In the forest
Forum Home > Public : Stories > In the forestIn the forest
© Piedad & Andy
I am sitting in the back of a truck heading for an unknown destination. I am wearing my
prison uniform of white t-shirt and white sweatpants and my hands are tied behind my
back with a plastic band. One of the soldiers sitting next to me offers me a cigarette,
which I accept, and he lights it and places it in my lips. I take a few drags, inhaling the
smoke and breathing it out through the nose, while I contemplate my fate. I don’t reflect
on it for long though. The truck stops its bumpy trip down the country road. The
soldiers open the back door and raise the tarpaulin cover to let me out. Both of them
help me off the truck, which would have been difficult doing on my own since my
hands are tied. My bare soles touch the ground, feeling the morning dew on the grass as
I step down from the vehicle. I look around: we are in the middle of the woods. Pine
trees stand on both sides of the road and aside the birds singing everything is silent,
even peaceful. I feel the fresh morning breeze caressing my shaved skull and my
exposed neck, making me feel so present, so fragile. The soldiers motion me forward
without delay, making me walk barefoot down a sandy path between the trees.
We walk about two or three minutes until we reach a clearing. Another man in uniform
is standing there, under the shade of a tree, and seems to stand alert as he sees my
arrival. As if he had been waiting for me…
The soldiers make me walk a few more meters to the center of the clearing and then
stop me in front of a small trench between the grass. I look at it a little puzzled, not
understanding what it is. As I am looking at it, the guards let go of my arms and walk
away from me, which startles me because I don’t understand why they are leaving me
there. But as I am turning to look back the man that was waiting under the tree is right
there and takes hold of my arms.
- Stay still. Look ahead.
The man rests his hands over my slim shoulders and presses down on them, forcing me
to my knees, gently but firmly as any man should, with encouraging words:
- Get down. It will be quick.
I don’t resist and sink to my knees. Why should I make things worse for me? His hands
leave my shoulders as soon as he is sure I have completely surrendered to him. He then
tips my shaved skull forth, inclining in such a way the back of my head is totally
exposed to him. I suddenly realize, looking down at the humid earth at the bottom of the
freshly dug trench, I am kneeling at the brink of what is to become my grave. Panic
sears through my mind as I stare at that hole where my dead body will soon be
carelessly tumbled into. The earth is dark, damp, like all good, rich soils are. I quiver at
the thought that my remains will soon fertilize it. What will become of me? What will I
turn into? After the bugs and the worms are finished with me, I mean. Will daisies
sprout from my ashes? Will a rosebush carve its roots through my cracked skull?
No, I must cast out these thoughts! I fight back the tears that are pooling in my eyes! I
try conjuring a happy soothing memory as I wait for the bullet to rush through my brain,
but I can think of none. Oh, what could it be? What could it be? My last weekend at the
beach? That romantic dinner with Ale? My first lovemak...
I am well used to kill. Both women and men. So I do not budge when I see the guards
bringing her down the forest path to the clearing where I am waiting. I try to keep her
image in my mind for later: she has dark skin, her scared and vulnerable looking eyes
are dark brown, and her well defined eyebrows tell me she would be a brunette hadn’t
her head been freshly and neatly shaved. I quickly follow them and take my place
behind her, and after the guards step back I take charge. I am not sure she has seen me,
but she is startled when she feels my gloved hands resting on her fragile shoulders. She
tries to look back but I stop her, it will do her no good. My hands grow heavy on her
shoulders, hinting her frightened body to follow my lead to the next step. Her will
bends, as well as her knees. As she kneels in front of me, it must spark a last shred of
pride in her, because she lifts up her head as much as she can, trying to remain
dignified. But I can not have that, she has to give in completely, so I tip her head
forward a little. Yes, that's it, a head bowed in submission to her fate. She does not resist
at all, I have total control over her now. It will be so much easier for both of us…
As I raise my AK-47's barrel to the back of her head, I start my routine of analyzing
small details to abstract my mind. The shaved head makes her look so fragile, so
vulnerable! Her small earlobes are pierced for earrings. The muscles on her slender neck
are tense from the nerves. My eyes travel down her body to notice her plump buttocks
and finally the soles of her feet. She’s showing me her dusty soles! In another occasion I
would take her invitation and kneel down to kiss them, but it is time to say goodbye.
