Johanne Palmer. A translation from Russian of V. Vladimirov story. Unusual execution method.
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Author's notice.

All the events described in this story are fictional. Procedural, medical, physiological and other realities are the imagination of the author.

Any coincidences with real events and people are accidental.

Dedicated To Sidney Sheldon.

- Did the jury make their decision?

The small bald man to whom the judge addressed a question, nervously rubbed a nose, and looked at the piece of paper clamped in his hand.

Yes, your honor. …

- Read it out, please. …

The foreman of the jury cleared his throat and read:

- Jury finds Joan Palmer, thirty-two years, guilty of the murder of her husband, Robert Palmer and Michael Bronski with deliberate intention and cruelty.

Is that the opinion of all the jurors? the judge looked around at the eight men and four women sitting in front of him.

- Yes, your honor, every one.

- Very well…

There was a short thump of a judge's hammer.

- Joan Palmer, you have been found guilty on all counts. In accordance with the laws of the state of *** , I sentence you to death for the murder of Robert Palmer and Michael Bronski. Due to the extreme severity of your crime, your appeal was denied. The sentence will be enforced in a way that will bedetermine by the corrections Commission of the state of * * * to whose address I give you. May God have mercy on you. The trial is closed.

Hit the hammer.

The one to whom the judge's cruel words were addressed, a fair-haired woman with the right, pleasant features, stood with her hands in the barrier surrounding the dock. Heard slowly seeped into her mind, his eyes searched for at least one sympathetic person among those in the courtroom, and found nothing.

When the steel bracelets snapped shut on her wrists, and she let out a muffled scream.

The judge, who was already leaving the hall, frowned and briefly waved to the guard, hurrying her actions.

The guards caught the prisoner under their elbows and quickly carried her through the side door into a narrow corridor leading from the courthouse to the prison car.

* * *

Spread-eagled on a prison bunk, Joan will return again and again thinking of the events that led her successful business lady in the death row.

The beginning of that summer day did not portend any sad surprises. On the contrary, on this day all her business negotiations were extremely successful, and having signed several contracts that were extremely profitable for the firm, Joan decided that she had the full right to start the weekend a few hours earlier.

As she drove up to the house, she found that it was obvious that Robert came up with the same idea – his “Pontiac” was standing in front of the house.

Quick steps Joan crossed the hall and climbed to the second floor, anticipating how to reset nuisance business suit, and dive into dazzling blue pool and a long lie down, arms outstretched and legs in a cool, tingling the skin with bubbles water.

The sounds coming from behind Robert's bedroom door made her stop abruptly, as if hitting an invisible barrier.

Joan cautiously opened the door, and in the next few moments the entire its life flew in gap.

Her husband, Robert Palmer, was lying face down on the bed, and on it, frantically moving backwards up and down, crawl his press Secretary Michael Kronski. Robert would make such passionate moans as Joan had never heard him make love to her.

Joan's throat burned dry, tearing bitterness, as if suddenly in the room conditioned coolness was replaced by scorching breath Sirocco. She pulled a small, shiny Nickel from the bottom of her purse, and looked like a toy gun, and fired…

The first bullet went to Michael. She broke his neck at the moment when he, emitting an animal cry, twitched as if trying to fit entirely between the buttocks of Robert.The shot dropped him to the floor, and the second bullet pierced Robert's lower back, pinning him to his bed. The transition from orgasm to mortal horror and pain was so sudden that Robert only helplessly opened his mouth, and looked wide-eyed at the approaching Joan, whose eyes were focused on the still frantically pulsating hole in his anus, from which thick cloudy drops slowly flowed.

To her throat, Joan was again full of phlegm nausea and she, sticking the gun barrel in this trickle of someone else's cum hole, released back in the clip cartridges.

* * *

- Joan Palmer, state sentencing Commission * * * reviewed your death sentence and decided on a method of execution…

The voice spoke filled the small room, which led Joan and sat, bound hands behind the chair, facing the table, behind which sat three men.

Two she knew-this were chief of prison and prison doctor, and third, who spoke with it, she seen in the first and, as she understood – in the last time.

- The Commission has determined that the execution will be carried out by injecting into your body three liters of concentrated sulfuric acid, resulting in the destruction of internal organs and as a result – your death. Do you understand the punishment Commission's decision?

Joan's bladder responded to the terrible words before they reached her consciousness.

