[Electric chair] Refining electrocution protocols
Forum Home > Public : Stories > [Electric chair] Refining electrocution protocolsToday at the woman's execution center we are conducting experiments to enhance stage one of the electrocution execution. During the stage one only relatively low current is applied. During it the subject feels medium heat at electrode application places, small needle type tingling in all of the body between electrodes and not overly strong spasm waves in muscles accompanied with heat sensations. Rhythmical current waves can be felt everywhere, even in subject's genital areas. Due to this, prolonged application of the phase one leads to severe arousal even in unveiling subjects and later to series of heavy orgasms. This phase is used to make the procedure more humane before applying heavier current for later stages of the execution. The length of this phase is extended depending on age of the subject and severity of the crime.
Focus of the current study is to determine how garments, stoking in particular, can affect this phase. Findings in this study will be used to make pre-exution process more efficient when less undressing is required.
First test is the control. Or subject - Kay Milton is testing current protocol with ankle electrode applied directly without the stoking. As shown in photos below, subject feels heavy sexual arousal as low pleasurable voltage courses from her leg to head, coursing through her vulva, vagina, cervix and her her breasts.
During this test 3 orgasms were registered in 10 minutes.
Second test is with stocking left intact. Same current was applied, but this time subject shows more distress than before, only achieving one orgasm at the beginning of this test. This shows that leaving stocking on increases body resistance and leads to more suffering during execution.
Todays tests results will allow executioners to be more creative in their process allowing them to adjust to specific circumstances
Focus of the current study is to determine how garments, stoking in particular, can affect this phase. Findings in this study will be used to make pre-exution process more efficient when less undressing is required.
First test is the control. Or subject - Kay Milton is testing current protocol with ankle electrode applied directly without the stoking. As shown in photos below, subject feels heavy sexual arousal as low pleasurable voltage courses from her leg to head, coursing through her vulva, vagina, cervix and her her breasts.
During this test 3 orgasms were registered in 10 minutes.
Second test is with stocking left intact. Same current was applied, but this time subject shows more distress than before, only achieving one orgasm at the beginning of this test. This shows that leaving stocking on increases body resistance and leads to more suffering during execution.
Todays tests results will allow executioners to be more creative in their process allowing them to adjust to specific circumstances
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Forum > Public / Stories > [Electric chair] Refining electrocution protocols