I fire the shot almost without noticing it. The bullet leaves a small round hole in the
back of her shaved head and almost instantly an eruption of blood, bone and brain
matter exits from the other side. I am not sure, I aimed as best as I could so the exit
point would be the forehead, but with an AK-47 you never know. Her body shudders
slightly before tumbling down into the open grave. She falls face down on the dark,
damp earth below, her knees still in bent position, her dusty soles waiving up at me in
her death throws. They quickly subside though, I know this method tends to be messy,
but what it matters is it is quick. A small pool of blood grows from under her head,
where her face would be, making me feel glad I will never see what became of it. I’d
rather remember her as I saw her minutes ago.
No need for a coup-de-grace. I turn around and return to the shade of that tree. I have
time for a cigarette before they bring the shovels to cover her up.
I throw off my ushanka and trench coat, then strip to my underwear and lay down in bed
by Maryska’s side.
- So how was your day?
- It was normal…
We stay in silence side by side in the darkness, trying to find comfort in our pillows.
- You were at the forest…?
I turn my face to her in a vague effort to look in her eyes, and answer with a sombre
- Yes.
Maryska sighs in the dark and I hear the sheets rustling. I know where this is leading to.
- In the forest… Tell me why.
- You know why.
Maryska’s fingers travel through my body, flirting with my nipples, my chest and then
the hem of my underwear before sneaking in and begin massaging my penis.
- Yes… but I want you to tell me just the same.
She shamelessly smiles. I close my eyes, waiting for her next move. I feel her fingers
caressing my shaft and testicles as she urges me continue:
- I am waiting… Tell me.
I lick my lips:
- There was an execution… It was a woman.
Her eager fingers stop for a second before continuing to explore my erect cock.
- Tell me more.
- My cock got hard when I saw her. She was tall, dark skinned, and she was barefoot.
Her head was shaved and it made her look so fragile, so vulnerable…
Maryska goes down underneath the sheets and kisses my testicles and my gland, several
- Did you want to have her?
- Yes, I would have her. – I admit – But I had to kill her.
She comes up and whispers steamily in my ear as she goes on masturbating my cock:
- Show me how you did it. Treat me like you treated her.
- Yes, Maryska.
I get up and pull her up to the edge of the bed, making her kneel there. I lean against her
back, my shaft slightly touching her wet vulva. I feel my erection caressing her soles
and I immediately think of that condemned woman’s dusty soles, offered to me this
same morning. Oh, I wanted to sprinkle those feet with my sperm so bad! I spit in my
hand and begin jerking my hard cock as I kiss her nape and starkly whisper to her:
- You are taken to the woods and stood before a deep hole in a clearing…
- Oh, what could it be…? – her voice answers me from the dark.
- It is your grave. I come from behind you.
- Oh yes, I hear your footsteps my dear. I know you’re coming…
- You never get to see me because I grab your shoulders and press you down before you
turn. You have to die on your knees!
- I surrender to you, I have to take it on my knees…
- Like the slave you are…
- …so the bullet can go through my head! – the rhythm of my masturbation builds little
by little.
- Yes, it will rip through your brain!
- It will be easier this way…?
- Yes, it will be merciful.
- Is your gun ready to shoot, my executioner?
- Not yet, I have to bow your head… - I shove my index finger in the back of her head,
like a barrel of a gun - …so I can aim better.
- You are a liar… - she pants back at me - I know you enjoy seeing my shaved head
hanging in defeat…
- To accept your death, yes! – my hand moves faster up and down my erection.
- I do accept it dear executioner! I’m waiting for it! Please don’t take so long!
- I aim at your head. It is a perfect shot. – my finger presses harder against the back of
her head, tilting it forward, as my other hand jerks my cock straight into orgasm - Get
ready, dear, you’re going to take it now. It is here for you!
- Yes, my executioner, let me have it! Release it! Shoot it!
- Aaaah… Here… Take the bullet! - I release my orgasm, squirting Maryska’s sexy
soles with my hot sperm, as my index finger finally mimics a shot by pushing her over
the mattress. Maryska stays down while I continue to squirt my load, shooting as far as
her buttocks, and finally I collapse by her side, panting. We lay there motionless, just
try to regain our breaths, until she breaks the silence:
- Oh mister executioner, thank you, you took such good care of me… I didn’t felt a
thing… Except for the heat of your shots, of course…
I smile:
- You talk too much for a woman whose brain is resting in a puddle beside her head! –
and realizing the crudeness of my words – Maybe I haven’t executed you properly…
I can almost see her smile shining in the dark:
- Maybe I need the mercy shot… you think you can spare a bullet to let me out of my
- My dear condemned woman, I always keep one in the chamber...