Looking for treacherously spilling a chair, a puddle, the doctor said:

She understood, sir.…

* * *

Finding himself in the cell Joan, not paying attention to the urine-drenched pants, rushed to the bed and clinging to the corner of the pillow teeth, deaf howled.

The brain repeated what it heard over and over again, trying to imagine what was behind the impassive words…

... What do you mean, – introduction into the body-they that will make you drink acid, or pour it through a large funnel, as tortured with water in the middle ages? - or...

A terrible guess pierced her whole body. She fell off her bed and barely managed to get down on her knees in front of the toilet in the corner of the cell when she started vomiting.

Clasping the edge of the toilet, she again and again shuddered in spasms, pushing the contents of the stomach. Her mouth and lips burned like she had already drunk acid. She did not hear the door of the cell open and only suddenly felt that she was being lifted off the floor, someone was wiping her face with a wet cloth and putting her on the prison bed.

Short pain at the elbow John realized that she made a shot.

- Now you'll feel better, - she heard a familiar voice of a prison doctor.

Mist gradually dissipated, convulsively compressed the stomach relaxed and Joan regained the ability to perceive our surroundings.

She saw that the prison doctor, a nurse and a female warden were in the cell. The matron was holding a small pile of clothes.

- You need to change, ' continued in an even voice doctor - Sister, please help her.

Confident and skillful hands quickly removed with Joan soiled and wet clothing and she felt again the refreshing touch of wet wipes to his body.

The matron pulled out her clothes and handed her a short orange sleeveless shirt, and Joan slowly put it on. The tank top did not reach the belt, and he recalled Joan's t-shirts-tops where she is engaged in sports clubs.

"Wait," the doctor said as Joan reached out for another piece of clothing.

Its quiet, not a loud voice fascinating and operated on Joan, and he dutifully left to sit half-naked on his bunk.

- You need to accept this was the voice of the nurse, and she handed Joan a plastic Cup with three small capsulei and a small glass of clear liquid.

- What is it? asked Joan, swallowing capsules and with their slightly salty liquid from the Cup.

– Special laxative-the nurse answered,

However, by this time Joan did not need an answer - her guts so powerfully declared themselves that she barely had time to sit on the toilet.

The doctor tactfully turned to the wall, but Joan was still covered with crimson paint – it seemed to her that the trumpet sounds with which her bowel was emptied could be heard throughout the prison.

The door of the cell opened again, and the prison attendants brought in two plastic containers, 20 liters each, one empty, the other filled with water, and a metal rack with a hook-like bar at the top.

- You will make now washing of intestines, - the doctor told.

- For what? quietly, with fear knowing the answer, asked Joan.

- To avoid any problems during the ... procedure.

- So I'm getting acid through…

- Yes, through the rectum, - confirmed her guess the doctor.

Those words made frantically to shrink inside Joan, and they are making a loud gurgling sound, pushed out the remnants of his content.

The nurse handed Joan a napkin

- Dry yourself and lie down on your left side, please.

Joan got wet the skin around the anus, and pulling the lever of a water descent, approached the bed.

She saw that the nurse pulled out a long rubber hose from her bag with a hole at the rounded end and attached it to a large, 1.5-liter funnel. Squeezing the hose clamp, she filled the funnel with water and strengthened it on the rack.

"Lie down on your left side," the nurse said impatiently. Joan's stretched out on the bunk.

- Left leg bend at the knee and pull up right to the stomach, continued his instructions to the nurse.

Turning to face the wall, Joan noticed that the doctor slowly pulls on his right hand a thin rubber glove.

- And now relax and try to breathe stomach, – she heard the voice of the doctor.

Joan felt like something greased slippery finger gently walked around the circumference of her anus and slid inside.

In surprise she gasped and lost my breathing rhythm.

Don't worry, it's all right, - the voice of the doctor operated on Joan soothingly, and she again began to breathe smoothly.

- Come on, sister, ' said the doctor, and Joan first heard a short knock of produced water into the bottom of empty containers, and then felt her anus slowly vdvinulsya the end of the hose. There was a soft murmur and Joan felt a cool trickle pouring into it.

Then the water current stopped and the hose moved deep into the open channel.

A little later, Joan felt the hose close inside her, and her insides began to swell under the pressure of the water. The moment the pressure threatened to become unbearable, the nurse removed the funnel from the counter and lowered it down, holding it over the empty container. The dull yellow thread with flakes of feces rushed through the funnel the funnel.

The nurse refilled the funnel and reinforced it on the counter.

