Fiery Fairytales: Snow White
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Fiery Fairytales: Snow WhiteSkin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony.
Those words would cease to be true once the Queen had her way and Snow White was burned at the stake to frighten the populace into submission. Or at least, that was the official reason given. What the Queen really wanted was for the princess to die humiliated and disfigured so the magic mirror would never declare her to be the fairest in the land again.
Finding her hiding place at the seven dwarfs’ cottage was child’s play, and all it took was a single unit of soldiers to subdue the dwarfs and capture Snow White. The princess was then taken back to the capital, where she was saddled with false charges of treason and swiftly sentenced to death.
Snow White was placed in a dungeon cell to await execution, and on her final night, she prayed to the heavens to give her courage and ensure that she did not suffer in the flames. Meanwhile, the Queen gloated over the fact that she had almost considered using a poisoned apple to kill the princess.
The following day, Snow White was marched out to the capital square with only a threadbare shift to protect her from the cold. A lofty scaffold had been erected just for the occasion, so that spectators would have a clear view of the proceedings. Hundreds of people were already gathered, and though some were excited, many more had begun to cry out in support of her innocence.
This instilled some hope in Snow White, but the feeling was crushed when she saw the seven dwarfs squeezed together in a cage that had been suspended at equal level with the stake. Her heart ached at the sight of their tearful faces, but there wasn’t much she could do besides offer them some last words of comfort.
“Please, don’t cry for me. I was never more than a guest in your house…”
Snow White reached the steps of the scaffold and climbed up after being nudged by the soldier behind her. Three more soldiers awaited her at the top, with one of them soon barking an order that made her freeze in disbelief.
“Strip. Now.”
“I beg your pardon?” Snow White clung to her own chest and shivered.
“Her Majesty wishes to make sure that you aren’t hiding anything of threat. Please comply.”
Snow White glanced at the imposing stake before giving a resigned nod. If it took being naked to die an honorable death, then so be it. She grabbed the hem of her shift and pulled it up over her head with difficulty, thus revealing her only recently matured body to everyone present.
Her teeth chattered as she passed the discarded shift to the soldier nearby, then assumed her position against the stake with heavy breaths. She gazed down at her own nudity, taking in the sight of her pristine breasts with soft pink nipples, the sparse black hair above her womanhood, and finally her long and graceful legs.
A chain was secured around Snow White’s ankles, then another went around her wrist and was crossed between her breasts, making them appear all the more prominent. She rolled her head to the side in an attempt to ignore the lustful attention that was now being sent her way, but it was difficult when obscene words were being uttered and she could not cover her ears.
After several tense moments, all three soldiers stationed on the scaffold stepped forth with flaming torches in hand to light the base of Snow White’s pyre. She realized that the kindling must have been imbued with some spell to make it more flammable because the flames spread upwards at a frightening speed.
The first tongues of fire began to tickle at her pale feet, yet strangely, Snow White did not feel any pain. She raised her head to the sky and wondered if the heavens had answered her prayers after all. Try as she might, the prospect of dying didn’t seem devastating like it had last night. If anything, she felt ready to join her late mother and father, wherever they were.
And so, Snow White watched in detached curiosity as the flames roasted her feet until they were red and black all over. She thought about how the rest of her would eventually meet the same fate and closed her eyes with a smile of resignation, knowing that this was truly the end.
The roar of the flames grew louder, and when Snow White opened her eyes again, she saw that the hair above her womanhood had completely burned away, and her legs had lost so much integrity that her bones were visible through the blaze. Still, she did not feel the slightest grief seeing her beauty being destroyed in this way. Her body was just a vessel for her soul, and once this was over, she would be free to spend eternity with those she loved the most.
“Take me quickly, I beg of you!” she called out at the top of the voice. “Allow me the release I have been waiting for!”
Sure enough, the flames became more ravenous and clawed their way up towards her chained breasts. Snow White let out a moan as they curled around her tender skin and lapped at her soft pink nipples, turning them a raw red, then eventually a shade of black almost as dark as her ebony hair. Her heart pounded hard and fast before her ruined breasts ruptured, providing the fire with additional nourishment.
With her most vital organs no longer having any sort of barrier to protect them, Snow White's lungs were seared and her senses faded. She closed her eyes as if falling asleep, and the flames delighted in feeding on what remained of her body.
The seven dwarfs were beset by despair and anguish as Snow White succumbed to the flames and was engulfed completely, soon becoming a twitching black mass that hardly looked human anymore.
Down below, those who had come in support of Snow White became embroiled in a riot against the soldiers. Their large numbers allowed them to eventually win, and from there, unrest spread all across the city until the Queen was forced to seek refuge deep within the comfort of her palace.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?” she asked her most prized companion in the hope of soothing her jealousy.
