The Hanging Of Sarah Lloyd
Forum Home > Public : Stories > The Hanging Of Sarah Lloyd(Sarah Lloyd was a 27 year old woman who immigrated from the UK to the US, settling to be a high school English teacher in the state of Delaware. Sarah engaged in relations with several of her students, ending up killing two of them who threatened to expose her underage affairs. At least one of the victims had still been alive when he was buried. With her crimes so heinous, Sarah Lloyd was convicted of 2 counts of capitol murder and sentenced to death. With too many legal challenges to lethal injection, the state of Delaware opted to instead sentence Sarah to be hanged by the neck until dead. This account is from Sarah herself during her last hour of life)
At 5:30pm, two female guards open the deathwatch cell. They hand me a “clean” sports bra and a gray dress. She also carries a white padded diaper.
“Sarah, it’s time to get changed. I brought you some clothes to get you out of those prison blues”
"Thank you kindly miss." I say as I take the bundle and lay it on the bunk.
I strip off my prison uniform for the last time, carefully folding everything. Now naked I begin with the diaper. It's huge, I step into the thickly padded diaper and pull it up to my waist before fastening it. The female guards never taking their eyes off of me as I begin to put on the last clothes I’ll ever wear. I first hook the worn brown sports bra around my breasts. I then turn to my dress, which is in two pieces. I put the top of it on first. It's made of thin cotton material but not cheap and long sleeved. I carefully pull my hair out of the top and then fasten the single button around my collar.
The guards then hand me some natural colored stockings and a pair of black shoes. I place the bottom of the dress on, also plain and gray, running all the way down to my ankles. I tuck in my top and then fasten the buttons on the sides of the dress. I then place on the stockings and finally put on the shoes. I take a look at myself, the bulky diaper is clearly visible and the dress drab but at least it's an improvement on the ugly prison uniform. I sit quietly and wait, knowing that at any moment the guards will come to escort me to the gallows. I don’t have to wait long. At 5:50 a group of guards gathers outside my cell.
“On your feet inmate” a large black male states sternly while another opens the cell
I stand on my feet, visibly shaking, the blood run from my face. "It's time then?"
Several enter my cell and wrap a thick chain around my waist, pulling it tight and secure a large padlock to the small of my back. My hands are simultaneously locked into a pair of hinged cuffs connected by a small link to the belly chain. Leg irons with an 18 inch chain are snapped around my legging clad ankles and double locked tight. The swarm of guards turn me towards the cell exit.
“Time to go inmate”
Two guards hold me firmly by my soft upper arms, another two gripping the back of my belly chain as I’m helplessly forced to start walking out of the cell. As I exit the cell for a final time and walk through the prep room a guard yells “dead woman walking!”
This sends a shiver goes down my spine, in mere minutes I will be dead, suspended by my neck from the end of a rope. I can only prey that my neck is cleanly fractured and I lose consciousness quickly. I try to focus on breathing so the witnesses won't see my terror. The only sound being made now are the foot steps and my shackles scraping against the floor. I am led towards the opposite door under a sign “GALLOWS”. The door is opened and the setting sunlight pours in.
I catch my first full glimpse of the gallows erected and the large crowd gathered in the yard of the prison. I also catch sight of the noose and throw up in my mouth before managing to swallow it back down. Slowly shuffling in the direction of the steps I can see the moderate crowd has gathered, including both of families of my victims. I hate that the authorities have chosen such a degrading method of execution and that they’ll doubtless get great satisfaction out of seeing me dangle. I am stopped momentarily at the foot of the steps leading up to the gallows.
“Walk up the steps inmate”
I hesitate for a moment, unable to make my feet move from the terror as my breathing gets heavy, my heart races and hot tears fall down my face. The guards holding me gently but firmly push me to walk up the steps. It’s slow going, being leg ironed and having so many people holding me but eventually I reach the top. I am guided to a white ‘X’ upon the trapdoor where the team of guards removes my chains. I have just a moment of freedom before my wrists are pulled behind my back and bound tightly with a leather strap.