Water was bubbling up on the familiar path, making your way farther…

Joan felt her gently turned over on her back and instinctively pressed her knees to her swollen stomach.

That's right – she heard the approving voice of the doctor - and now-slowly turn to the right…

With first student diligence Joan obeyed.

Water, carefully washed the intestines, the noise resulting from a drop funnel, then re-filling the stomach.

Soon Joan lost her sense of time, she wanted it to go on and on-strong hands turning her body, cool water, soothing hot insides and an amazing feeling bordering on sexual pleasure, when the water flow broke out of her body, and an extraordinary feeling of lightness after that…

- The doctor, the water has long comes out clean, the voice of her nurse Joan returned to reality.

– Yes, you can finish-the doctor said.

Joanne felt her gently pull the hose, and slowly, as if afraid of her, which became easier, the body will fly over the bed, turned on her back.

- Sit down there - the nurse nodded on the toilet in the corner of the camera. - Let the rest of the water come out, and here now will be removed…

Rising from the bed, Joanne went to the toilet and fell on him...

"Massage your stomach," the doctor said.

Joan, gently pressing, began to slide his hand around the navel. With a slight hiss from her ass poured a thin stream of warm water.

She continued to sit, stroking her stomach, and watched as the two attendants carried the lid closed container – one which had become almost empty, and the other, with heavily splashing content. The third caretaker, taking off from the bed Joan stained sheet, skillfully made the bed with fresh linen. And went out, taking with him the rack.

Again using an outstretched nurse with a napkin, Joan walked over and sat down on the bed, feeling painfully caressing touch of clean sheets to hot ass.

"Now you can put this on," said the nurse, pointing to a piece of orange cloth at the feet of the bed.

“It” was something like a skirt, the edge of which is fastened to Velcro, and the waist to hold the inserted in the waist band.

- No, the clasp should be back - corrected the actions of Joan, a nurse and deftly turned the skirt around her waist…

"Thank you, sister, you may go," said the doctor, and the nurse came out of the cell with her bag and her equipment.

The doctor approached Joan, who was on the bed.

"Lie down on your stomach, please," he said, and Joan obeyed.

The doctor pulled out a sealed disposable syringe filled with greenish liquid from his pocket. Wrapping the edge of Joan's skirt, he bared her buttocks, and quickly stuck the needle. Joan twitched, but the syringe was already empty, and the doctor gently kneaded the injection site.

"It'll help you sleep," Joan heard before you fell asleep. …

* * *

The prison doctor stood in a room where what he used to call “procedure” was supposed to happen, and that was supposed to end the life of a young woman, Joan Palmer.

He loved that short period of time.

The room reminded him of a certain sanctuary, waiting for the promised sacrifice.

He inspected the bed. Checked the seat belts. And I looked at the tank filled with acid. From it departed hose diameter of half an inch of acid-resistant plastic, passed through hanging from the ceiling ring. The lower part of the hose was filled with an inert solution and a thin meniscus indicated the border of life and death. A small thickening of forty centimeters from the end of the hose, connected by a thin tube to a pneumatic pump, indicated the place where the ball of the tamponade should swell. Ten centimeters higher was inserted a special valve.

Everything was ready.

The altar waited…

The doctor looked at the big clock, fixed on the wall of the room.

Time to go.…

The sound of the door opening woke Joan.

The doctor was standing next to her bed.

"I must prepare you," he said quietly.

- Already?! Joan's voice fell.

- It soon. Please, get on its knees and lean on elbows...

Joan leaned forward and felt a hard metal object enter her anus.

- What is it? she asked, involuntarily leaning forward.

- Rectoscope. I need to make sure there are no foreign objects... Once sentenced, he managed to shove a piece of sheets and in a result suffered more than an hour... But you're a smart girl and you have it all clear, ' the doctor said, removing Joan from the device.

I want to go to the toilet, – plaintively whispered Joan.

"Yes, Yes, of course," the doctor murmured.

The sound of a trickle pouring out of her calmed Joan. Back in bed, she even found the strength to smile weakly prison doctor, waiting for when she relieved.

- And this, the doctor handed Joan a small white tube - insert the swab…

Joan habitual movement introduced between the thighs the applicator and pressing the plunger, I felt a familiar sensation-filled vagina. The doctor slipped an empty applicator into his robe pocket.

- That's all ... be courageous…

The prison Governor accompanied by several officers entered the cell.

