down Claire's spine as Robert casually brushed the cat-o-nine against her rump.
"Well, we don't have all day. Time to get cracking!"
The first strike from the flogger drew a shriek from Claire. She attempted to tense up, but the grasp of the spreader left her with no way to brace her ass and thighs. Another blistering blow came down seconds later, before she could scarcely recover. A howl to her right indicated Sarah was getting the same treatment.
While Claire tried to bear her suffering in silence, after a few lashes the burning sensation became too much to bear, and each smack brought forth a new cry. Tears streamed down her face as she writhed under Robert's whip. After what felt like an eternity, the lashing ceased. She breathed heavily, trying to regain some sense of composure. Her buttocks and upper thighs felt as if they had been doused in acid.
Her eyes abruptly threw open as Robert's gloved fingers shoved into her pussy. Without any care for her comfort, he quickly shoved in four balls of cotton one by one. The feeling of intrusion chilled her entire body. She glanced over to Sarah, who was at the same stage. The poor little blond was barely awake. Once Robert was done, he started feeling at her asshole. Well, this is going to be the worst of it, she thought, taking a deep breath.
Claire had never even considered doing anything as obviously scandalous as anal sex, so the feeling of large balls being shoved up her rectum was a shock she hadnt prepared for. She tried to writhe after the first ball, which was met with a slap to her sore thighs. After the most humiliating moment of her life so far, Robert came to her front.
"Well, if that wasn't a waste of time. You two better get moving."
Robert attached a bra that fit a little too loose around her chest, and removed the spreader bar to slide a pair of panties up her legs. She glanced at Sarah, and saw that both the bra and the panties were a lacy black design. Mathias opened a cabinet on the wall in front of them, and brought out a pair of gray gowns. Claire was alarmed as she saw the fabric.
"Sir, that material.. it's practically see-through!"
"As is intended, ma'am. The law is blind, yet the public must be assured that beauty pays no role in it's decisions."
After being dressed and given high-heels to walk in, Claire and Sarah were marched out into the outer room, with the other five women. Right now, they all mostly seemed the same as before, with the exception of Lily, who was hanging her head in shame.
For the next few minutes, the seven women stood dumbly. Then, a door opened, and Calvert stepped in.
"Well, lucky me. Usually I have at least one prisoner holding me up, but it looks like you all were readied in time. Now, you will be brought out to serve your sentence and educate the crowd."
With those words, Calvert walked out the door, and the guards started bringing up each woman with them. The door led into a tunnel heading upwards. A lump formed in Claires throat as she started to hear cheers, which solidified as she went out the exit.
In front of her was a scaffold with seven nooses. Out in front of them was a huge crowd, cheering raucously. Calvert then turned to face them.
"Now, each of these wicked women will be called forth to their punishment!"
"Mariah Cadwell, sentenced to hang by the neck until dead for stealing sheep!"
Mariah, sobbing and begging for forgiveness, was marched to the noose on the far left, where Calvert secured it around her throat.
"Edith Morry, sentenced to hang by the neck until dead for forgery!"
Two more names were called. Claire made a silent prayer for forgiveness before noticing something odd. The ropes were of different lengths- the third woman, sentenced for murdering her husband, had a rope much shorter.
"Lily Hendrickson, sentenced to hang by the neck until dead for poisoning four children!"
Lily screamed and sobbed as she was dragged to her spot. When secured, the noose barely left her any room to stand. Claire glanced to the last two ropes. There was one that had the most slack of all... and the next in line, that had barely a foot. Oh my god, are they doing this based off who was the most difficult in preparation? If so... oh no, not Sarah-
"Claire Lavendar, sentenced to hang by the neck until dead for the impulsive killing of her own child!"
A wave of relief swept over Claire, enough that she barely even considered her own circumstance. Robert gave her a shove, and she obediently walked to her spot, where Calvert fastened the noose around her neck. He then called for the last time.
"Sarah ketch, sentenced to hang by the neck until dead for robbery!"
Slowly but steadily, Sarah walked to her place, where she was finally secured. Calvert then walked behind the group.
"Jesus have mercy" Claire mumbled, shaking like a leaf in a thunderstorm.
"All seven of these vile criminals shall meet their fates.. now!"
The trapdoor beneath Claire gave way before her even finished saying his word. Screams chimed out from the crowd, the prisoners, and probably Claire herself-though she could hardly tell- before she hit the end of her rope, a surge of agony ripping through her body. A loud cracking sound could be heard.