A large, thick leather belt fastened around my shoulders just above my breasts. Another belt goes around my elbows just below my breasts, causing them to stick out. A third belt is buckled around my waist, holding my strapped wrists tight to my body. The tightly buckled belts around my upper body restrict me to short, shallow breaths that contribute to my hyperventilating. Another leather strap goes around my large thighs and a small strap tightly binds my ankles together. A female guard comes from behind me and asks
“Tilt your head a little to the left for me” she says. I'm startled but I tilt my head slightly to the left. It’s then that I feel a brown, tightly woven rope encircle my neck loosely before a male guard assists and starts pulling it tighter. I panic when the rope hits my bare neck, straining against my straps and belts but it’s useless, I’m completely immobilized. The warden steps up to the gallows with a microphone to address myself and the crowd.
“Sarah Lloyd, you have been convicted of two counts of murder, the penalty for which is death by hanging. There have been no reprieves, therefore the execution will proceed. Do you have any final words before sentence is carried out?”
I look out over the crowd and catch sight of the detective who first arrested me and broke my case. My heart fills with contempt as I stare at him and begin to speak.
"The two boys who you found in the forest, they weren’t the only ones you know. There were more, many more boys whom I used up before burying, burning or dissolving in acid .So many parents, from all over Delaware, New Jersey and Maryland will never know what became of their little bastards."
The crowd gasps as I continue my tirade,
"Humans are apex predator's who are meant to hunt, kill and seek pleasure. And I have taken bloody pleasure in it all. And the only reason you morons caught me is because of the few I spared. My mistake."
The warden, aghast, collects himself for a moment before saying “Sarah Lloyd, you will now be hanged by the neck until dead. May god have mercy on your soul”
"You all believe I'm going to hell, yeah? Eternal punishment? There is no heaven, there is no hell, only the darkness that awaits us all. I go to my darkness now, and there's not a thing you fools can do about it." I snarl before turning to the warden. "On with it then" I say with a defiant face, "Try not to muck it up."
The warden personally takes a black canvas bag and begins to pull it over my head. As he finishes he whispers to me “burn in hell bitch”
"Ta ta ya fucking wanker" I say from under the black hood, the last light now gone as I feel the noose tightened around my hooded neck until it practically chokes me. I hear footsteps as everyone clears the gallows, leaving me alone in my personal darkness. Despite the defiance and cryptic parting shot to the horrified witnesses, I am in utter terror. My heart beats out of my chest as I strain to breath against my straps, not knowing which labored breath, which moment will be my last.
Suddenly, there is a deafeningly loud pop as the world falls from beneath me. I plummet into the darkness before I am violently jerked to a stop. After being stunned for a moment, I begin to feel excruciating pain as my body bounces at the end of the rope, which bites into my neck. Oh god! The drop didn’t fracture my neck, I’m going to strangle. My head is filled with indescribable pain. The rest of my large body thrashes and strains against my many straps and belts. Witnesses can see me trying to lift my well bound legs but to little use. My body squirms and shakes violently, but this simple rope will not be defeated.
I desperately try to free my hands but, between the tight strap around them and the further strap holding them to my body I can't even budge them. The crowd can hear the horrible gasping and gurgling coming from under my hood. All the blood is running to my head. My eyes bulge, my tongue swells and sticks out of my mouth as I slobber and drool, wetting the hood as my entire face turns dark purple. The crowd can see me struggling but can’t see the gruesome scene under the hood.
I am losing feeling in my lower extremities. I begin to fill my diaper with piss as I lose control of my bowels. The front of my dress begins to stain as the urine trickles down my strapped legs. Those standing close can smell the shit that is also voiding into my diaper as I continue to thrash and strain against my straps. The pain in my head is unbearable as several blood vessels burst. I've lost all feeling below my neck as my body starts to swing slower and I strain less.
I've vomited but only a little made it out of my mouth, the rest clogs my wind pipe as I choke to death, the horrible gurgling still coming from under my hood but growing fainter as I start to loose consciousness. Finally, I black out from the pain and lack of air, all thoughts leaving my head…
(According to a coroner’s inquiry, it was six minutes from the time the trap doors sprung until the condemned lost consciousness. It is another 7 minutes before her heart finally stopped. After 20 minutes of the condemned being suspended, a doctor reaches up and nods to the warden. The warden informs the crowd that the execution of Sarah Lloyd is complete, and that the inmate was declared dead at 6:20pm. The witnesses begin to file out of the prison yard, members of the press who were on hand are shocked by the sheer brutality of the execution. Surely after this botched hanging no other prisoner in the United States will ever face the gallows. Even the families of the victims are disgusted by the macabre spectacle they have just witnessed. Far from getting peace from the death of their children’s murderer, they are angered at just how remorseless she was, and how she gleefully stated that the families of other missing children will never know closure either. Sarah Lloyd is left to hang for the regulation hour to ensure death. Her bloated and strapped corpse omits a ghastly odor as she hangs still on the rope, the ignominious end for a real life monster.)