- Joan Palmer, time.…


Seats for spectators, separated by thick glass, were already filled.

Joan felt on itself curious and ruthless views.

"They all came to watch me get killed," she thought," and they're waiting for me to do something that I can talk about later, while greedily licking my lips and giggling. It is necessary to keep!

Joan walked quietly up to the bed and waited. Standing next to her, a tall, sturdy woman helped her up the metal step (Joan was disturbed by her hands tied behind her back) and, holding her shoulders, laid her on her stomach, strengthening a flat leather pillow under her head.

The lock clicked unbutton his cuffs, and Joan felt her hands pull to the bed with straps.

Then her legs spread wide apart and also pulled to the bed. Everything was done quickly and in silence. Two more grabbed belt hips Joan a little below the groin.

One of the servants came up to the headboard and suddenly, two fingers gripped Joan's nose. At this time, the second servant inserted into the opened mouth Joan round hollow gag with holes and tightened her head fixing straps.

Making this humiliating, but necessary operation, the attendant has disconnected edge skirt Joan short and with a jerk pulled the fabric from her hips.

The convict lay now completely naked below the waist with her shamelessly divorced legs and the prison doctor sitting with the warden not far from the stump could see a thin white cord of tampon hanging from her vagina.

The doctor stood up, went to the prostrate Joan, with a slight click, connected the two parts of the gynecological dilator and, pushing the woman's buttocks, introduced him into the anus.

Joan felt covers the walls of the anus, and entered the air pleasantly cools the mucosa. But the doctor's work was not yet finished. With a careful movement, he pulled up the hanging hose, released a thin stream of inert solution into the prepared cuvette with a short press on the valve, then, pushing the end of the hose between the folds of the dilator, gently pushing it inside Joan.

Joan felt like a hose, like a giant worm, sneaking deep into her body. She knew she was trying to resist will only increase their suffering, therefore, became deeply as possible raspagliosi mouth gag, breathing, relaxing the stomach.

The hose slowly, sometimes touching the intestinal folds, immersed in the inside of the convict.

The prison doctor, noticing Joan's attempts to help him, mentally praised her...

Joan seemed that the movement inside it takes a very long time that soon the hose will pass through it, and suddenly he stopped.

The doctor separated the halves of the retractor and gently took it out of the anus Joan.

He heard a quiet hiss and Joan felt like expanding elastic balloon is tightly sealed the entrance of her rectum. The doctor returned to his chair. The second hand on the watch started its last lap.

Joan realized that it's going to happen, her heart frantically pounding, submitting to the head.

At this moment, the shooter passed the number 12, and the warden nodded his head to the man who was standing silently in the corner, with his hand on the valve button. There was a silent click, and the acid level in the tank slowly went down…

Joan still managed to make two convulsive breaths when rising from below burning wave of pain twisted her insides.

Sitting behind the glass of the witnesses to the execution saw the body of Joan arched, pushing to the limit of the restraining straps, for a moment went limp and twitched wildly.

The head of the condemned was wound on a leather pillow, palms were compressed and unclenched. Her whole body shaking beat is strong... Tears flowed from the eyes of Joan, and stretched to the corners of the mouth pulled sticky strings of saliva. Knees and hips tensed in hopeless attempts to slide down from the killing hose. Her swollen belly shuddered in spasms. The tampon inserted into the vagina could not cope, and a puddle of pinkish mucus flowed between the thighs.

The woman's reddened skin was covered with large drops of acrid stench sweat, as if Joan's body was trying to get rid of the fluid that burned it.

The tank's empty.

The howling, which broke through the gag, reached the witnesses behind the glass, some of whom, despite the prohibition, stood up from their seats to see the details.

The warden looked at the clock, and Joan's agony had lasted twenty minutes. Suddenly, a strong cramp passed through her body and she made a loud burping sound. From the mouth through the gag holes on the floor gushed brown liquid.

And that was Joan's last effort. After a few moments, her buttocks stopped flinching, her body went limp, and her face filled with tears began to turn gray rapidly.

A few more agonizing minutes passed. Joan didn't move anymore.

The prison doctor got up from his chair and, trying not to step in a puddle, went to the bloated body. He slipped the stethoscope under Joan's left breast and listened for a while, then walked away and nodded his head to the warden.

It was over.

The warden rose from his seat and addressed the executed woman and said loudly and solemnly:

Author's notice.

All the events described in this story are fictional. Procedural, medical, physiological and other realities are the imagination of the author.

