FROM NET 15 from a collection of stories
Forum Home > Public : Stories > FROM NET 15 from a collection of storiesIt started with me being summoned from my room to come to the door to greet someone there. I slowly descended the stairs wearing my black leather skirt and blue silk blouse. Earlier I had prepared myself by dressing in underwear consisting of a black uplifting bra, black garter and stockings along with black lace thong panties. Descending the stairs I glanced down to notice how the stockings looked sexy over my long legs. As I descended down the stairs, I saw my executioner standing beside the doorway. I knew why he had come and the anticipation started to build up inside me knowing this stranger was about to touch and electrocute me. He was very tall and slender with short full beard. I was afraid to look into his eyes because I might smile and spoil the whole effect. I was coy and shy half wanting him t o l e t me go but knowing there was no way out at this time. There was some paper work to fill out and I can't remember what all there was. My social security number was important though and I was to find out later what it would be used for. My husband told him that the chair had indeed arrived and that it was already in place down stairs. I then led the way down the stairs to the room where I knew I next would be electrocuted. There the chair stood prepared and all set up in the center of the room. My executioner then told me that I must strip naked so that he could apply the electrodes to the proper places. I then proceeded to unbutton my blouse and remove it. Still being afraid to look at him directly I could tell that he enjoyed stealing glances at me. My bra lifted up my breasts until they looked like they spilled out of their cups. I unzipped my black skirt and tugged it down and off my hips and legs. I stepped out of it to stand exposed.with just my black lace underwear and stockings on. I thought I should wait to see if that was enough clothing removed and I glanced at my husband who was wearing a frown urging me to remove more of my clothing. I then unsnapped my bra, quickly followed by my pulling down and off my thong lace panties. I then started to reach back and undo the snap to my lace garter but my husband shook his head 'no' to leave it and my stockings on for the execution. I stood there naked except for my garter and stockings. I think my executioner was nervous but I was very wet and aroused. He first came over to me and rubbed me down with oils to conduct the current better and also lube me up. He started with my breasts getting my nipples erect and excited. Next he started rubbing me down between my legs back and forth across my clitoris and then back further to my opening to all the way back to my bottom opening. Sometimes I wish we where not doing the fantasy scene because it would be so easy for me to just explode and come while I'm being rubbed. He continued by putting leather cuffs on my wrists and ankles and he then had me bend over the chair to receive my rectal electrode. I liked this part because the executioner got to see me from behind without me watching him and could do what he wanted. He continued by rubbing between my labia and slowly inserting a finger into my vagina to get me more relaxed and aroused. With his other hand he worked the rectal electrode back and forth over my bottom opening until I became extremely aroused enough for him to start to insert it. He then inserted it slowly into me. He then told me to turn around and sit in the chair. He snapped each of my leather cuffs to the chair on hooks that would not allow me to move much. Both wrists and ankles were securely snapped into place. He then put thigh straps around either leg to keep me from pushing my legs together, thus leaving the full view of my inner thighs exposed. My vaginal electrode was to be next. Since the straps confined me in the chair I had to angle my hips up and forward while it was inserted into me. It was a strange feeling having a complete stranger rub my most intimate parts, hardly knowing me and about to electrocute me. I could tell by how wet and juicy I was getting that my body enjoyed all the attention this stranger was giving me. The vaginal electrode is a hard acrylic rod and it is about a inch and three quarters in diameter. If I were not well prepared for it's size it could be uncomfortable while it's being inserted My executioner rubbed the hard vaginal electrode up and down between my lips from my clitoris down to the opening of my pussy. Confined as I am I can still not help moving my hips, up and down to his motions of the hard shaft against my vulva. My mind starts imagining that this whole thing is really happening and I'm at the mercy of my executioner's hands. I play on his rhythm to my body like musician playing on a musical instrument. Only it isn't music that is being audited. It's my moans and deep breathing along with my perspiration filling the nostrils and ears of us all. After the vagina electrode was in place with a strap going around my waist to hold it in place, it was then time for my executioner to put the clitoris electrode on me. The electrode had a plastic shield with to thick copper wires coming out and down from the top. The shield fit over my mons while the two thick wires were placed down against and on either side of my clitoris. The wires where pressed down on me in such a was as to make my clitoris poke out between them. There was a strap that went around each of my thighs that attached to the electrode to hold the electrode down into place. After the vagina, bottom and clitoris electrodes where in their proper places, so I would not be able to move much during my electrocution, my executioner put a thick black leather collar around my neck. He then