Looking for old electrocution stories from author of Janet
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Recently I found out that Larry III aka PunishU, the author of brilliant Janet story http://web.archive.org/web/200910101...elec/janet.htm also had sever other stories dedicated to electric chair executions.
Looks like there were several other stories, namely:
"Methods of executing women" also named "The Gas Chamber" - a story about sever electric chair and gas chamber executions.
"Reflections on a crime"
"Ruth Snyder"
Apparently this stories were posted on itsagas yahoo group or somewhere on xxxratedgroups and there were total of 7 stories.
I tried using internet archive to search xxxratedgroups but there only handful of pages saved.
There is also a defunct rapidshare link to all 7 http://rapidshare.com/files/68165679...-best.rar.html
Maybe someone has some of them saved?
Thank you!

Here is the story that I was able to recover:


Dateline: State Prison

Janet T, the spy who so coolly gave away secrets to the enemy costing untold lives, paid for her crimes early this morning at State Prison. Her still beautiful naked body slumped against the heavy leather straps of the electric chair at 12:17 this morning and the prison doctor pronounced her dead a minute later.

This reporter was a witness to the execution and had the privilege of interviewing the executioner after the sentence was carried out. What follows is an account of the last few minutes of life of the condemned woman.

Executioner Larry tells of what happened after he approached Janet's holding cell on death row.

"For weeks leading up to today, Janet had been stoic and even laughing when visitors would come to see her. When I went to her cell at 11:45 p.m. with the matrons, she was sitting on her cot, rocking slowly back and forth. Her eyes grew wide when we entered the cell. The matrons clamped her in the required wrist and leg shackles and we walked her to the preparation room.

"The preparation room is a small facility only a few feet from the death chamber. The matrons led Janet down the hallway towards it...the green door of the death chamber was directly ahead and I think Janet thought we were going directly in. She was forced to walk in shuffling steps due to the shackles and the closer we came to the door the slower she walked. The matrons held her by the arms and Janet muttered pleas for mercy under her breath as they walked. I could barely hear her pleas walking just behind her.

"She seemed almost relieved when we took her into the preparation room but that was a short lived relief. As soon as we entered the small room she saw the preparation table with its leather restraining straps and stirrups for her legs. Her eyes looked at me with a mixture of wonder and dread.

"The matrons unshackled her and removed her drab prison smock. She stood for a moment in only her bra and panties. The matrons offered her the use of the commode to 'purge' herself. The commode sits open in the corner of the room. She walked to it and demurely pulled down her panties and sat. I believe she wanted to prevent any embarrassment to herself in the chair later, but she was unable to do anything. She muttered something about not being able to do it with people watching.

"The matrons then told her to remove her bra and gave her soap and placed her in the shower to clean herself. The shower has no door or curtain and she did her best to hide her nakedness from me as I sat in the corner. I did not look directly at her, not wanting to make it any more difficult than necessary, but the law requires the executioner be present during all stages of preparation and so I could not grant her the benefit of my not being there.

"She stepped from the shower and toweled herself dry. After patting her face I noticed it was still damp but not from the shower, it was from her tears as she wept openly.

"As the matrons led her to the preparation table, I stepped forward to continue the pre-execution process. The matrons bent her forward face first onto the table and spread her legs wide apart. I took a large black butt-plug from the equipment table and coated it with KY Jelly. As I approached the naked woman in so vulnerable a position, the matrons were holding her arms and head down, I explained that the plug would be inserted into her rectum to prevent her fouling herself when she was executed. She began to struggle against the hold of the matrons and screamed loudly for me not to do this to her.

"I spread the cheeks of her buttocks and rubbed the tip of the plug against her anus to help lubricate it. I then told her to make it easier on herself by relaxing but I could feel her tighten her buttocks and saw her anus tighten as well. It took some force to press the plug into her and she screamed and cried the entire time. I made sure it was properly seated to stay in place and then stepped back.

"The matrons pulled her upright then helped her onto the table where they quickly strapped her down with the leather restraints. She now begged loudly for mercy and pleaded for her life. I thought it was hard to believe that this was the famous female spy but most condemned women do break down at the end.