Claire's legs kicked in the air, instinctively trying to find a solid footing, but none would be forthcoming. The pain was immense- it was as if a vise was tightening down on her neck. She gasped and gurgled, but only the slightest bit of air could reach her lungs. She looked to her left, and saw Sarah dangling still, her neck snapped. To her left, five women were writhing and shrieking just like her, with Lilly at her height.
*This is my penance. I'll...*
The high-heels on her feet quickly came loose under her paddling and fell. She swung back and forth to the side, raising her arms behind her back up and down in an attempt to grab hold of the rope. She knew it was futile, but the pain was so much that it made it impossible for her to just stay still. Her voluptuous breasts heaved up and down under the force of her struggles. She felt a looseness in her nether regoins, and suddenly appreciated the cotton balls.
Within a couple minutes four of the five other women had ceased their thrashing, leaving only Lily and Claire suffering. Claire gazed at the crowd, looking for any sign of pity or compassion, some sign that this torment had any purpose other than her own suffering. Young women were making gruesome parodies of her face and laughing. Men were jeering and telling jokes. Shockingly, a significant portion of both sexes seemed to have their hands at their nether regions.
*This is the real purpose of all of this. Nothing but entertainment...*
The girl gasped over and over again, her mouth open and her tongue sticking out in an almost erotic gesture. Her skirt rode up as she kicked, exposing her bare thighs, lacy panties and letting those in the far side of the crowd get a glimpse of her rump. She keeps struggling, yet the rope neither stops piercing into her throat like the teeth of a demon nor does it completely cut her off. Claire's face darkened, turning from a humiliated light red to a red-purple hue as airless blood flows through her veins.
For the poor redhead, time seems to drag on forever. Claire kept struggling for what felt like hours, what must have been hours. Her bouncing breasts, pumping things and buttocks, and orgasmic mask made it look as if she was being ravished by an invisible demon mid-air. Eventually, she notices that darkness is seeping into her vision- oh my God, is it sunset already? An animalistic fear washes over her, and she begins thrashing in a truly crazed fashion. One of her toes catches in a hole in the skirt and rips a large piece off. Her desperate paddling causes the skirt to ride up practically all the way, exposing her buttocks and panties. Her entire body is bouncing on the rope as she struggles. Each jump gives her half a second of reduced pressure before the noose bites down again, driving her desperate doomed struggle. A strange wave of pleasure and pain rushes through her body, and for the next two seconds the redhead wiggles and contorts at an insane pace.
And then... nothing. As the rush ends, Claire feels all her strength leave her. She falls limp, and the noose bites down, crushing her weakened windpipe and arteries. Her head bows, her hair covering her indecent expression. Claire dimly notes that something has soaked through her panties as the darkness falls over her.
Claire's hanging was officially a failure. She had struggled for a full twenty minutes- well longer than the time planned. Her struggles had been well more intense than anticipated as well. Such a display like this threatened to go beyond what was necessary for upholding virtue and venture into the obscene. However, when questioned on the way out, the vast majority of onlookers claimed that the execution had gone fine- a "perfect display of justice", according to one man, and "a sorry reminder of what sin brings", said a woman, both of which were quoted in the weekly newspaper.
Had the reporter inquired as to the wet spots on the man's trousers and the woman's skirt, he may have realized that the supposed positive reception wasn't entirely honest. It scarcely mattered anyways- everyone was happy with the outcome, so who was to say the execution hadn't gone off without a snag?
This is my first time writing for here, any feedback is appreciated.
When she got there, there were six other women already gathered. Two were trying to maintain a straight face, two were sobbing, and one girl looked absolutely infuriated. Claire's old cellmate Sarah- a girl who had the vast misfortune of turning eighteen on the day of her sentencing hearing- looked completely unconscious. At the front of the room was a group of masked guards, and a lead executioner, a man she recognized as Robert Calvert.. She shuddered- she had heard many tales about this man, and none were good. One of the guards picked up a bucket of water, intending to douse Sarah awake, but Claire jostled the blonde out of her haze before he reached the girl. All six were lined up in front of Calvert.
"Listen up.
All six of you are gathered here because you have been found guilty of the most heinous crimes, and have been sentenced to hang. There is no reason to resist or struggle, for nothing can change what has been deemed to happen.
