Gas Chamber stories 17: Laura is scared silent.
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Gas Chamber stories 17: Laura is scared silent.Laura paced back and forth in her cell, the nervous 22-year-olds hands trembled as she grasp the bars and tried to look at the clock outside her cell to see how much longer it would be before her date with the gas chamber. She released the bars and shuffled back to the cot in her cell and sat down. Her ash blonde hair was pulled into a tight bun behind her head and the prison issued dress which was slightly too big sagged from her shoulders and her feet barely filled the black slippers that covered her feet. At five foot two and barely over one hundred pounds the small young woman waited to pay for the shooting death of a store owner who was killed as she and her boyfriend robbed a small store.
She looked down at the floor as she continued to transverse the cells floor. A few steps in one direction and then turn and a few steps in the other. The priest and the woman guard who sat outside her cell kept and eye on her as she nervously moved about her cell. Suddenly, she stopped pacing and looked to her left as the door to the cell block opened and the warden along with two kore female guards and three male guards entered the cell block. The female guard who had been sitting outside the cell stood up and unlocked the door and then swung it open to allow the warden and the two other women guards to enter the cell.
One of the women held a wide leather belt which she fastened around Laura’s waist and the other woman placed handcuffs around on her wrist, then secured them to the belt by a small chain. With a nod from the warden the two women escorted Laura from her cell and through the single door that separated the cell in which she had been held from the cell block that held the men on death row.
She was led down a flight of stairs and into a courtyard as the afternoon sun cast Laura’s shadow on the ground as she was walked to the death house that stood almost one hundred yards from the prison. As she approached the death house, a guard opened a large gate to allow the entourage inside and then closed it once they were through. A few more yards in front of her another guard opened a door to the plain, small building.
As soon as the entrance door a guard opened the door to one of the two cells that sat to the right of the gas chamber which was directly in front of Laura. She looked at it and felt a shiver go through her body as the guards guided her to the cell closest to the gas chamber and seated her on the cot inside. The handcuffs and belt were removed from her as a guard poured sulfuric acid into the mixing vats beneath each of the two chairs inside the chamber and them placed sacks containing cyanide pellets above them.
One of the female guards knelt down and removed Laura’s shoes and the prison issued socks she had on while another unbuttoned her dress and pulled it off her shoulders. She could feel her lower lip quiver as the guards held her by her shoulders and stood her up. They then ushered her out of the cell and toward the chamber.
The guards towered over the small woman as her size five and a half bare feet lightly touched the floor for the walk to the gas chamber which sat less than ten feet from the cell. The guards gently passed Laura through the chamber’s door and handed her off to two guards who were waiting inside the chamber. They turned her around and sat her down in the chair that was left of the door and quickly strapped her in. She nervously moved her hands and feet, which dangled above the chamber’s floor. Her eyes locked on the prison doctor as he entered the chamber and taped a stethoscope her heart. Them the doctor and the two guards left the chamber and the door was shut and sealed.
Laura’s eyes darted around the chamber as she waited for the pellets to be dropped. She grasp at the arms of the chair as she heard the acid/water solution drain in the chair beneath her and then the pellets dropped into the acid. Her body started to tremble and them her head snapped backwards and her body stiffened with her toes curling downward. Her body suddenly relaxed and she took a deep breath of the cyanide gas. Laura’s head rapidly moved back and forth several time and then fell forward.
She tried to raise her head and then her eyes closed and her head fell forward one last time. She was now motionless as the doctor listened to her heartbeat which was now slowly down. Several minutes went by and then there was no more sound coming through the stethoscope. The doctor notated the time on the papers on the clipboard and then removed the earpieces of the stethoscope. He gave a nod to the warden who then stepped into the witness room and informed the witnesses that Laura’s execution was now complete.
The morning paper’s headline was : Young Bandit Girl Die In Her Lingerie For her Crimes.
She looked down at the floor as she continued to transverse the cells floor. A few steps in one direction and then turn and a few steps in the other. The priest and the woman guard who sat outside her cell kept and eye on her as she nervously moved about her cell. Suddenly, she stopped pacing and looked to her left as the door to the cell block opened and the warden along with two kore female guards and three male guards entered the cell block. The female guard who had been sitting outside the cell stood up and unlocked the door and then swung it open to allow the warden and the two other women guards to enter the cell.
One of the women held a wide leather belt which she fastened around Laura’s waist and the other woman placed handcuffs around on her wrist, then secured them to the belt by a small chain. With a nod from the warden the two women escorted Laura from her cell and through the single door that separated the cell in which she had been held from the cell block that held the men on death row.
She was led down a flight of stairs and into a courtyard as the afternoon sun cast Laura’s shadow on the ground as she was walked to the death house that stood almost one hundred yards from the prison. As she approached the death house, a guard opened a large gate to allow the entourage inside and then closed it once they were through. A few more yards in front of her another guard opened a door to the plain, small building.
As soon as the entrance door a guard opened the door to one of the two cells that sat to the right of the gas chamber which was directly in front of Laura. She looked at it and felt a shiver go through her body as the guards guided her to the cell closest to the gas chamber and seated her on the cot inside. The handcuffs and belt were removed from her as a guard poured sulfuric acid into the mixing vats beneath each of the two chairs inside the chamber and them placed sacks containing cyanide pellets above them.
One of the female guards knelt down and removed Laura’s shoes and the prison issued socks she had on while another unbuttoned her dress and pulled it off her shoulders. She could feel her lower lip quiver as the guards held her by her shoulders and stood her up. They then ushered her out of the cell and toward the chamber.
The guards towered over the small woman as her size five and a half bare feet lightly touched the floor for the walk to the gas chamber which sat less than ten feet from the cell. The guards gently passed Laura through the chamber’s door and handed her off to two guards who were waiting inside the chamber. They turned her around and sat her down in the chair that was left of the door and quickly strapped her in. She nervously moved her hands and feet, which dangled above the chamber’s floor. Her eyes locked on the prison doctor as he entered the chamber and taped a stethoscope her heart. Them the doctor and the two guards left the chamber and the door was shut and sealed.
Laura’s eyes darted around the chamber as she waited for the pellets to be dropped. She grasp at the arms of the chair as she heard the acid/water solution drain in the chair beneath her and then the pellets dropped into the acid. Her body started to tremble and them her head snapped backwards and her body stiffened with her toes curling downward. Her body suddenly relaxed and she took a deep breath of the cyanide gas. Laura’s head rapidly moved back and forth several time and then fell forward.
She tried to raise her head and then her eyes closed and her head fell forward one last time. She was now motionless as the doctor listened to her heartbeat which was now slowly down. Several minutes went by and then there was no more sound coming through the stethoscope. The doctor notated the time on the papers on the clipboard and then removed the earpieces of the stethoscope. He gave a nod to the warden who then stepped into the witness room and informed the witnesses that Laura’s execution was now complete.
The morning paper’s headline was : Young Bandit Girl Die In Her Lingerie For her Crimes.

Forum > Public / Stories > Gas Chamber stories 17: Laura is scared silent.