"As the matrons brushed her long hair and pulled in back on her head to allow for the attaching of the temple electrodes, I went to the foot of the table and lifted her legs into the stirrups and strapped them down. She tried to fight me but the struggle was a short one. I then extended the stirrups to their full width to expose her vulva for shaving.

"I sat on a small stool between her widespread legs and dampened her dark pubic hair with a warm wash cloth. I then filled my hand with shaving lather and applied it to her pubic hair.

"I wiped the excess from my hands and took the straight razor into my hands. At this point she lifted her head to watch what I was doing and for the first time spoke to me directly asking why I was shaving her mound.

"I try not to scare the condemned while preparing them but I also have a policy of answering direct questions. Some are actually very curious as to what will happen during their execution while others don't want to know at all.

"I told her that she would have an electrode placed on her vulva just above her vagina on the right and another placed just below on the left, both would be in contact with her labia lips and the current and heat generated when the jolts were applied could cause her pubic hair to catch fire so we removed it.

"I could feel her shudder then she softly begged me not to execute her as I proceeded with her preparation. I used five quick strokes of the razor to remove the hair from her mound, then used short, careful strokes to shave her around her labia lips, holding them out of the way to prevent cutting the delicate tissue. She held very still but I could feel her trembling and she continued her soft pleas for mercy throughout the shaving process. I used the warm wet cloth to wipe her clean of excess lather and used one more stroke of the razor to remove a small spot I missed just below her vagina. The razor made a scraping noise on her dry skin and reddened a bit but did not cut her. She squealed loudly at the touch of the razor and at the sound but she was not injured.

"The matrons then unstrapped her and helped her up. Her knees were shaky as she tried to stand and they steadied her. She was given the customary silk dressing gown to put on, the matrons tied it around her waist with a silk sash and then they bound her again with the wrist and leg shackles. She was now prepared to be taken to the death chamber.

"I looked at my watch and saw that it was two minutes until midnight, perfect timing. I nodded to the matrons and they took her by the arms and we led her out into the hall again. She winced with each step from the pain of the butt plug and I think she was grateful for the shackles that restricted the size step she could take and the speed with which she could be lead into the death chamber. She said nothing as we entered the darkened room."

At this point, your reporter, who was seated in the witness gallery, saw the matrons and executioner enter with Janet dressed and shackled as the executioner has reported.

Janet was silent and shuffled her steps as they led her towards the center of the room to the chair. Her head was down.

As they neared the chair she looked up, and seeing the instrument of her death, she pulled back against the hold of the two matrons and began to plead loudly for them not to do this to her.

They quickly controlled the condemned woman and started moving forward again. The other witnesses in the gallery with me had been softly talking among themselves but they now fell silent and watched as Janet was taken to the chair.

She seemed to look at the chair now with some curiosity though tears rolled heavily down her cheeks. As they turned her back towards the chair to prepare to seat her in it her head turned to continue looking at it in almost morbid fascination.

They stood her in front of the chair facing the witness room. She looked intently at us as they removed her shackles as if she were trying to see each person who had come to watch her die. She continued to stare until they untied the sash that held her robe and then started to remove it from her body.

At this point she again fought against them and started begging all who could hear not to execute her and that she had learned her lesson.

The matrons paid no attention to her pleas and one looked at the executioner as if to ask for help with the struggling, pleading woman.

Larry stepped forward and helped move the now naked woman back until her legs touched the hard wooden chair. She screamed loudly as they forced her to sit in the death chair. The executioner held her down while the matrons quickly strapped her arms down with the heavy leather straps. They then placed another wide strap around her torso just below her heaving naked breasts. The dark strap and its tight hold made her small pert breasts stand out from her chest and the her nipples visibly hardened and grew a bit darker.

The executioner knelt down and strapped her legs to the sides of the chair. Because the chair is so wide, her legs were stretched far apart and her womanhood was fully exposed to all of us in the witness room as we looked directly at the terrified woman.

The matrons placed a strap around her forehead holding her head back against the high headrest of the electric chair. Her eyes widened in terror and she again began to loudly plead for her life. The matrons made sure her hair, pulled back away from her face rather severely, was clear of the straps and out of the executioner's way. They then stepped back away from the condemned to let the executioner prepare her for death.

