From Afar - Axe & Block
Forum Home > Public : Stories > From Afar - Axe & BlockThe crowd had gathered by the scaffold that had been erected the night before, which lie in front of part of the dungeon walls. Each face eager to see the event that had been the talk of kingdom for the past fortnight. Lady Triss of House Montly, had committed adulatory with a lowly bard. Jane watched from the window of a manor from across the street. She thought to herself that she finally had a privilege of being a servant of House Kondelk. She had the perfect view.
The crowd was excited in intermittent conversation, Jane looked to the scaffold. The beheading block had already been placed in the middle of the scaffold. It was a nice block, with an indentation for Lady Triss to rest her chin. Better than the long torturous death that the bard received deep in the dungeons, she thought.
A few figures already waited on the scaffold. A man dressed in black, with a large axe, clearly the executioner. There were two guards there as well, shoving off a few citizens who tried to climb onto the scaffold. There was a woman with spectacles and plain dress. She was holding onto a rolled up piece of parchment. Jane pondered who she was for a moment to no avail. Finally, there was a man in fine attire. A fur coat wrapped around his fine blue robes. He wore a broach of silver, a beetle. "Ah, that's the Lord Cainman," Jane thought to herself. She wondered how he felt about the execution. From his expression, he seemed ready for justice, or to take on a new wife.
After waiting for a few more minutes, two more guards arrived from the dungeon walls, with the Lady all had been waiting for. Escorted by the arms, Jane saw that Lady Triss's arms were tied with rope behind her back. Clearly, Lady Triss has not been given the luxury of trust after her scandalous activities. She wore a beige and brown tunic dress, it looked like a peasants dress. Jane thought to herself, "wow...she's been stripped of everything! At least she's been given the curtesy of still wearing clothes."
The Lady's hair had been recently shorn, Jane remembering it was once a thing of beauty. Long blonde locks that used to be interwoven into many braids. Now its been cut without remorse. Jane wondered if the many nights of pleasure had been worth it for the Lady. The tears that stained her face said otherwise.
The woman with the spectacles stepped forward and unrolled the parchment. "Lady Triss of House Montly." "Ah she's her on behalf of the crown," Jane silently exclaimed to herself. You stand convicted of adultery. By the order of Lord Cainman, as his is right by law, with the sanction of the crown, you have been condemned to die. May the night mother guide you safely to the dreamlands."
The guards pull her forward. Her legs given out. Her stains turned to sobs. "Aren't nobles supposed to keep their composure," Jane thought. "Then again I guess she isn't a noble anymore." Former Lady Triss turned towards Lord Cainman as she is being dragged to the block. She attempts to say something, a plea probably, but the sobs push the words down her throat. Jane swears she can see a grin across Lord Cainman's face.
Former Lady Triss is quickly brought to her knees and neck stretched out on the block. The sobs continue to streak across her face. The executioner walks over, making sure that her hair won't impede the axe. Jane wondered if she would be able to keep her composure if she were brought under the headsman's axe. "I wouldn't want the headsman to miss," she murmured, "I would have to keep composure as if my life depended on it." She chuckled at that thought.
The headsman began to raise his axe, crowd watching in anticipation. Lady Triss began to look up, lifting her neck a little. As the former Lady did this, the axe quickly arced downward clean through her neck. Jane caught her last expression of terror and shock as the decapitated head fell into the basket. The crowd roared, ecstatic about the justice that had just been carried out. The executioner brought the basket over to Lord Cainman, who definitely had a wide grin.
Jane then heard a voice from behind her. "Alright, that's enough of that. Get back to work, these linens need cleaning before guests arrive tonight." At the call of one of her masters, Jane closed the window and got back to work, pondering the execution for the rest of the day.
The crowd was excited in intermittent conversation, Jane looked to the scaffold. The beheading block had already been placed in the middle of the scaffold. It was a nice block, with an indentation for Lady Triss to rest her chin. Better than the long torturous death that the bard received deep in the dungeons, she thought.
A few figures already waited on the scaffold. A man dressed in black, with a large axe, clearly the executioner. There were two guards there as well, shoving off a few citizens who tried to climb onto the scaffold. There was a woman with spectacles and plain dress. She was holding onto a rolled up piece of parchment. Jane pondered who she was for a moment to no avail. Finally, there was a man in fine attire. A fur coat wrapped around his fine blue robes. He wore a broach of silver, a beetle. "Ah, that's the Lord Cainman," Jane thought to herself. She wondered how he felt about the execution. From his expression, he seemed ready for justice, or to take on a new wife.
After waiting for a few more minutes, two more guards arrived from the dungeon walls, with the Lady all had been waiting for. Escorted by the arms, Jane saw that Lady Triss's arms were tied with rope behind her back. Clearly, Lady Triss has not been given the luxury of trust after her scandalous activities. She wore a beige and brown tunic dress, it looked like a peasants dress. Jane thought to herself, "wow...she's been stripped of everything! At least she's been given the curtesy of still wearing clothes."
The Lady's hair had been recently shorn, Jane remembering it was once a thing of beauty. Long blonde locks that used to be interwoven into many braids. Now its been cut without remorse. Jane wondered if the many nights of pleasure had been worth it for the Lady. The tears that stained her face said otherwise.
The woman with the spectacles stepped forward and unrolled the parchment. "Lady Triss of House Montly." "Ah she's her on behalf of the crown," Jane silently exclaimed to herself. You stand convicted of adultery. By the order of Lord Cainman, as his is right by law, with the sanction of the crown, you have been condemned to die. May the night mother guide you safely to the dreamlands."
The guards pull her forward. Her legs given out. Her stains turned to sobs. "Aren't nobles supposed to keep their composure," Jane thought. "Then again I guess she isn't a noble anymore." Former Lady Triss turned towards Lord Cainman as she is being dragged to the block. She attempts to say something, a plea probably, but the sobs push the words down her throat. Jane swears she can see a grin across Lord Cainman's face.
Former Lady Triss is quickly brought to her knees and neck stretched out on the block. The sobs continue to streak across her face. The executioner walks over, making sure that her hair won't impede the axe. Jane wondered if she would be able to keep her composure if she were brought under the headsman's axe. "I wouldn't want the headsman to miss," she murmured, "I would have to keep composure as if my life depended on it." She chuckled at that thought.
The headsman began to raise his axe, crowd watching in anticipation. Lady Triss began to look up, lifting her neck a little. As the former Lady did this, the axe quickly arced downward clean through her neck. Jane caught her last expression of terror and shock as the decapitated head fell into the basket. The crowd roared, ecstatic about the justice that had just been carried out. The executioner brought the basket over to Lord Cainman, who definitely had a wide grin.
Jane then heard a voice from behind her. "Alright, that's enough of that. Get back to work, these linens need cleaning before guests arrive tonight." At the call of one of her masters, Jane closed the window and got back to work, pondering the execution for the rest of the day.
Forum > Public / Stories > From Afar - Axe & Block