tightly secured it to the back of the chair in such a way as to make it difficult to move my head. If I moved forward at all it would press against my throat. Next I was to find out why my social security number was important when my executioner arrived and had me write it down. He took a magic marker and wrote my ss number just above the plastic shield of the clitoris electrode. He had a helmet with a tightening band on it as a forehead electrode. My executioner put first a blindfold on me and then my helmet. After this I could not see anything that happened and everything was blacked out. Being blindfolded left a lot of things that my imagination could play on . My executioner had wetted down the forehead electrode and the water dripped down my shoulders a bit. It was a little cold but my body was so hot otherwise. The water would be able to conduct the current into my forehead more easily. Next my executioner put the calf electrode on me. This electrode is just a piece of thin metal that had a strap on the outside to go around my leg. Like the forehead electrode, the calf electrode had a wet sponge on the inside that went up against my leg. This was so my leg would carry one side of the current while the electrode on my forehead would carry the other side. The electricity would pass from my calf all the way up my body to my head and electrocute me. The cold wet sponges against both my forehead and my calf reminded me that I would really be electrocuted. Nipple clips where then put on me. I did not know if they had any wires attached though to send electricity into my nipples as well. I was then sitting there all secured and blindfolded with leather straps and with all the electrodes in place when a flash went off that I could just barely see through the edges of my blindfold. I was told that a photo was needed as proof that this execution really did take place. I was next told that I was to be electrocuted to death and that the current would first be turned on for 20 minutes to a level that would not electrocute me. I was told that the forehead and calf electrodes would not be turned on until the actual electrocution. If after the 20 minutes I did not have an orgasm, then I would be electrocuted at that time anyway. If I had an orgasm before the 20 minutes where up, then I would be electrocuted during my orgasm. There were a few moments next where I just sat there knowing I was about to get the current into my body but not know just when it would happen. My fingers dug into the wooden arms of the chair with anticipation. Then I started to feel just a mere pulse sensation inside of my vagina. It is hard to describe just exactly how it felt but it was something like feeling my vagina muscles spasm as the current drove into the electrodes in my vagina and bottom. The current intensity was turned up to a point where I felt the slightest prickling feeling inside of me. After the vagina and bottom electrodes where turned to the appropriate settings, the electrode against either side of my clitoris was then turned on. The clitoris electrode I can best describe as like a vibrator only more prickly with less movement. It feels a little bit like two fingers pressing down hard on either side of my clitoris. Next my executioner took a vibrator and rubbed back and forth across my clitoris that was sticking out from the wires on either side of it. I was getting very wet from the electrodes and I could feel myself starting to climax. My breathing became very heavy and I could feel myself perspiring from getting extremely aroused. It took a few minutes though as I would get very close and feel my body trembling then lax back only to build up to a close climax again. It was like riding a wave up and down where the ride at the top of the wave became longer and longer. While I was at the top of the waves I would start to think about myself really being electrocuted. I would imagine I was on a stage with 20 or more people watching and witnessing my execution. They would be seeing my almost naked body in the chair with the electrodes inside and against my crotch knowing that eventually I would have an orgasm followed by my being electrocuted. With all the attention and thoughts flowing through my mind the wave finally burst as I climaxed to an intense orgasm. I moaned and screeched out as the wave broke over the top and my executioner knew I was coming. The electrocution was to happen next while I was still at the top of my climax. I felt the current increase in my vagina and bottom electrodes as well as a twitching happening down against my calf. I bolted up and yelled out that I was being electrocuted as my head dropped forward . Next came the postmortem after the electrocution. The current was left on a sufficient amount of time to electrocute me completely. After the current was turned off the executioner made sure my heart had stopped with a stethoscope. Another photo was taken as proof that the execution took place. Next he removed the head and calf electrodes as well as my blindfold. Apparently my eyes had watered a lot during the execution since my eye makeup had run down the checks of my face. Next the straps holding the vagina and also the clitoris electrode were removed. Then he gently removed the vagina and clitoris electrodes. Apparently I had been pretty aroused and the proof was there because my lips where swollen and the seat was all wet between my legs. First he checked my breasts, then he felt down between my legs and then did an internal examination of my vagina. His fingers reached in as far as they could go as he felt all around inside of me. He kept the internal exam up for a few minutes until he was satisfied with his work of electrocuting me.

Forum > Public / Stories > FROM NET 15 from a collection of stories