© Piedad & Andy
I am sitting in the back of a truck heading for an unknown destination. I am wearing my
prison uniform of white t-shirt and white sweatpants and my hands are tied behind my
back with a plastic band. One of the soldiers sitting next to me offers me a cigarette,
which I accept, and he lights it and places it in my lips. I take a few drags, inhaling the
smoke and breathing it out through the nose, while I contemplate my fate. I don’t reflect
on it for long though. The truck stops its bumpy trip down the country road. The
soldiers open the back door and raise the tarpaulin cover to let me out. Both of them
help me off the truck, which would have been difficult doing on my own since my
hands are tied. My bare soles touch the ground, feeling the morning dew on the grass as
I step down from the vehicle. I look around: we are in the middle of the woods. Pine
trees stand on both sides of the road and aside the birds singing everything is silent,
even peaceful. I feel the fresh morning breeze caressing my shaved skull and my
exposed neck, making me feel so present, so fragile. The soldiers motion me forward
without delay, making me walk barefoot down a sandy path between the trees.
We walk about two or three minutes until we reach a clearing. Another man in uniform
is standing there, under the shade of a tree, and seems to stand alert as he sees my
arrival. As if he had been waiting for me…
The soldiers make me walk a few more meters to the center of the clearing and then
stop me in front of a small trench between the grass. I look at it a little puzzled, not
understanding what it is. As I am looking at it, the guards let go of my arms and walk
away from me, which startles me because I don’t understand why they are leaving me
there. But as I am turning to look back the man that was waiting under the tree is right
there and takes hold of my arms.
- Stay still. Look ahead.
The man rests his hands over my slim shoulders and presses down on them, forcing me
to my knees, gently but firmly as any man should, with encouraging words:
- Get down. It will be quick.
I don’t resist and sink to my knees. Why should I make things worse for me? His hands
leave my shoulders as soon as he is sure I have completely surrendered to him. He then
tips my shaved skull forth, inclining in such a way the back of my head is totally
exposed to him. I suddenly realize, looking down at the humid earth at the bottom of the
freshly dug trench, I am kneeling at the brink of what is to become my grave. Panic
sears through my mind as I stare at that hole where my dead body will soon be
carelessly tumbled into. The earth is dark, damp, like all good, rich soils are. I quiver at
the thought that my remains will soon fertilize it. What will become of me? What will I
turn into? After the bugs and the worms are finished with me, I mean. Will daisies
sprout from my ashes? Will a rosebush carve its roots through my cracked skull?
No, I must cast out these thoughts! I fight back the tears that are pooling in my eyes! I
try conjuring a happy soothing memory as I wait for the bullet to rush through my brain,
but I can think of none. Oh, what could it be? What could it be? My last weekend at the
beach? That romantic dinner with Ale? My first lovemak...
I am well used to kill. Both women and men. So I do not budge when I see the guards
bringing her down the forest path to the clearing where I am waiting. I try to keep her
image in my mind for later: she has dark skin, her scared and vulnerable looking eyes
are dark brown, and her well defined eyebrows tell me she would be a brunette hadn’t
her head been freshly and neatly shaved. I quickly follow them and take my place
behind her, and after the guards step back I take charge. I am not sure she has seen me,
but she is startled when she feels my gloved hands resting on her fragile shoulders. She
tries to look back but I stop her, it will do her no good. My hands grow heavy on her
shoulders, hinting her frightened body to follow my lead to the next step. Her will
bends, as well as her knees. As she kneels in front of me, it must spark a last shred of
pride in her, because she lifts up her head as much as she can, trying to remain
dignified. But I can not have that, she has to give in completely, so I tip her head
forward a little. Yes, that's it, a head bowed in submission to her fate. She does not resist
at all, I have total control over her now. It will be so much easier for both of us…
As I raise my AK-47's barrel to the back of her head, I start my routine of analyzing
small details to abstract my mind. The shaved head makes her look so fragile, so
vulnerable! Her small earlobes are pierced for earrings. The muscles on her slender neck
are tense from the nerves. My eyes travel down her body to notice her plump buttocks
and finally the soles of her feet. She’s showing me her dusty soles! In another occasion I
would take her invitation and kneel down to kiss them, but it is time to say goodbye.
