The eternal smile of a female superstar
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When Hye-jung had just entered the execution room, the supervisor frowned at her appearance. On Hye-jung's slim and sexy body and glamourous breasts and ample hips, a beautiful deep-chested high-leg one-piece red swimsuit, which so tightly clung. Even a camel toe could be seen in her groin.
However, Hye-jung looked at the supervisor and spoke to him.
"You told me I can dress up however I want, right?"

One of executioners brought a bowl being full with some liquid to Hye-Jung. She emptied that bowl, and walked to the center of a big vinyl being spread on the floor of the room.
Not being tied due to a pre-request, Hye-Jung knelt down by herself. She spread two legs and put two of her pretty hand lightly on attractive thighs. Her posture was like that of a sexy woman who was taken a photo at the very sunny seaside.

Hye-Jung made an expression which she already chose on her beautiful face. From just a little bit after, that expression would be eternally fixed on her face. Due to her another pre-request, executioners took some photos of her. Several caremas was already shooting all process of her execution.

One executioner took a big sword and came next to Hye-Jung, and said to her. "Lady, the time has come."
At just after several seconds, Hye-Jung felt some sharp thing touched the middle of her back neck. That sharp thing very quickly penetrated her slender neck through. "Ah, the painkiller is very very excellent! Although I was already decapitated, I did not felt any pain. Thank..." Hye-Jung's consciousness was eternally lost.

After the executioner sliced Hye-Jung's long and tender jade-white neck through just at a blow, her beautiful decapitated head flied forward and dropped to the floor, and rolled about 10 steps to a halt. Following soon, her slim and sexy headless body collapsed forward such like chasing the head which was already cut off from the body just a little bit before.

The executioner who cut Hye-Jung's neck lifted high her decapitated head which was bleeding front of one of cameras. Another executioners laid her slim and sexy headless body on a prepared slanted board. Her pretty feet and slim and long white legs stayed upward, and her blood gushed form the neck-cut stump was flowing down to the bowl under the board. The sight that her slim headless body shivered like squeezing blood seemed to more sexy because the shivering was appeared through her beautiful red swimsuit.

When Hye-Jung's decapitated head was taken to the supervisor for last examination, he felt some abnormality. He took it for granted that no pain appeared on Hye-Jung's beautiful face, but could not understand why her dead face was still smiling.

In the very day that the terrorist group distributed the photos and videos of Hye-Jung's beheading execution to public, her slim and sexy headless corpse arrived at the embassy of her home country. Because she had no family, Hye-Jung already left a will to ask her fan-club to take over her corpse if she would be dead.
In the same day, Hye-Jung's decapitated head was being displayed in the main auditorium of the headquarter of the terrorist group. Among over ten decapitated heads which was being displayed together, Hye-Jung's head was the most young and beautiful.

Hye-Jung's beheading execution triggered big shock and anger to the people of another countries as well as her home country. The terrorist group who executed Hye-Jung and her home country's government who rejected the negotiation with the terrorist group became the objects of people's anger. The government was overturned in 6 months after Hye-Jung's beheading execution, and after another 6 months, the terrorist group was completely collapsed. Hye-Jung's decapitated head, which was not rotten at all until that, was took over to her fan-club according to her will.
When a member of Hye-Jung's fanclub got special membership, she/he/they could enter the special room of the building of the fanclub once a year. On the wall of the room, two of Hye-Jung's big photos was hanging. Hye-Jung's posture in two photos was the same: kneeling down in a beautiful red one-piece high leg swimsuit. One photo was taken in a sunny seaside, the other one in a room. That photo in the seaside became the starting points that Hye-Jung got big popularity.

At the center of the room, Hye-Jung's decapitated head and her slim and sexy headless body in the red swimsuit was preserved on a shelf. The rea swimsuit was the very one in the two photos on the wall.
Hye-Jung's face was still smiling. Due to the very smile, when that photo in the seaside was released to public, Hye-Jung started to get big popularity. Now, Hye-Jung's the very smile eternally existed by being fixed on her still beautiful face.
I got aroused by this story.

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