Any coincidences with real events and people are accidental.

Dedicated To Sidney Sheldon.

- Did the jury make their decision?

The small bald man to whom the judge addressed a question, nervously rubbed a nose, and looked at the piece of paper clamped in his hand.

Yes, your honor. …

- Read it out, please. …

The foreman of the jury cleared his throat and read:

- Jury finds Joan Palmer, thirty-two years, guilty of the murder of her husband, Robert Palmer and Michael Bronski with deliberate intention and cruelty.

Is that the opinion of all the jurors? the judge looked around at the eight men and four women sitting in front of him.

- Yes, your honor, every one.

- Very well…

There was a short thump of a judge's hammer.

- Joan Palmer, you have been found guilty on all counts. In accordance with the laws of the state of *** , I sentence you to death for the murder of Robert Palmer and Michael Bronski. Due to the extreme severity of your crime, your appeal was denied. The sentence will be enforced in a way that will bedetermine by the corrections Commission of the state of * * * to whose address I give you. May God have mercy on you. The trial is closed.

Hit the hammer.

The one to whom the judge's cruel words were addressed, a fair-haired woman with the right, pleasant features, stood with her hands in the barrier surrounding the dock. Heard slowly seeped into her mind, his eyes searched for at least one sympathetic person among those in the courtroom, and found nothing.

When the steel bracelets snapped shut on her wrists, and she let out a muffled scream.

The judge, who was already leaving the hall, frowned and briefly waved to the guard, hurrying her actions.

The guards caught the prisoner under their elbows and quickly carried her through the side door into a narrow corridor leading from the courthouse to the prison car.

* * *

Spread-eagled on a prison bunk, Joan will return again and again thinking of the events that led her successful business lady in the death row.

The beginning of that summer day did not portend any sad surprises. On the contrary, on this day all her business negotiations were extremely successful, and having signed several contracts that were extremely profitable for the firm, Joan decided that she had the full right to start the weekend a few hours earlier.

As she drove up to the house, she found that it was obvious that Robert came up with the same idea – his “Pontiac” was standing in front of the house.

Quick steps Joan crossed the hall and climbed to the second floor, anticipating how to reset nuisance business suit, and dive into dazzling blue pool and a long lie down, arms outstretched and legs in a cool, tingling the skin with bubbles water.

The sounds coming from behind Robert's bedroom door made her stop abruptly, as if hitting an invisible barrier.

Joan cautiously opened the door, and in the next few moments the entire its life flew in gap.

Her husband, Robert Palmer, was lying face down on the bed, and on it, frantically moving backwards up and down, crawl his press Secretary Michael Kronski. Robert would make such passionate moans as Joan had never heard him make love to her.

Joan's throat burned dry, tearing bitterness, as if suddenly in the room conditioned coolness was replaced by scorching breath Sirocco. She pulled a small, shiny Nickel from the bottom of her purse, and looked like a toy gun, and fired…

The first bullet went to Michael. She broke his neck at the moment when he, emitting an animal cry, twitched as if trying to fit entirely between the buttocks of Robert.The shot dropped him to the floor, and the second bullet pierced Robert's lower back, pinning him to his bed. The transition from orgasm to mortal horror and pain was so sudden that Robert only helplessly opened his mouth, and looked wide-eyed at the approaching Joan, whose eyes were focused on the still frantically pulsating hole in his anus, from which thick cloudy drops slowly flowed.

To her throat, Joan was again full of phlegm nausea and she, sticking the gun barrel in this trickle of someone else's cum hole, released back in the clip cartridges.

* * *

- Joan Palmer, state sentencing Commission * * * reviewed your death sentence and decided on a method of execution…

The voice spoke filled the small room, which led Joan and sat, bound hands behind the chair, facing the table, behind which sat three men.

Two she knew-this were chief of prison and prison doctor, and third, who spoke with it, she seen in the first and, as she understood – in the last time.

- The Commission has determined that the execution will be carried out by injecting into your body three liters of concentrated sulfuric acid, resulting in the destruction of internal organs and as a result – your death. Do you understand the punishment Commission's decision?

Joan's bladder responded to the terrible words before they reached her consciousness.

Looking for treacherously spilling a chair, a puddle, the doctor said:

She understood, sir.…

* * *

Finding himself in the cell Joan, not paying attention to the urine-drenched pants, rushed to the bed and clinging to the corner of the pillow teeth, deaf howled.