"In order to prevent further sins of this nature, the six of you are to be hanged publically, in a manner constructed to dissuade sin and encourage virtue. This carries certain requirements. First of all, the stresses put upon the mind and body while one's neck is stretched can provoke... illicit responses. For this reason, cotton balls will need to be inserted into the orifices-"
"Wait, you're putting cotton balls up down our fucking throats??" said the one angry girl. "What's the point of hanging us if we'll choke before you drag us out?"
A sly grin slid across Calvert's face. "As I was saying, the cotton balls will be inserted into the orifices on your lower body- meaning your anus and vagina, if I wasn't clear." Several of the women gasped. Claire felt her face run red, but kept her eyes forward and on the hangman, who continued talking as if nothing had happened. "Each of you will be stripped, tied, down, and have the cotton balls inserted. Since you were the first to inquire, Lily Hendrickson... I believe you can serve as the first to go."
As the smirk disappeared from the angry girl's face, two guards grabbed hold of her. She shrieked and tried to kick them away, but they restrained her legs and carried her into a booth. "The rest of you will be prepared in groups of two. You will have the privilege of each other's company during the procedure. Please be aware that this is not punishment- this is simply a necessary step to ensure the execution is safe for all to view." An anguished wail chimed out from the booth where Lily was being 'prepared', followed by the crack of a whip against bare flesh. "Do not resist."
Claire nudged Sarah. "Come on, we have to go do this." Reluctantly, Sarah took Claire's side. Two men came up to them, and they were led into the stall.
inside the stall, there was two carabineder clips on the wall, put above the girls's heads. At the end of the stall there was a table with two sets of stocks and shackles, clearly meant to restrain prisoners while being 'prepared'. The men took no time in attaching their cuffs to the clips, both of them facing to the wall. Claire felt the hot breath of a man on her neck as he grabbed her collar. He leaned onto her ever so slightly, and she could feel his rock-hard cock against her ass. Sarah's shriek confirmed she was getting the same treatment. The man slipped his scissors under her collar and began cutting. With every snip-snip-snip she could feel the cool air of the chamber wafting further down on her back, until the cuts reached the base of her skirt, when the man abruptly ripped the rest of her skirt in two. He undid the back clips on her bra and reached around to give her large tits a quick squeeze before yanking the ornament away, and then slid her panties all the way down her legs.
"Step out of those. Also, take off your shoes. You'll get new ones for the walk to the gallows."
With a tinge of frustration, Claire stepped out of her underwear and kicked off the two sandals. She had always knew this would be part of her execution, but it still felt way more embarrassing than she had anticipated.
"Normally, we'd do the two of you at the same time, but that's when both have the same degree of compliance. Mrs. Lavendar, since you appear to be the more... mature of you two, would you mind being first on the table? As a demonstration, to assure your friend here that there's nothing to be afraid of when it's her turn?"
"I don't want to have a turn getting filled with cotton balls! I want to go home!" Sarah kicked and tugged on her chains. "I wasn't even eighteen when I was convicted, this shouldn't be happening to me! It's not fair!"
Ignoring the argument, the guard at Claire's back grabbed her right arm. He unclipped her right hand from the chain, and slid off her sleeve. He then clipped her right arm back in, and performed the same procedure on her left arm, after which her dress fell to the ground, leaving her completely naked. He then twirled her around, undid the carabinder clip, and cuffed her arms back together behind her.
"You can't do this to me, I don't deserve this! I'll- OW!" Sarah's protest was cut short by a cat-o-nine's tails striking her bare bottom. Her guard grabbed onto her hair to hold her steady as he mercilessly thrashed her five more times, her buttocks rippling with the force of each impact. Once he was finished, he let go, with her dangling limply.
"Listen to me. You will quit your insolent whining at this instant. Otherwise, every complaint will earn you six lashings. Got it?"
"Please... stop..."
"That's what I'm talking about! Six more!" Once again, the cat-o-nine descended on Sarah's rump, which was already getting red.
"Jesus Christ, take it easy on her, will you?" Claire shouted. "She's on her way to the gallows, you don't need to be this rough!"
"She should be aware of the consequences of her actions."
"She's practically a child, you don't-"
"Seeing as the murder of your child brought you here, Mrs. Lavender, I wouldn't be so haughty. Perhaps you could use some self-reflection before God claims your soul."
"I... I..." Overwhelmed by shame, Claire's head drooped and she closed her eyes. However, the masked man behind her spoke up.
