Love Like Fire
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France, 18th Century

The days had been slow since the Vicomte and Vicomtesse had departed for the capital, though the young maid Claudette did not mind this at all.

In their absence, she felt less anxious and freer to act as her true self, much to the delight of the young master Jean, whose handsome face and strapping body had appealed to her ever since she’d begun employment two years prior.

If his lingering stares and flirtatious gestures were any indication, Jean had also been charmed by her beauty when they’d first met, though Claudette hadn’t received confirmation until the day when he’d slipped a folded note beneath her pillow. It had been an invitation to meet him in the garden when her workday was over, so she’d complied with caution, only to find herself overcome with happiness when Jean confessed that he could not stop thinking about her and that she was the subject of his fantasies each night.

In that moment, it mattered not to Claudette that they came from different walks of life. Her idealistic mind imagined a future where they would be able to marry and start a family regardless of his parents’ disapproval, and she’d gone to bed humming a cheerful tune to herself.

Their secret meetings had been a chance to exchange sweet words before the two of them inevitably craved for more. Jean began inviting her to his chamber whenever the Vicomte and Vicomtesse were away, with tonight being no exception.

The fireplace was alight when Claudette slipped in through the door. Jean awaited her in a white dress-shirt that revealed his neck and offered a glimpse of his sturdy chest. Her heart soared as she closed the distance between them, feeling the warmth against her skin and marveling at how the firelight danced in his eyes.

Jean brought his lips against hers in a tender yet passionate kiss. Claudette closed her eyes in pleasure and drifted into his firm embrace. His hands ran from her hips up to the fabric of her neckline. With a tug, he bared her shoulders, then pulled the white linen even further down to expose her breasts.

“Jean…” Claudette murmured upon pulling away. She hadn't expected him to be this bold, and though her impulse was to cover her naked upper body, the young master had other plans.

“Until tonight, I never thought you could be more beautiful. Clearly, I was wrong…” He reached out to feel her breasts with his palms, drawing a startled whimper from Claudette. She had never been touched in such a way, and now all she wanted was more. Jean continued to play with her breasts and rub at her nipples, causing them to harden. Claudette moaned while feeling herself grow hot all over. It was like a fire was raging within her soul and only the sweet release of orgasm could extinguish it completely.

She arched her back and allowed Jean to hold her in his arms again. “Take me. Take me please…” she begged, to which he acquiesced by lifting her slender body and carrying her towards a bed that looked more luxurious than anything Claudette had lain in previously.

Silk sheets against her bare skin only added to her pleasure as Jean removed his loose shirt. Claudette’s eyes feasted on his firm and sculpted physique before he propped himself above her and prepared to introduce her to unparalleled ecstasy.

Minutes flew by, and eventually they were face-to-face, with his length inside of her and their naked bodies moving together in a steady rhythm. All that mattered was their union, and neither were aware of the eavesdropping valet standing outside the bedroom door, listening to the sounds of their copulation.

The ill-intentioned servant soon departed down the dark hallway with his candlestick lighting the way. He had always been bitter about Claudette’s lack of interest in him, and now he would seek revenge by convincing the Vicomte and Vicomtesse that the young kitchen maid was a wicked temptress with her eyes on the family riches.
Here's the second part:


Nobody in the world filled the valet with as much hatred and lust as Claudette did. The combination of her supple breasts, tantalizing hips, and luxurious golden hair that shone in the sunlight like a halo left him seething with rage over her choosing to love the young master Jean instead.

He’d been nothing short of courteous towards her during the early days, but she had overlooked it all and succumbed to her degenerate desires like the whore she was at heart. For this reason, the valet became convinced that only the complete purification and destruction of Claudette’s body would clear her of all sin. Which he would see to by entering the chamber belonging to the Vicomtesse.

A search through the bedside drawers yielded a rich pearl necklace that was perfect for the valet’s plan. He slipped it into his coat pocket, then tiptoed out of the bedchamber to make his way to the servant quarters.


The hustle and bustle caused by the return of the Vicomte and Vicomtesse meant that Claudette did not reach her bed until midnight. Wearily, she pulled back the covers and prepared to lie down, only to cry out when she felt something hard against the back of her neck. She sat up in a hurry as the other servants came rushing over.

Light from the valet’s candle allowed Claudette to see the priceless piece of jewelery sticking out from beneath her pillow. She pulled it out to the gasps of those around her before a familiar voice spoke up without a trace of sympathy.

“See, I told you all that she was a licentious thief. First, shagging the young master, and now this. How ever shall we stop her?”

“What?” Claudette could only utter in bewilderment as the scullery maid Sabine stepped forth to hold her down and others rushed off to report the discovery to the Vicomtesse.


The local authorities were swift, and Claudette was taken to prison that same night to await an uncertain fate. She wallowed in the unjustness of her circumstances, unable to comprehend how this could have happened when her only sin was sleeping with a man above her station.