At 5:30pm, two female guards open the deathwatch cell. They hand me a “clean” sports bra and a gray dress. She also carries a white padded diaper.
“Sarah, it’s time to get changed. I brought you some clothes to get you out of those prison blues”
"Thank you kindly miss." I say as I take the bundle and lay it on the bunk.
I strip off my prison uniform for the last time, carefully folding everything. Now naked I begin with the diaper. It's huge, I step into the thickly padded diaper and pull it up to my waist before fastening it. The female guards never taking their eyes off of me as I begin to put on the last clothes I’ll ever wear. I first hook the worn brown sports bra around my breasts. I then turn to my dress, which is in two pieces. I put the top of it on first. It's made of thin cotton material but not cheap and long sleeved. I carefully pull my hair out of the top and then fasten the single button around my collar.
The guards then hand me some natural colored stockings and a pair of black shoes. I place the bottom of the dress on, also plain and gray, running all the way down to my ankles. I tuck in my top and then fasten the buttons on the sides of the dress. I then place on the stockings and finally put on the shoes. I take a look at myself, the bulky diaper is clearly visible and the dress drab but at least it's an improvement on the ugly prison uniform. I sit quietly and wait, knowing that at any moment the guards will come to escort me to the gallows. I don’t have to wait long. At 5:50 a group of guards gathers outside my cell.
“On your feet inmate” a large black male states sternly while another opens the cell
I stand on my feet, visibly shaking, the blood run from my face. "It's time then?"
Several enter my cell and wrap a thick chain around my waist, pulling it tight and secure a large padlock to the small of my back. My hands are simultaneously locked into a pair of hinged cuffs connected by a small link to the belly chain. Leg irons with an 18 inch chain are snapped around my legging clad ankles and double locked tight. The swarm of guards turn me towards the cell exit.
“Time to go inmate”
Two guards hold me firmly by my soft upper arms, another two gripping the back of my belly chain as I’m helplessly forced to start walking out of the cell. As I exit the cell for a final time and walk through the prep room a guard yells “dead woman walking!”
This sends a shiver goes down my spine, in mere minutes I will be dead, suspended by my neck from the end of a rope. I can only prey that my neck is cleanly fractured and I lose consciousness quickly. I try to focus on breathing so the witnesses won't see my terror. The only sound being made now are the foot steps and my shackles scraping against the floor. I am led towards the opposite door under a sign “GALLOWS”. The door is opened and the setting sunlight pours in.
I catch my first full glimpse of the gallows erected and the large crowd gathered in the yard of the prison. I also catch sight of the noose and throw up in my mouth before managing to swallow it back down. Slowly shuffling in the direction of the steps I can see the moderate crowd has gathered, including both of families of my victims. I hate that the authorities have chosen such a degrading method of execution and that they’ll doubtless get great satisfaction out of seeing me dangle. I am stopped momentarily at the foot of the steps leading up to the gallows.
“Walk up the steps inmate”
I hesitate for a moment, unable to make my feet move from the terror as my breathing gets heavy, my heart races and hot tears fall down my face. The guards holding me gently but firmly push me to walk up the steps. It’s slow going, being leg ironed and having so many people holding me but eventually I reach the top. I am guided to a white ‘X’ upon the trapdoor where the team of guards removes my chains. I have just a moment of freedom before my wrists are pulled behind my back and bound tightly with a leather strap.
A large, thick leather belt fastened around my shoulders just above my breasts. Another belt goes around my elbows just below my breasts, causing them to stick out. A third belt is buckled around my waist, holding my strapped wrists tight to my body. The tightly buckled belts around my upper body restrict me to short, shallow breaths that contribute to my hyperventilating. Another leather strap goes around my large thighs and a small strap tightly binds my ankles together. A female guard comes from behind me and asks
“Tilt your head a little to the left for me” she says. I'm startled but I tilt my head slightly to the left. It’s then that I feel a brown, tightly woven rope encircle my neck loosely before a male guard assists and starts pulling it tighter. I panic when the rope hits my bare neck, straining against my straps and belts but it’s useless, I’m completely immobilized. The warden steps up to the gallows with a microphone to address myself and the crowd.