The brain repeated what it heard over and over again, trying to imagine what was behind the impassive words…

... What do you mean, – introduction into the body-they that will make you drink acid, or pour it through a large funnel, as tortured with water in the middle ages? - or...

A terrible guess pierced her whole body. She fell off her bed and barely managed to get down on her knees in front of the toilet in the corner of the cell when she started vomiting.

Clasping the edge of the toilet, she again and again shuddered in spasms, pushing the contents of the stomach. Her mouth and lips burned like she had already drunk acid. She did not hear the door of the cell open and only suddenly felt that she was being lifted off the floor, someone was wiping her face with a wet cloth and putting her on the prison bed.

Short pain at the elbow John realized that she made a shot.

- Now you'll feel better, - she heard a familiar voice of a prison doctor.

Mist gradually dissipated, convulsively compressed the stomach relaxed and Joan regained the ability to perceive our surroundings.

She saw that the prison doctor, a nurse and a female warden were in the cell. The matron was holding a small pile of clothes.

- You need to change, ' continued in an even voice doctor - Sister, please help her.

Confident and skillful hands quickly removed with Joan soiled and wet clothing and she felt again the refreshing touch of wet wipes to his body.

The matron pulled out her clothes and handed her a short orange sleeveless shirt, and Joan slowly put it on. The tank top did not reach the belt, and he recalled Joan's t-shirts-tops where she is engaged in sports clubs.

"Wait," the doctor said as Joan reached out for another piece of clothing.

Its quiet, not a loud voice fascinating and operated on Joan, and he dutifully left to sit half-naked on his bunk.

- You need to accept this was the voice of the nurse, and she handed Joan a plastic Cup with three small capsulei and a small glass of clear liquid.

- What is it? asked Joan, swallowing capsules and with their slightly salty liquid from the Cup.

– Special laxative-the nurse answered,

However, by this time Joan did not need an answer - her guts so powerfully declared themselves that she barely had time to sit on the toilet.

The doctor tactfully turned to the wall, but Joan was still covered with crimson paint – it seemed to her that the trumpet sounds with which her bowel was emptied could be heard throughout the prison.

The door of the cell opened again, and the prison attendants brought in two plastic containers, 20 liters each, one empty, the other filled with water, and a metal rack with a hook-like bar at the top.

- You will make now washing of intestines, - the doctor told.

- For what? quietly, with fear knowing the answer, asked Joan.

- To avoid any problems during the ... procedure.

- So I'm getting acid through…

- Yes, through the rectum, - confirmed her guess the doctor.

Those words made frantically to shrink inside Joan, and they are making a loud gurgling sound, pushed out the remnants of his content.

The nurse handed Joan a napkin

- Dry yourself and lie down on your left side, please.

Joan got wet the skin around the anus, and pulling the lever of a water descent, approached the bed.

She saw that the nurse pulled out a long rubber hose from her bag with a hole at the rounded end and attached it to a large, 1.5-liter funnel. Squeezing the hose clamp, she filled the funnel with water and strengthened it on the rack.

"Lie down on your left side," the nurse said impatiently. Joan's stretched out on the bunk.

- Left leg bend at the knee and pull up right to the stomach, continued his instructions to the nurse.

Turning to face the wall, Joan noticed that the doctor slowly pulls on his right hand a thin rubber glove.

- And now relax and try to breathe stomach, – she heard the voice of the doctor.

Joan felt like something greased slippery finger gently walked around the circumference of her anus and slid inside.

In surprise she gasped and lost my breathing rhythm.

Don't worry, it's all right, - the voice of the doctor operated on Joan soothingly, and she again began to breathe smoothly.

- Come on, sister, ' said the doctor, and Joan first heard a short knock of produced water into the bottom of empty containers, and then felt her anus slowly vdvinulsya the end of the hose. There was a soft murmur and Joan felt a cool trickle pouring into it.

Then the water current stopped and the hose moved deep into the open channel.

A little later, Joan felt the hose close inside her, and her insides began to swell under the pressure of the water. The moment the pressure threatened to become unbearable, the nurse removed the funnel from the counter and lowered it down, holding it over the empty container. The dull yellow thread with flakes of feces rushed through the funnel the funnel.

The nurse refilled the funnel and reinforced it on the counter.

Water was bubbling up on the familiar path, making your way farther…

Joan felt her gently turned over on her back and instinctively pressed her knees to her swollen stomach.