She was confiscated of her maidly garb and forced to don a loose white shift, which attracted leers and lecherous comments from the guards watching her.

“Nice tits, sweetheart. ‘Tis a shame what will happen to them…”

“Look at that tight behind. I just want to squeeze it.”

Claudette was thrown into a cold cell afterwards. She curled into a fetal position and began to cry, eventually losing grasp of the hours. Night became day and rays of sunlight streamed in through the tiny window, providing her with some small solace.

This misfortune could only be temporary, and she would return to Jean’s side when it was over. He would defy his parents and marry her no matter what, then they’d live happily together until old age claimed them both. She raised her head and stood up with difficulty before making her way to the window.

“Please, come rescue me soon. I know you care…” Claudette murmured, wiping the tears away from her dry eyes. Footsteps sounded from the corridor, and she spun around to see a familiar figure stepping into view. “Gaspard? Why are you here?”

The valet gave her a cruel smirk as he came right up to the cell bars. “How are you finding the accommodations, bitch? You’d better enjoy the time you have left because the end is coming soon.”

Claudette’s gray eyes grew wide with fear. “What do you mean?”

“Don’t you know?” the valet continued to taunt. “The Vicomtesse was rightfully enraged by your behaviour, but she couldn’t decide whether hanging or burning would be more fitting for a whore like you. In the end, a coin was flipped, and guess what the outcome was?”

Terror overcame Claudette and she lunged forward while screaming at him. “Shut up! Just leave me alone!”

The valet stepped back without flinching. His smirk showed no sign of faltering. “The coin landed on tails. You’re going to be burned.”

A choke of despair left Claudette’s lips and she sunk to the floor in complete shock. “No…”

“It’s true. They’re erecting a stake right now. A shame, since I was looking forward just as much to seeing you dance by a rope. But I suppose this will make for an even greater spectacle. Fire is a wonderful thing, don’t you think?”

“Please, have mercy on me…”

“Well, I should take my leave now. Farewell, Claudette. None of this would have happened if you were mine in the first place…”

At that, the valet turned and sauntered away. The resulting silence was broken by Claudette’s desperately muttering to herself. “I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die. Mother Mary, spare me please…”
Thanks, nice and sexy
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Quote by vadim59Thanks, nice and sexy
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Nice picture there. I will post the next part shortly.
The church bell gave a muffled toll as Claudette was led through the street by guards the following afternoon. Her breath caught in her throat, for she knew full well that the sound was a harbinger of her impending death. She glanced around at the people going about their daily lives and swallowed with difficulty when they returned her attention with looks ranging from pity to curiosity.

Jean… she thought, shedding tears while staring down at her bare and dirtied feet. Why won’t you come for me? I’m so scared…

A piece of rotten fruit was thrown in her direction, causing her to flinch. She was then shoved forward by a guard who clearly enjoyed his power over her. “Get a move on, sweetheart. We don’t want to be late…”

With no means to escape or defend herself, Claudette had no choice but to continue marching towards her fiery doom, yet a part of her hoped for a miracle regardless. After all, there was still so much love she had to give, and for everything to end today would be the greatest injustice in the world, exacerbated only by the fear that she would cease to be.


A crowd of a hundred or so had already gathered when Claudette arrived at the public square. Her gaze wandered around for a sign of Jean, but all she saw were lower-class folk like herself. The newly erected stake loomed ahead. A cart filled with bundles of thin wood was positioned to the left. To the right stood the masked executioner with his flaming torch.

Claudette’s breath was heavy as she was forced to mount the small, raised platform around the stake. Her arms were pulled behind her back and a rope was fastened around her waist and wrists. Another went around her lower legs, completing her bondage. Volunteers proceeded to empty the cart by tossing wood at her feet. The landing thud of each bundle was a prick to Claudette’s heart, and she shut her eyes, wanting this to be nothing more than a nightmare. 

She opened her eyes again upon hearing the sound of a horn, followed by none other than the valet announcing the arrival of the Vicomte and Vicomtesse. He flashed her the same sadistic grin that she’d seen in prison, then turned his focus to guiding the aristocratic couple onto the stage at the other side of the square. They were dressed like they were attending an opera, and Claudette’s heart broke further at Jean’s continued absence. 

A satisfied smile spread across the Vicomtesse’ face, prompting Claudette to look away. It would only be a matter of time before the bundles of wood were lit and she was left to the mercy of the flames.

Sure enough, the executioner approached as soon as the Vicomte and Vicomtesse claimed the seats which would allow them a clear view of the burning from start to finish. Claudette let out a whimper while watching the masked man stride around and set his torch down on all sides of the stake.

Numerous tiny flames were birthed from the larger one and they began their journey towards her helpless body. They grew fat from the abundance of fuel, and it wasn’t long until Claudette felt the first sensations of pain against her bare feet. 

