The prince's pig farm
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Casandra was the prettiest girl in the land. Sadly she was always getting into serious moral trouble, disobeying her father and going out with boys not in her caste. Finally for her sinful ways and the shame she brought on her family, she was taken to the elders. The judgement was death by hanging. On this occasion however a representative of the prince was present and discussed an alternate kind of 'death' that the girl could under go. It would remove dishonor from her household and also add value to the house of the prince.

She was stripped and bundled into a large thick sack which was secured by metal wire around her neck. Then a small thin sack was placed over her eyes and tied. She could barely see. Then the girl was dragged crying and screaming into the royal prison transport bus. Someone helped her sit on a bench by a small window. A chain around her waist kept her from sliding around. Where were they taking her?

Hours later the bus stopped and the girl was taken to a beautiful garden. 'This is where you will stay for the rest of your life', said a strong man. But first you have to go to conversion. "What do you mean?", asked the girl. "You have been sentenced to death and can no longer reside with human beings. You shall be transformed." With that, three other men came and subdued the maiden and placing a chloroform muzzle over her face held her until she went limp.

When she awoke she was unable to move. She was strapped down to a bed with her limbs tightly restrained. There was something wrong with her face and mouth. She felt a mix of pain and numbness. The nurse came over and touched her hands gently and said don't worry you're okay. Try to rest. Casandra spoke but the words were unintelligible.

Don't speak. It is part of your new life. You will learn new things. You are no longer human and you must accept that. You are a pig now and you will live as one. You've had surgery to become part of the prince's pig herd. I will let you sit up but you must remain calm. The royal surgeon has permanently modified your appearance and your tongue has been pierced in two places which tightly holds a metal band to make you unable to speak. The girl tested this and found that her tongue was indeed tightly trapped by a device and fastened by short chains to her lower jaw.

Here is a mirror. The girl looked in the mirror and gasped. She was grossly disfigured. She learned that her ears were reshaped. Two teeth were replaced with pig shaped incisors. Worst of all her beautiful nose had been cut off and replaced with a short plastic pig snout.

Tomorrow you will be moved to your new home. It won't be so bad and you will have new friends.

The next morning the nurse and three men came to Casandra's bed. The nurse said that if she cooperated she would be treated well. You will go with these men. Casandra realized she was still naked and made a plaintiff cry. One of the men said you will remain naked for the rest of your days, best get used to it. They walked outside and a long ways to a garden. Here is the pig cage where you will stay. It was quite large, almost as big as her uncle's garden, but only three feet tall.

There were other girls inside. They too had been surgically altered to look like pigs. Each of them wore a device attached to her back, neck and arms. It appeared to restrict movement.

Casandra, we need to give you your pig's wings. They will remind you that you are not human. The men put the device on Casandra. It had a belt around her waist and another around her chest. Then strong rods were attached to the top of the device at her shoulders. Metal bands were locked onto her wrists and connected to the rods. Finally the door was opened and she was compelled to go inside. The door was locked behind her. You're just in time for breakfast laughed one of the men.

Casandra soon realized the purpose of the 'wings' she was obliged to wear. It greatly reduced her range of motion. Her arms were kept extended so she could not reach her mouth. She would have to put her head down into the feeding trough to eat. The device also made it impossible to reach her genital area for cleaning or any other purpose. What about when she had to relieve herself. She could not ask questions but she watched the other girls and soon learned what to do.

With difficulty she had to put her face down into the feeding trough. Her hair, eyes and nose were deep under the food to get some in her mouth. She was able to enjoy a mixture of potatoes, rice, beans and seasoned breadcrumbs. It was actually quite good. Then she put her head in the water trough to drink and wash off some of the sticky food. She followed some girls to another area which was apparently reserved for toileting. As difficult as it was she had no choice. She peed and defecated in the open sewer area. Later the men came and cleaned away the waste. But the girls could not wipe themselves and had to suffer the feeling of waste and urine dried onto their backsides.

The prince came out often to look over his herd of swine. Once for an hour every week Casandra was washed up and placed in a different cage for (protected) sex with the prince's servants. It was a good life.
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well that was unexpected I must say lol different for sure.

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