“Sarah Lloyd, you have been convicted of two counts of murder, the penalty for which is death by hanging. There have been no reprieves, therefore the execution will proceed. Do you have any final words before sentence is carried out?”
I look out over the crowd and catch sight of the detective who first arrested me and broke my case. My heart fills with contempt as I stare at him and begin to speak.
"The two boys who you found in the forest, they weren’t the only ones you know. There were more, many more boys whom I used up before burying, burning or dissolving in acid .So many parents, from all over Delaware, New Jersey and Maryland will never know what became of their little bastards."
The crowd gasps as I continue my tirade,
"Humans are apex predator's who are meant to hunt, kill and seek pleasure. And I have taken bloody pleasure in it all. And the only reason you morons caught me is because of the few I spared. My mistake."
The warden, aghast, collects himself for a moment before saying “Sarah Lloyd, you will now be hanged by the neck until dead. May god have mercy on your soul”
"You all believe I'm going to hell, yeah? Eternal punishment? There is no heaven, there is no hell, only the darkness that awaits us all. I go to my darkness now, and there's not a thing you fools can do about it." I snarl before turning to the warden. "On with it then" I say with a defiant face, "Try not to muck it up."
The warden personally takes a black canvas bag and begins to pull it over my head. As he finishes he whispers to me “burn in hell bitch”
"Ta ta ya fucking wanker" I say from under the black hood, the last light now gone as I feel the noose tightened around my hooded neck until it practically chokes me. I hear footsteps as everyone clears the gallows, leaving me alone in my personal darkness. Despite the defiance and cryptic parting shot to the horrified witnesses, I am in utter terror. My heart beats out of my chest as I strain to breath against my straps, not knowing which labored breath, which moment will be my last.
Suddenly, there is a deafeningly loud pop as the world falls from beneath me. I plummet into the darkness before I am violently jerked to a stop. After being stunned for a moment, I begin to feel excruciating pain as my body bounces at the end of the rope, which bites into my neck. Oh god! The drop didn’t fracture my neck, I’m going to strangle. My head is filled with indescribable pain. The rest of my large body thrashes and strains against my many straps and belts. Witnesses can see me trying to lift my well bound legs but to little use. My body squirms and shakes violently, but this simple rope will not be defeated.
I desperately try to free my hands but, between the tight strap around them and the further strap holding them to my body I can't even budge them. The crowd can hear the horrible gasping and gurgling coming from under my hood. All the blood is running to my head. My eyes bulge, my tongue swells and sticks out of my mouth as I slobber and drool, wetting the hood as my entire face turns dark purple. The crowd can see me struggling but can’t see the gruesome scene under the hood.
I am losing feeling in my lower extremities. I begin to fill my diaper with piss as I lose control of my bowels. The front of my dress begins to stain as the urine trickles down my strapped legs. Those standing close can smell the shit that is also voiding into my diaper as I continue to thrash and strain against my straps. The pain in my head is unbearable as several blood vessels burst. I've lost all feeling below my neck as my body starts to swing slower and I strain less.
I've vomited but only a little made it out of my mouth, the rest clogs my wind pipe as I choke to death, the horrible gurgling still coming from under my hood but growing fainter as I start to loose consciousness. Finally, I black out from the pain and lack of air, all thoughts leaving my head…
(According to a coroner’s inquiry, it was six minutes from the time the trap doors sprung until the condemned lost consciousness. It is another 7 minutes before her heart finally stopped. After 20 minutes of the condemned being suspended, a doctor reaches up and nods to the warden. The warden informs the crowd that the execution of Sarah Lloyd is complete, and that the inmate was declared dead at 6:20pm. The witnesses begin to file out of the prison yard, members of the press who were on hand are shocked by the sheer brutality of the execution. Surely after this botched hanging no other prisoner in the United States will ever face the gallows. Even the families of the victims are disgusted by the macabre spectacle they have just witnessed. Far from getting peace from the death of their children’s murderer, they are angered at just how remorseless she was, and how she gleefully stated that the families of other missing children will never know closure either. Sarah Lloyd is left to hang for the regulation hour to ensure death. Her bloated and strapped corpse omits a ghastly odor as she hangs still on the rope, the ignominious end for a real life monster.)
Nice story although if it were me I think I would like an enema before the diaper went on and no shoes offered go in stockinged feet but thats just my preferances lol and maybe a blindfold before being led to the scaffold and then also hooded but very well written

Forum > Public / Stories > The Hanging Of Sarah Lloyd