Foreplay at the Stake (The Burning After)
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The sun had not yet risen when the guards came to take Elena from her cell and escort her to the grounds where the ominous stake awaited. The town magistrate stood to one side and the executioner to another. The flaming torch in the latter’s hand led Elena to realize that this was no joke. She really was going to burn today.

Rough hands settled on Elena’s shoulders and shoved her forward until she stood inches from the base of the pyre. Her breath quickened as she was forced to climb to her doom and the first of the ropes was secured around her ankles. Then, another went around her wrists and waist, thus binding her to the stake and ensuring that she could not escape.

She shut her eyes with a whimper while fighting the urge to cry. The magistrate clapped his hands and Elena prepared herself for the worst, only to swallow in confusion when one of the guards unsheathed the dagger beneath his belt. With a flick of his wrist, he slashed the front of her shift before tearing it open to expose her moderately sized breasts and nether regions. He sucked in his breath as he reached out to take her breasts in his hands. Elena gasped while becoming overwhelmed with both pleasure and embarrassment.

No, please stop. What are you doing?!

The guard kneaded her breasts with just the right amount of pressure and stroked Elena’s soft nipples, causing her arousal to build until she became aware of a moistness between her thighs. She shifted in resistance, but it seemed like the guard still wasn’t finished.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured with all the tenderness of a lover. “You don’t know how much I wanted to take you in that cell…”

He planted kisses against Elena’s bosom and ran his tongue slowly over her tips, prompting her to moan as she forgot about her impending doom. From there, he worked his way downwards until he reached her wet womanhood. He began to rub vigorously with his fingers, and Elena’s pleasure turned to ecstasy. She quivered from head to toe while letting out an orgasmic cry, signaling to the guard that his part was almost done.

With a satisfied smile, he wiped his sticky hand against Elena’s midriff and blew a final kiss before joining the magistrate and executioner.

“I’ve had my fill. You can light her up now.”

The executioner stepped forth to set the surrounding wood aflame, though Elena’s mind was still too clouded for her to care. She tilted her head with a blissful sigh as the flames crackled and climbed their way towards her. They tickled her dainty feet, then lapped at her ankles in their quest to consume her flesh.

To the surprise of those involved, Elena became embroiled in a second and third wave of pleasure when the flames claimed her womanhood and breasts respectively. She tossed her head to the brightening sky with an impassioned wail before her body gave one last shudder and then went slack.

“Woah,” the guard from earlier uttered in disbelief while watching her become a human torch. “That was quite a show…”

The others nodded in agreement and stood rapt until all that remained of Elena was a mass of charred tissue and bone. As was customary for victims of the stake, her body would be left on display for at least another day, then ground up to be either buried in an unmarked grave or tossed into the harbor and carried away by the current.
Excellent story!

Quote by lxhcontiniue!

Sorry, but that's the end. There is no continuation.

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