I fire the shot almost without noticing it. The bullet leaves a small round hole in the
back of her shaved head and almost instantly an eruption of blood, bone and brain
matter exits from the other side. I am not sure, I aimed as best as I could so the exit
point would be the forehead, but with an AK-47 you never know. Her body shudders
slightly before tumbling down into the open grave. She falls face down on the dark,
damp earth below, her knees still in bent position, her dusty soles waiving up at me in
her death throws. They quickly subside though, I know this method tends to be messy,
but what it matters is it is quick. A small pool of blood grows from under her head,
where her face would be, making me feel glad I will never see what became of it. I’d
rather remember her as I saw her minutes ago.
No need for a coup-de-grace. I turn around and return to the shade of that tree. I have
time for a cigarette before they bring the shovels to cover her up.
I throw off my ushanka and trench coat, then strip to my underwear and lay down in bed
by Maryska’s side.
- So how was your day?
- It was normal…
We stay in silence side by side in the darkness, trying to find comfort in our pillows.
- You were at the forest…?
I turn my face to her in a vague effort to look in her eyes, and answer with a sombre
- Yes.
Maryska sighs in the dark and I hear the sheets rustling. I know where this is leading to.
- In the forest… Tell me why.
- You know why.
Maryska’s fingers travel through my body, flirting with my nipples, my chest and then
the hem of my underwear before sneaking in and begin massaging my penis.
- Yes… but I want you to tell me just the same.
She shamelessly smiles. I close my eyes, waiting for her next move. I feel her fingers
caressing my shaft and testicles as she urges me continue:
- I am waiting… Tell me.
I lick my lips:
- There was an execution… It was a woman.
Her eager fingers stop for a second before continuing to explore my erect cock.
- Tell me more.
- My cock got hard when I saw her. She was tall, dark skinned, and she was barefoot.
Her head was shaved and it made her look so fragile, so vulnerable…
Maryska goes down underneath the sheets and kisses my testicles and my gland, several
- Did you want to have her?
- Yes, I would have her. – I admit – But I had to kill her.
She comes up and whispers steamily in my ear as she goes on masturbating my cock:
- Show me how you did it. Treat me like you treated her.
- Yes, Maryska.
I get up and pull her up to the edge of the bed, making her kneel there. I lean against her
back, my shaft slightly touching her wet vulva. I feel my erection caressing her soles
and I immediately think of that condemned woman’s dusty soles, offered to me this
same morning. Oh, I wanted to sprinkle those feet with my sperm so bad! I spit in my
hand and begin jerking my hard cock as I kiss her nape and starkly whisper to her:
- You are taken to the woods and stood before a deep hole in a clearing…
- Oh, what could it be…? – her voice answers me from the dark.
- It is your grave. I come from behind you.
- Oh yes, I hear your footsteps my dear. I know you’re coming…
- You never get to see me because I grab your shoulders and press you down before you
turn. You have to die on your knees!
- I surrender to you, I have to take it on my knees…
- Like the slave you are…
- …so the bullet can go through my head! – the rhythm of my masturbation builds little
by little.
- Yes, it will rip through your brain!
- It will be easier this way…?
- Yes, it will be merciful.
- Is your gun ready to shoot, my executioner?
- Not yet, I have to bow your head… - I shove my index finger in the back of her head,
like a barrel of a gun - …so I can aim better.
- You are a liar… - she pants back at me - I know you enjoy seeing my shaved head
hanging in defeat…
- To accept your death, yes! – my hand moves faster up and down my erection.
- I do accept it dear executioner! I’m waiting for it! Please don’t take so long!
- I aim at your head. It is a perfect shot. – my finger presses harder against the back of
her head, tilting it forward, as my other hand jerks my cock straight into orgasm - Get
ready, dear, you’re going to take it now. It is here for you!
- Yes, my executioner, let me have it! Release it! Shoot it!
- Aaaah… Here… Take the bullet! - I release my orgasm, squirting Maryska’s sexy
soles with my hot sperm, as my index finger finally mimics a shot by pushing her over
the mattress. Maryska stays down while I continue to squirt my load, shooting as far as
her buttocks, and finally I collapse by her side, panting. We lay there motionless, just
try to regain our breaths, until she breaks the silence:
- Oh mister executioner, thank you, you took such good care of me… I didn’t felt a
thing… Except for the heat of your shots, of course…
I smile:
- You talk too much for a woman whose brain is resting in a puddle beside her head! –
and realizing the crudeness of my words – Maybe I haven’t executed you properly…
I can almost see her smile shining in the dark:
- Maybe I need the mercy shot… you think you can spare a bullet to let me out of my
- My dear condemned woman, I always keep one in the chamber...

Forum > Public / Stories > In the forest