"With all due respect, Mathias... Mrs. Lavendar has accepted her sentence of death as fair. I don't see why she can't have an opinion here."
"Fine." Mathias shrugged. "As you wish- you will receive the five remaining lashes intended for Sarah, as well as twelve lashes for speaking disrespectfully twice. Now shackle her already, Robert."
"Actually," Sarah said, lifting her head just a little, "I can take the last five lashes myself. And... could I be on the table at the same time as Claire? I'm not scared, I just..."
Without even responding, Mathias finished the process of stripping her and started marching her to the platform, with Robert shoving Claire along as well.
On the straw platform, the two dames had their heads and arms restrained in the pillory, while their knees rested on the floor. Shackles were tightened around their ankles, forcing their legs apart. A chill went down Claire's spine as Robert casually brushed the cat-o-nine against her rump.
"Well, we don't have all day. Time to get cracking!"
The first strike from the flogger drew a shriek from Claire. She attempted to tense up, but the grasp of the spreader left her with no way to brace her ass and thighs. Another blistering blow came down seconds later, before she could scarcely recover. A howl to her right indicated Sarah was getting the same treatment.
While Claire tried to bear her suffering in silence, after a few lashes the burning sensation became too much to bear, and each smack brought forth a new cry. Tears streamed down her face as she writhed under Robert's whip. After what felt like an eternity, the lashing ceased. She breathed heavily, trying to regain some sense of composure. Her buttocks and upper thighs felt as if they had been doused in acid.
Her eyes abruptly threw open as Robert's gloved fingers shoved into her pussy. Without any care for her comfort, he quickly shoved in four balls of cotton one by one. The feeling of intrusion chilled her entire body. She glanced over to Sarah, who was at the same stage. The poor little blond was barely awake. Once Robert was done, he started feeling at her asshole. Well, this is going to be the worst of it, she thought, taking a deep breath.
Claire had never even considered doing anything as obviously scandalous as anal sex, so the feeling of large balls being shoved up her rectum was a shock she hadnt prepared for. She tried to writhe after the first ball, which was met with a slap to her sore thighs. After the most humiliating moment of her life so far, Robert came to her front.
"Well, if that wasn't a waste of time. You two better get moving."
Robert attached a bra that fit a little too loose around her chest, and removed the spreader bar to slide a pair of panties up her legs. She glanced at Sarah, and saw that both the bra and the panties were a lacy black design. Mathias opened a cabinet on the wall in front of them, and brought out a pair of gray gowns. Claire was alarmed as she saw the fabric.
"Sir, that material.. it's practically see-through!"
"As is intended, ma'am. The law is blind, yet the public must be assured that beauty pays no role in it's decisions."
After being dressed and given high-heels to walk in, Claire and Sarah were marched out into the outer room, with the other five women. Right now, they all mostly seemed the same as before, with the exception of Lily, who was hanging her head in shame.
For the next few minutes, the seven women stood dumbly. Then, a door opened, and Calvert stepped in.
"Well, lucky me. Usually I have at least one prisoner holding me up, but it looks like you all were readied in time. Now, you will be brought out to serve your sentence and educate the crowd."
With those words, Calvert walked out the door, and the guards started bringing up each woman with them. The door led into a tunnel heading upwards. A lump formed in Claires throat as she started to hear cheers, which solidified as she went out the exit.
In front of her was a scaffold with seven nooses. Out in front of them was a huge crowd, cheering raucously. Calvert then turned to face them.
"Now, each of these wicked women will be called forth to their punishment!"
"Mariah Cadwell, sentenced to hang by the neck until dead for stealing sheep!"
Mariah, sobbing and begging for forgiveness, was marched to the noose on the far left, where Calvert secured it around her throat.
"Edith Morry, sentenced to hang by the neck until dead for forgery!"
Two more names were called. Claire made a silent prayer for forgiveness before noticing something odd. The ropes were of different lengths- the third woman, sentenced for murdering her husband, had a rope much shorter.
"Lily Hendrickson, sentenced to hang by the neck until dead for poisoning four children!"
Lily screamed and sobbed as she was dragged to her spot. When secured, the noose barely left her any room to stand. Claire glanced to the last two ropes. There was one that had the most slack of all... and the next in line, that had barely a foot. Oh my god, are they doing this based off who was the most difficult in preparation? If so... oh no, not Sarah-
"Claire Lavendar, sentenced to hang by the neck until dead for the impulsive killing of her own child!"