That's right – she heard the approving voice of the doctor - and now-slowly turn to the right…

With first student diligence Joan obeyed.

Water, carefully washed the intestines, the noise resulting from a drop funnel, then re-filling the stomach.

Soon Joan lost her sense of time, she wanted it to go on and on-strong hands turning her body, cool water, soothing hot insides and an amazing feeling bordering on sexual pleasure, when the water flow broke out of her body, and an extraordinary feeling of lightness after that…

- The doctor, the water has long comes out clean, the voice of her nurse Joan returned to reality.

– Yes, you can finish-the doctor said.

Joanne felt her gently pull the hose, and slowly, as if afraid of her, which became easier, the body will fly over the bed, turned on her back.

- Sit down there - the nurse nodded on the toilet in the corner of the camera. - Let the rest of the water come out, and here now will be removed…

Rising from the bed, Joanne went to the toilet and fell on him...

"Massage your stomach," the doctor said.

Joan, gently pressing, began to slide his hand around the navel. With a slight hiss from her ass poured a thin stream of warm water.

She continued to sit, stroking her stomach, and watched as the two attendants carried the lid closed container – one which had become almost empty, and the other, with heavily splashing content. The third caretaker, taking off from the bed Joan stained sheet, skillfully made the bed with fresh linen. And went out, taking with him the rack.

Again using an outstretched nurse with a napkin, Joan walked over and sat down on the bed, feeling painfully caressing touch of clean sheets to hot ass.

"Now you can put this on," said the nurse, pointing to a piece of orange cloth at the feet of the bed.

“It” was something like a skirt, the edge of which is fastened to Velcro, and the waist to hold the inserted in the waist band.

- No, the clasp should be back - corrected the actions of Joan, a nurse and deftly turned the skirt around her waist…

"Thank you, sister, you may go," said the doctor, and the nurse came out of the cell with her bag and her equipment.

The doctor approached Joan, who was on the bed.

"Lie down on your stomach, please," he said, and Joan obeyed.

The doctor pulled out a sealed disposable syringe filled with greenish liquid from his pocket. Wrapping the edge of Joan's skirt, he bared her buttocks, and quickly stuck the needle. Joan twitched, but the syringe was already empty, and the doctor gently kneaded the injection site.

"It'll help you sleep," Joan heard before you fell asleep. …

* * *

The prison doctor stood in a room where what he used to call “procedure” was supposed to happen, and that was supposed to end the life of a young woman, Joan Palmer.

He loved that short period of time.

The room reminded him of a certain sanctuary, waiting for the promised sacrifice.

He inspected the bed. Checked the seat belts. And I looked at the tank filled with acid. From it departed hose diameter of half an inch of acid-resistant plastic, passed through hanging from the ceiling ring. The lower part of the hose was filled with an inert solution and a thin meniscus indicated the border of life and death. A small thickening of forty centimeters from the end of the hose, connected by a thin tube to a pneumatic pump, indicated the place where the ball of the tamponade should swell. Ten centimeters higher was inserted a special valve.

Everything was ready.

The altar waited…

The doctor looked at the big clock, fixed on the wall of the room.

Time to go.…

The sound of the door opening woke Joan.

The doctor was standing next to her bed.

"I must prepare you," he said quietly.

- Already?! Joan's voice fell.

- It soon. Please, get on its knees and lean on elbows...

Joan leaned forward and felt a hard metal object enter her anus.

- What is it? she asked, involuntarily leaning forward.

- Rectoscope. I need to make sure there are no foreign objects... Once sentenced, he managed to shove a piece of sheets and in a result suffered more than an hour... But you're a smart girl and you have it all clear, ' the doctor said, removing Joan from the device.

I want to go to the toilet, – plaintively whispered Joan.

"Yes, Yes, of course," the doctor murmured.

The sound of a trickle pouring out of her calmed Joan. Back in bed, she even found the strength to smile weakly prison doctor, waiting for when she relieved.

- And this, the doctor handed Joan a small white tube - insert the swab…

Joan habitual movement introduced between the thighs the applicator and pressing the plunger, I felt a familiar sensation-filled vagina. The doctor slipped an empty applicator into his robe pocket.

- That's all ... be courageous…

The prison Governor accompanied by several officers entered the cell.

- Joan Palmer, time.…


Seats for spectators, separated by thick glass, were already filled.

Joan felt on itself curious and ruthless views.