He first applied a clear conducting gel to a spot on her right temple. He placed a copper electrode onto the damp gel, a large electric cable ran from the electrode to the control panel. He placed a leather strap over the electrode and fastened it to either side of the headrest of the chair further binding her head in an upright position. She squealed when the gel was first applied and began to cry and plead again as he placed the strap.

He then moved to her breasts where gel was applied to her left breast just inside her nipple. Again she squealed and cried loudly. Her sobs caused her breasts to heave and jiggle a bit but he continued his professional work. The breast electrode was similar in design to an EKG pad. It stuck to the gel which, he told me later in our interview, also contains a quick setting adhesive that prevents the electrode from coming off during the execution so that full voltage is delivered to all electrodes. He adjusted the placement of the wire that led from the electrode to the control panel so that it passed under her right breast and then tucked under the strap that held her torso. He repeated the process on her right breast, placing the electrode just under the nipple on the lower curve of her breast.

He then placed two true EKG pads, one between her small but firm breasts and another just below her left breast. These had small wires running from them that went to a monitor that recorded the condemned's heartbeat for the prison doctor. He would use it as part of his assessment in pronouncing the prisoner dead after the current was shut down.

Larry once again knelt between the woman's bound legs. When the gel was applied to her vulva on the right she screamed as if she had been shocked already! The pad-like electrode was quickly placed and he made sure in was in contact with her labia lip on that side of her body. It was placed in such a way that it fit into the soft bend where her thigh joins her body and over to her labia. He then placed gel and a pad electrode on the left side this one below her vaginal opening. She screamed again and profusely begged him to stop and to spare her life. He worked on.

The final electrode was a large copper one that he placed on her mid-thigh. The gel was applied in large amounts and Janet now wept hard again the sobs wracking her body and causing it to shake visibly. This electrode was topped with a sponge and then strapped securely around her leg. The electric cable was guided down and then under the chair to the control panel.

The executioner stepped back and seemed satisfied with his preparations. He nodded to the warden who stepped forward into the bright light that shown down on Janet in the chair and began reading her death warrant.

He concluded the reading with, "Janet T., for crimes against the state you have been sentenced to death by electrocution. Have you anything to say before sentence is executed upon you?"

Janet had pleaded softly with the warden to pardon her the entire time he was reading and probably did not hear much of what was said except for the last clear statement of her sentence. She used the chance to loudly beg again for mercy. She openly admitted that she had spied but begged for a life sentence rather than execution. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks and her inability to move her head made her a somewhat pitiful sight as she tried to use her eyes to add to her pleas with both the warden and the witnesses.

The warden allowed her to speak until her voice faded into unrecognizable sobs. He then turned to the executioner and said, "You will now execute sentence on the condemned."

Janet screamed a piercing, "NOOOOOOOOOO!" as the warden walked back into the darkness of the corner of the death chamber.

Larry approached the control panel next to the crying woman. Her eyes strained to watch his every move. "Don't do this! Don't kill me!! Please...Please...PLEASE! Someone help me!!!"

The executioner calmly set the automated current controls for the standard execution cycle...ten seconds of low voltage pulses designed to torture condemned who are convicted and sentenced for this type crime. Then a slow build up to full power over a twenty second period and then two bursts of full power designed to stop the heart if death has not already occurred.

With the controls set, he reached for the switch on the main control panel. He seemed to pause for a moment and look into the terror filled eyes of the condemned woman. She looked right at him, now only able to mouth the words, "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!".

"Step clear of the condemned," he said in a firm, clear voice. The matrons and the doctor took another step back from their positions.

As she looked to them and then back to the executioner, she tried again to speak..."NOOOOOO" as the first sound of the word began to escape her lips, he pulled the switch!!

