Terror Tract Hanging Scene
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Hi..I have added my own description to the Terror Tract hanging scene...hope u all enjoy it..
Sarah and Frank were having the time of their life. They had been in love for a long time but due to her marriage with Louis, Sarah couldn't dare have an open relationship with Frank. Therefore they met most of the time as Louis left for work. Today was just that opportunity, as Louis had been out and Frank had been in, as always. The two lovers were enjoying each other's company. But little did they know that Louis wasn't as simple and knave as he would seem to be. Just as they were starting to enjoy getting physical, suddenly Louis barged in. “So Romeo and Juliet are enjoying themselves. Great.” “Y..you…how come…” trembled Sarah. “Shut up you bitch. You thought I will never come to know. I have known. But I was looking for this opportunity to catch you red handed. And look, here you two are. But I will play my game as you two have been playing behind my back too.” Frank tried moving towards Louis but had to freeze there as Louis pointed a shotgun at him. “No..no..no smarty pants. Don't you dare, or I will blow your brains out. You hear me?” shouted Louis. “What do you want?” asked Sarah. “I want to punish you two for cheating on me. And I have come prepared…” smirked Louis as he reached his other hand in his pocket and pulled out a thin long wire. “Now…you asshole will have his brains blown out but before that you will watch a sexy dance of your lover” Louis signaled towards Sarah. Sarah had a confused look on her face. She was apprehensive of what this madman was going to do to them. Just then Louis threw the wire over an overhead beam. And Sarah watched in horror as the other end of the wire dangled in the air. It was fashioned in an ominous noose. “This bitch will hang up there and you will see the spectacle.” Louis had hatred in his voice. “No…p..please Louis…please don't do this to me…I am your wife for god's sake.” begged Sarah. “Shut up bitch. You are no one to me now. You deserve what you are gonna get…now get up on this chair.” Louis sled a chair underneath the wire noose, and signaled Sarah to get up on the chair, while brandishing his shotgun at her. Sarah was reluctant obviously but she had little choice. She kept weeping and got up on the chair. “Now put it on your throat.” “No please….” “Do it!” shouted Louis. Sarah's hands trembled as she reluctantly put the wire noose around her throat. “Good. Now the plan is simple. Sarah hangs by her neck and Frank gets shot. I will tell the cops that these two got into a fight following which Sarah shot her lover Frank and then out of guilt, hanged herself. You both get your punishment.” said Louis as he placed his foot on the edge of the chair, ready to kick it away from beneath Sarah's feet. “Ahh” cried Sarah due to fear. Frank could only watch as Louis had that loaded gun in his hand. “How do you like it now?” said a devilish Louis as he pushed the chair a little more. This made Sarah panic even more. “Aaaa..aah” cried Sarah as she sensed the chair slipping away. “Look, the bitch enjoys this, doesn't she?” said Louis as he pushed the chair away even more. This made Sarah standing at the edge of the chair with both her feet. “God…no…pleaseeee…begged Sarah as she anticipated her terrible fate. Frank was helpless too. And without warning, Louis just kicked the chair away. This made Sarah hang by her neck. Panicked, Sarah just got her hands up and grabbed the wire, trying to alleviate the pressure of the wire against her throat. “Uckkk..uuhhhh..” Sarah gasped for air as the noose started choking her. She tried her best to get her fingers between the noose and her neck, but the noose had tightened around her throat. She even tried grabbing the wire with her hands, trying to lift herself up, just to release the pressure on her throat. The pain was unbearable. She got some success initially, but soon couldn't hold on. “Aaaaaa..aahhhh” cried Sarah as the noose started choking her again. She didn't even realize when her legs started kicking away, frantically trying to find some support. She was being strangled in a horrible manner, the wire even cutting into her neck. It hurt terribly. “Haha…look…the bitch is dancing.” It really seemed like a dance, a horrifying last dance for Sarah. With each passing moment, her movements became even more frantic. She grabbed the wire around her throat with both her hands, trying to somehow get it off her neck. But it was no use. Frank felt terrible looking at the poor woman. True, that they cheated on Louis, but nobody deserved such a terrible fate. Frank had to do something. Soon his gaze went towards the feet of Louis. Louis was standing on a rug. This was Frank’s only chance to save Sarah. He quickly bent down and grabbed the rug by its edges, and pulled it away from Louis's feet. Louis was taken by surprise. He fell down, and his gun too fell away. Then ensued a scuffle between the two, in which Frank managed to grab a pair of scissors and stab Louis with it. Then he quickly turned attention to Sarah who was still struggling in the grip of the wire noose. Frank quickly held her up in his arms and then cut the wire with the scissors, thus freeing Sarah.
Pls ignore any grammatical mistakes...as posted in a hurry.

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