A wave of relief swept over Claire, enough that she barely even considered her own circumstance. Robert gave her a shove, and she obediently walked to her spot, where Calvert fastened the noose around her neck. He then called for the last time.
"Sarah ketch, sentenced to hang by the neck until dead for robbery!"
Slowly but steadily, Sarah walked to her place, where she was finally secured. Calvert then walked behind the group.
"Jesus have mercy" Claire mumbled, shaking like a leaf in a thunderstorm.
"All seven of these vile criminals shall meet their fates.. now!"
The trapdoor beneath Claire gave way before her even finished saying his word. Screams chimed out from the crowd, the prisoners, and probably Claire herself-though she could hardly tell- before she hit the end of her rope, a surge of agony ripping through her body. A loud cracking sound could be heard.
Claire's legs kicked in the air, instinctively trying to find a solid footing, but none would be forthcoming. The pain was immense- it was as if a vise was tightening down on her neck. She gasped and gurgled, but only the slightest bit of air could reach her lungs. She looked to her left, and saw Sarah dangling still, her neck snapped. To her left, five women were writhing and shrieking just like her, with Lilly at her height.
*This is my penance. I'll...*
The high-heels on her feet quickly came loose under her paddling and fell. She swung back and forth to the side, raising her arms behind her back up and down in an attempt to grab hold of the rope. She knew it was futile, but the pain was so much that it made it impossible for her to just stay still. Her voluptuous breasts heaved up and down under the force of her struggles. She felt a looseness in her nether regoins, and suddenly appreciated the cotton balls.
Within a couple minutes four of the five other women had ceased their thrashing, leaving only Lily and Claire suffering. Claire gazed at the crowd, looking for any sign of pity or compassion, some sign that this torment had any purpose other than her own suffering. Young women were making gruesome parodies of her face and laughing. Men were jeering and telling jokes. Shockingly, a significant portion of both sexes seemed to have their hands at their nether regions.
*This is the real purpose of all of this. Nothing but entertainment...*
The girl gasped over and over again, her mouth open and her tongue sticking out in an almost erotic gesture. Her skirt rode up as she kicked, exposing her bare thighs, lacy panties and letting those in the far side of the crowd get a glimpse of her rump. She keeps struggling, yet the rope neither stops piercing into her throat like the teeth of a demon nor does it completely cut her off. Claire's face darkened, turning from a humiliated light red to a red-purple hue as airless blood flows through her veins.
For the poor redhead, time seems to drag on forever. Claire kept struggling for what felt like hours, what must have been hours. Her bouncing breasts, pumping things and buttocks, and orgasmic mask made it look as if she was being ravished by an invisible demon mid-air. Eventually, she notices that darkness is seeping into her vision- oh my God, is it sunset already? An animalistic fear washes over her, and she begins thrashing in a truly crazed fashion. One of her toes catches in a hole in the skirt and rips a large piece off. Her desperate paddling causes the skirt to ride up practically all the way, exposing her buttocks and panties. Her entire body is bouncing on the rope as she struggles. Each jump gives her half a second of reduced pressure before the noose bites down again, driving her desperate doomed struggle. A strange wave of pleasure and pain rushes through her body, and for the next two seconds the redhead wiggles and contorts at an insane pace.
And then... nothing. As the rush ends, Claire feels all her strength leave her. She falls limp, and the noose bites down, crushing her weakened windpipe and arteries. Her head bows, her hair covering her indecent expression. Claire dimly notes that something has soaked through her panties as the darkness falls over her.
Claire's hanging was officially a failure. She had struggled for a full twenty minutes- well longer than the time planned. Her struggles had been well more intense than anticipated as well. Such a display like this threatened to go beyond what was necessary for upholding virtue and venture into the obscene. However, when questioned on the way out, the vast majority of onlookers claimed that the execution had gone fine- a "perfect display of justice", according to one man, and "a sorry reminder of what sin brings", said a woman, both of which were quoted in the weekly newspaper.
Had the reporter inquired as to the wet spots on the man's trousers and the woman's skirt, he may have realized that the supposed positive reception wasn't entirely honest. It scarcely mattered anyways- everyone was happy with the outcome, so who was to say the execution hadn't gone off without a snag?
This is my first time writing for here, any feedback is appreciated.
A wonderful story. I like the part with disciplining the condemned to keep the order before the execution. I am looking forward to your new story.
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