To her utter horror, the mirror responded by showing her visions of the ebony-haired Snow White standing calmly amidst the flames, followed by citizens revolting in the name of their deceased princess. “My Queen, you are beautiful, but even in death, Snow White is a thousand times more fair…”
Those words would cease to be true once the Queen had her way and Snow White was burned at the stake to frighten the populace into submission. Or at least, that was the official reason given. What the Queen really wanted was for the princess to die humiliated and disfigured so the magic mirror would never declare her to be the fairest in the land again.
Finding her hiding place at the seven dwarfs’ cottage was child’s play, and all it took was a single unit of soldiers to subdue the dwarfs and capture Snow White. The princess was then taken back to the capital, where she was saddled with false charges of treason and swiftly sentenced to death.
Snow White was placed in a dungeon cell to await execution, and on her final night, she prayed to the heavens to give her courage and ensure that she did not suffer in the flames. Meanwhile, the Queen gloated over the fact that she had almost considered using a poisoned apple to kill the princess.
The following day, Snow White was marched out to the capital square with only a threadbare shift to protect her from the cold. A lofty scaffold had been erected just for the occasion, so that spectators would have a clear view of the proceedings. Hundreds of people were already gathered, and though some were excited, many more had begun to cry out in support of her innocence.
This instilled some hope in Snow White, but the feeling was crushed when she saw the seven dwarfs squeezed together in a cage that had been suspended at equal level with the stake. Her heart ached at the sight of their tearful faces, but there wasn’t much she could do besides offer them some last words of comfort.
“Please, don’t cry for me. I was never more than a guest in your house…”
Snow White reached the steps of the scaffold and climbed up after being nudged by the soldier behind her. Three more soldiers awaited her at the top, with one of them soon barking an order that made her freeze in disbelief.
“Strip. Now.”
“I beg your pardon?” Snow White clung to her own chest and shivered.
“Her Majesty wishes to make sure that you aren’t hiding anything of threat. Please comply.”
Snow White glanced at the imposing stake before giving a resigned nod. If it took being naked to die an honorable death, then so be it. She grabbed the hem of her shift and pulled it up over her head with difficulty, thus revealing her only recently matured body to everyone present.
Her teeth chattered as she passed the discarded shift to the soldier nearby, then assumed her position against the stake with heavy breaths. She gazed down at her own nudity, taking in the sight of her pristine breasts with soft pink nipples, the sparse black hair above her womanhood, and finally her long and graceful legs.
A chain was secured around Snow White’s ankles, then another went around her wrist and was crossed between her breasts, making them appear all the more prominent. She rolled her head to the side in an attempt to ignore the lustful attention that was now being sent her way, but it was difficult when obscene words were being uttered and she could not cover her ears.
After several tense moments, all three soldiers stationed on the scaffold stepped forth with flaming torches in hand to light the base of Snow White’s pyre. She realized that the kindling must have been imbued with some spell to make it more flammable because the flames spread upwards at a frightening speed.
The first tongues of fire began to tickle at her pale feet, yet strangely, Snow White did not feel any pain. She raised her head to the sky and wondered if the heavens had answered her prayers after all. Try as she might, the prospect of dying didn’t seem devastating like it had last night. If anything, she felt ready to join her late mother and father, wherever they were.
And so, Snow White watched in detached curiosity as the flames roasted her feet until they were red and black all over. She thought about how the rest of her would eventually meet the same fate and closed her eyes with a smile of resignation, knowing that this was truly the end.
The roar of the flames grew louder, and when Snow White opened her eyes again, she saw that the hair above her womanhood had completely burned away, and her legs had lost so much integrity that her bones were visible through the blaze. Still, she did not feel the slightest grief seeing her beauty being destroyed in this way. Her body was just a vessel for her soul, and once this was over, she would be free to spend eternity with those she loved the most.
“Take me quickly, I beg of you!” she called out at the top of the voice. “Allow me the release I have been waiting for!”
Sure enough, the flames became more ravenous and clawed their way up towards her chained breasts. Snow White let out a moan as they curled around her tender skin and lapped at her soft pink nipples, turning them a raw red, then eventually a shade of black almost as dark as her ebony hair. Her heart pounded hard and fast before her ruined breasts ruptured, providing the fire with additional nourishment.
With her most vital organs no longer having any sort of barrier to protect them, Snow White's lungs were seared and her senses faded. She closed her eyes as if falling asleep, and the flames delighted in feeding on what remained of her body.
The seven dwarfs were beset by despair and anguish as Snow White succumbed to the flames and was engulfed completely, soon becoming a twitching black mass that hardly looked human anymore.
Down below, those who had come in support of Snow White became embroiled in a riot against the soldiers. Their large numbers allowed them to eventually win, and from there, unrest spread all across the city until the Queen was forced to seek refuge deep within the comfort of her palace.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?” she asked her most prized companion in the hope of soothing her jealousy.
To her utter horror, the mirror responded by showing her visions of the ebony-haired Snow White standing calmly amidst the flames, followed by citizens revolting in the name of their deceased princess. “My Queen, you are beautiful, but even in death, Snow White is a thousand times more fair…”
Forum > Public / Stories > Fiery Fairytales: Snow White