Janet's chest jutted forward as the low voltage surged into her full breasts..."NOOAAAAAHHHHHHH!" she screamed, her eyes wide open and filled with terror and pain. The pulse switched in a second to the electrodes on her vulva...her back slammed against the chair and her hips tried to thrust forward...her jaw quivered and the scream became almost animal-like, "UHHHHGGHHHHHGHHHGHHH"...another second, that must have seemed an eternity, and the breast electrodes again powered up. Janet's back arched and her breasts seemed to dance on her chest. Then back to the lower electrodes. The cycle repeated it's change five times in the ten seconds of the low voltage jolts. Her naked body gave the appearance of see-sawing in the huge wooden chair or undulating as if she were making love to the electrodes that throbbed their painful burn into her body.

Beads of sweat formed on her brow and between her breasts. Her skin seemed to glisten all over from the dampness. She continued her scream, "NOAHHHNOAHHHUGGGGGHHHH".

Then the pulses stopped. Her body fell back into the chair. She panted like a dog and her chest heaved up and down. In the momentary pause as the cycle reset itself for her final execution, she managed to yell out...."No, god, please stop it! Please, don't kill me! No! Plea....".

The last 'please' was cut short as the death cycle of voltage began. "PleaAHHHHHHHH" and then only grunts of pain as her tortured body gasped for air and relief from the torture.

The breast and vulva electrodes now delivered a steady flow of current, Her body pulled against the straps and thrashed as much as the straps would allow. As the power gradually increased, the grunting became more staccato.

It was easy to tell when the electrode on her thigh began to deliver its lethal jolts. Her left leg jerked upwards until stopped by the straps at her knee. Her bare foot was a full four inches off the floor. As the power continued to increase her leg went straight out in front of her and the right leg began to bounce up and down as if keeping time to a frantic beat.

Her breasts now jiggled wildly and seemed to try and leap from her chest.

As the current reached its full level, wisps of smoke began to rise from the electrodes on her breasts and the skin around the contacts reddened.

Then a sizzling sound began to come from between the dying woman's legs. The executioner later explained to me that it was caused by her 'natural lubrication' flowing down onto the lower electrode and was a common occurrence in female executions.

Her eyes were still wide but now fixed...the grunts continued to come from her throat but her lips were fixed in a round open position as if trying to sound the letter 'O'...also not uncommon I was later informed.

In the final seconds of the execution, and clearly visible to all the witnesses, the electrode on Janet's temple was suddenly activated by the automatic cycle. With the first jolt her head tried to jerk forward but was held tightly. There was a loud snapping sound that I later discovered was her neck breaking for the force of the current and the resistance of her bonds. The executioner said in our interview that the neck breaks just like it would if she were hanged. And while it does not cause instant death it does contribute to the final outcome. It is the reason for the temple electrode, a sort of automatic coup de gras. The second and final full jolt caused her entire body to convulse and the fingers of her clinched fists flew open and strained at every joint as if clawing the air.

After the prescribed time, as quickly as it had begun, the current stopped. Janet's body seemed to hang suspended above the chair for a moment. It was only then that I noted that her buttocks were completely off the seat of the chair. Then she sank limply into the seat. Eyes still wide. Her jaw dropped the shape of her final scream and her tongue, swollen and dark dropped from it.

Her body twitched several times, the last one rather violently pulling at the straps. Then, the sizzling sound between her legs grew louder as steam rose in a cloud from between her legs. In her last death throes she had released her bladder and the urine at first shot from her in a stream onto the floor, but then slowed and wet the electrodes on her labia and created the steam and sound.

They let her sit unmolested in the chair for a full minute while the temperature of her skin cooled to where the doctor could touch her. During this time I noted how much darker her nipples had become during her execution and her breasts seemed to have swollen a full size larger.

Finally, the prison doctor stepped forward. His monitor, fed by the EKG pads on her chest had continued to show a faint trace of life for several seconds after the current ended its job. He told me in a brief interview, that due to her young age and her strong physical condition, Janet had most likely stayed conscious and aware of her execution right up until the temple electrode fired. At that, point, he said, she would have lost awareness and her world would have gone dark though she probably did not die until after the power surges ended.

And so it was, at 12:18 a.m., one minute exactly after the current had turned off, the doctor pronounced Janet T. dead. She had been properly executed and had paid her debt to society.

(1999 Larry III (PunishU)

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