"They all came to watch me get killed," she thought," and they're waiting for me to do something that I can talk about later, while greedily licking my lips and giggling. It is necessary to keep!

Joan walked quietly up to the bed and waited. Standing next to her, a tall, sturdy woman helped her up the metal step (Joan was disturbed by her hands tied behind her back) and, holding her shoulders, laid her on her stomach, strengthening a flat leather pillow under her head.

The lock clicked unbutton his cuffs, and Joan felt her hands pull to the bed with straps.

Then her legs spread wide apart and also pulled to the bed. Everything was done quickly and in silence. Two more grabbed belt hips Joan a little below the groin.

One of the servants came up to the headboard and suddenly, two fingers gripped Joan's nose. At this time, the second servant inserted into the opened mouth Joan round hollow gag with holes and tightened her head fixing straps.

Making this humiliating, but necessary operation, the attendant has disconnected edge skirt Joan short and with a jerk pulled the fabric from her hips.

The convict lay now completely naked below the waist with her shamelessly divorced legs and the prison doctor sitting with the warden not far from the stump could see a thin white cord of tampon hanging from her vagina.

The doctor stood up, went to the prostrate Joan, with a slight click, connected the two parts of the gynecological dilator and, pushing the woman's buttocks, introduced him into the anus.

Joan felt covers the walls of the anus, and entered the air pleasantly cools the mucosa. But the doctor's work was not yet finished. With a careful movement, he pulled up the hanging hose, released a thin stream of inert solution into the prepared cuvette with a short press on the valve, then, pushing the end of the hose between the folds of the dilator, gently pushing it inside Joan.

Joan felt like a hose, like a giant worm, sneaking deep into her body. She knew she was trying to resist will only increase their suffering, therefore, became deeply as possible raspagliosi mouth gag, breathing, relaxing the stomach.

The hose slowly, sometimes touching the intestinal folds, immersed in the inside of the convict.

The prison doctor, noticing Joan's attempts to help him, mentally praised her...

Joan seemed that the movement inside it takes a very long time that soon the hose will pass through it, and suddenly he stopped.

The doctor separated the halves of the retractor and gently took it out of the anus Joan.

He heard a quiet hiss and Joan felt like expanding elastic balloon is tightly sealed the entrance of her rectum. The doctor returned to his chair. The second hand on the watch started its last lap.

Joan realized that it's going to happen, her heart frantically pounding, submitting to the head.

At this moment, the shooter passed the number 12, and the warden nodded his head to the man who was standing silently in the corner, with his hand on the valve button. There was a silent click, and the acid level in the tank slowly went down…

Joan still managed to make two convulsive breaths when rising from below burning wave of pain twisted her insides.

Sitting behind the glass of the witnesses to the execution saw the body of Joan arched, pushing to the limit of the restraining straps, for a moment went limp and twitched wildly.

The head of the condemned was wound on a leather pillow, palms were compressed and unclenched. Her whole body shaking beat is strong... Tears flowed from the eyes of Joan, and stretched to the corners of the mouth pulled sticky strings of saliva. Knees and hips tensed in hopeless attempts to slide down from the killing hose. Her swollen belly shuddered in spasms. The tampon inserted into the vagina could not cope, and a puddle of pinkish mucus flowed between the thighs.

The woman's reddened skin was covered with large drops of acrid stench sweat, as if Joan's body was trying to get rid of the fluid that burned it.

The tank's empty.

The howling, which broke through the gag, reached the witnesses behind the glass, some of whom, despite the prohibition, stood up from their seats to see the details.

The warden looked at the clock, and Joan's agony had lasted twenty minutes. Suddenly, a strong cramp passed through her body and she made a loud burping sound. From the mouth through the gag holes on the floor gushed brown liquid.

And that was Joan's last effort. After a few moments, her buttocks stopped flinching, her body went limp, and her face filled with tears began to turn gray rapidly.

A few more agonizing minutes passed. Joan didn't move anymore.

The prison doctor got up from his chair and, trying not to step in a puddle, went to the bloated body. He slipped the stethoscope under Joan's left breast and listened for a while, then walked away and nodded his head to the warden.

It was over.

The warden rose from his seat and addressed the executed woman and said loudly and solemnly:

- Joan Palmer, by the power vested in me by law, I pronounce you dead.

However, Joan Palmer, where would she now was, hardly heard him…
Very interesting.

Forum > Public / Stories > Johanne Palmer. A translation from Russian of V. Vladimirov story. Unusual execution method.

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