She raised her head with a sharp cry and stared with watery eyes at the overcast sky. The hem of her loose shift billowed from an updraft, then disintegrated into embers around her. She looked back down at her blistering feet and tried to lift them up in succession, but all this served was to delay the inevitable. With a sob of defeat, she let her feet come down for good so that they'd feed the flames again.

To distract herself from the sight and agony of her delicate skin being peeled away, Claudette fixated on her own breasts, soft and unblemished beneath the bodice of her shift. She wondered how long it would be until they were destroyed too. Would she be dead when it happened? Or would she still be fully aware of her torture?

Claudette refused to dwell on those horrible thoughts as her feet began to lose sensation. A sickening feeling arose in her stomach at the sight of them turning black and releasing a most foul, smoky odour. She shut her eyes and tossed her head to one side to gulp down what little clean air remained. Then, it was back to enduring the rest of her immolation. 

More of her shift fell apart before her ankles and lower legs started to scorch. Claudette’s cries of pain resumed in a vicious cycle of her flesh being burned and nerves dying. Eventually, her lungs lost strength and she could only moan weakly, knowing that her legs had become dead weights and her charred feet wouldn’t last for much longer. 

Through the stinging smoke, she made out the figures of the restless crowd, along with the Vicomte and Vicomtesse pointing and laughing in amusement. Between them, the valet took on an almost devilish appearance with his bright red coat and grin of cruel delight. Or at least that was how it seemed. Perhaps she was growing delirious and losing her grasp of reality.

Nevertheless, she was all too aware of her humiliation when the flames took away the complete bottom of her shift and exposed her private parts to the eager crowd. Her sparse patch of brown hair disappeared within moments, making way for the flames to flicker between her lips in a manner akin to a skilled tongue. Claudette let out a moan that she herself could not discern as one of pleasure or pain. She thought of Jean once more and let herself become lost in a dream in which he was penetrating her by the fireplace, refusing to stop until she was filled with his seed. 

The flames curled towards her taut yet shapely buttocks, feasting on them like they were ripe fruit and causing lumps of fat to drip down into the pyre. The crackling echoed in Claudette’s ears like thunder before her buttocks lost their perfect shape and shrunk away. Her idle and bound hands twitched in the fire as they were melted right down to the bone, never to grasp a spoon or feel a man’s body again. Her lustrous golden-brown hair, which had once been a source of pride, ignited shortly afterwards, bringing the flames towards her chest and scalp.

The bodice of Claudette’s shift billowed and then burned away, leaving her supple breasts bare. The flames curled around them, licking, and caressing her undersides and lapping at her pert nipples. All the while, she slammed the back of her head against the stake to try and put an end to the searing pain. The flames spread to Claudette’s face just as the breasts that Jean had loved so much, sizzled and emitted bubbling fat which ran down her body before popping in the excruciating heat. 

The relentless flames made their way up Claudette’s nostrils and into her gaping mouth, sucking the moisture from her tongue and reducing it to just another shriveled piece of meat. She tried to scream, but all that came out was a rattle that hardly sounded human anymore.

Every paltry breath she drew in only sealed her fate further. Her throat began to close up and she felt her own chest cave inwards, crushing her already failing lungs. Thick and dark mucus hissed out of her collapsing nose and the hole which had once been her mouth, evaporating into steam within seconds. 

A raging inferno filled Claudette’s vision and destroyed the last of her hearing, leaving only her sight to rely on. But that too, was short-lived. Her discolored gray eyes lost all integrity and drooped from their sockets, eventually falling into the heart of fire to become nothingness. 

A final deathly groan escaped Claudette’s body as more tongues of flame crept into her eye sockets and caused her brain to boil and erupt inside her skull. 

The last thing to flash through her dying mind was the distorted face of a man she no longer recognized. Who he was, or his importance to her, she would never know. Her whole world had become fire and she would soon return to the same ash and dust from which she’d come.

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Mere moments after Claudette succumbed to the flames and became nothing more than a featureless corpse, the young nobleman Jean came running into the public square and stopped upon seeing what was left of the woman he had loved and lusted after.

“Claudette!” he screamed, sinking to his knees in complete and crushing despair. He pounded his fist against the hard ground, drawing blood, before he raised his head and turned to face the people responsible for her death. The Vicomte and Vicomtesse’ smiles vanished as he charged towards the stage, drawing a pistol from the holster at his waist and aiming it straight at the stunned valet.

A single shot rang out, then everything went black.
something like this

Quote by vadim59

Is there supposed to be a picture or some text? All I see is a blank space.
there supposed to be a picture

Quote by vadim59 there supposed to be a picture

Well, since there isn't one, could you give your actual thoughts on this last part? That matters to me more.
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Any actual comments? You can't just post pictures.

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