FROM NET 16 from a collection of stories. The E-Van
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The E-Van Gary looked out the window and saw the van stop at the curb in front of the house. All the neighbors would know now. Lisa was getting ready upstairs. He started to call to tell her it was here, but his throat stuck. At last she came down. "Is it here yet?" She looked out and saw it was. She went to the door and waited for him. He opened it and they went out. She was wearing a black leather outfit and wore her hair down, looking very sexy. She took his hand and they walked out to the van. It was rather large, more like the size of a Greyhound bus. The side door opened and the steps descended for them. They looked around as they went inside, surprised at how spacious it was. There was a woman there, dressed like a nurse. "You are Lisa? Come right with me and we'll get you ready." She led toward the back, where there was an opaque curtain. Gary started to follow, but the nurse turned to him, "Please wait here. We'll just get your wife ready. I'll call you if you want to come and watch. There's a seat and some coffee." Gary hesitated, watching them go through the curtain. He expected Lisa to turn and look back, but she went right in. He tried to look past as the curtain opened, but saw nothing. Resigned, he sat down. He looked at the clock, it was 9:45 Lisa looked around the room. There was not much there except a curtained booth on one side, a mirror on the other that looked like a one-way mirror into another room, and a sturdy-looking chair in the middle. The nurse turned to her. "Please go into the changing room there and remove all your clothes. There's a gown you can put on. Then come back out here and we'll get you ready. " Lisa came back out of the booth wearing nothing but the thin pastel green gown. The nurse was writing on a form on a clipboard. She looked up at Lisa waiting nervously and smiled. Putting down the clipboard, she patted Lisa's hand. "Don't worry, it's not bad at all, and it doesn't take long." She then picked up a small case containing various mysterious things and came over to Lisa. Opening one of the buttons in the front of the gown, she moved the opening to expose one of Lisa's ample breasts. Picking up a round disk-like thing from the case she placed it right over Lisa's exposed nipple. She pressed it firmly in place and held it for a few seconds. When she removed her hand it stayed in place. Lisa then noticed the wire trailing from it. The procedure was repeated on her other nipple. Lisa was told then to spread her legs apart. The nurse lifted the front of the gown, and spread the front of Lisa's vulva, exposing her clitoris. "A little wider, dear," said the nurse. Lisa spread, and a clip was placed over the clitoris in the same way as the nipples. "This will make it feel better, and may even make you come." The nurse pointed to the chair. "Okay, you can sit down now, in the chair there." She saw Lisa hesitate. "What's the matter?" Lisa said, "What about the gown?" The nurse replied, "Oh, it's okay to leave the gown on, unless you'd rather be naked. Is it just your husband who's going to watch?" Lisa didn't answer, because she didn't know, but she unsnapped the gown and gave it to the nurse, then she sat gingerly on the edge of the chair completely naked. "Sit all the way back, dear, we have to strap you in so you don't fall off when we start to do it to you." Lisa slid back all the way. The nurse spread Lisa's legs and placed straps around her thighs. Lisa watched as the nurse fastened the straps over her wrists and ankles, then connected the wires from her nipples and clitoris someplace in back of the chair. The uniformed woman swung an arm up between her legs that terminated in a curved cylinder. Lisa watched it approach the wet lips of her pussy, then felt it being slip between the lips into her pussy, then lock in place. She found she could move on it, causing it to slide around in her pussy. The nurse stood back then and looked Lisa over, as if to make sure everything was done just right. Lisa felt very helpless at this point. "Don't worry Lisa, we're going to start doing it now. It's much easier than the waiting and preparation. It'll be all over before you know it." Lisa mentally winced at the thought of it being over. Only one girl in four survived being electrocuted. She wondered if her large breasts would help or hinder her electrocution. With that, the woman went through a door on the side of the room where the mirror was, and Lisa knew it was a window into a control room or something like that. She heard the engine of the bus rev up. Suddenly she felt a tingling in her nipples, then in her clitoris, and finally inside her pussy. It had started. Lisa looked around. Where was Gary? They were starting and he wasn't here. The nurse came out, talking back to the person in the room and closed the door. She walked up to Lisa. "Are you comfortable enough?" Lisa nodded. "Good," said the nurse, "It'll start getting stronger in a moment, it might even make you come, and pretty soon we'll start electrocuting you. I'll get your husband." She patted Lisa on the shoulder and went through the curtain. Gary sat, anxiously wondering what they were doing to Lisa. It was a few minutes after ten. They had been working on her for almost twenty minutes. He heard voices behind the curtain, but could'nt make out what was being said. He heard the engine speed up and wondered if they were doing that for the power generator. He got up and was about to call for the nurse when she came through the curtain. "You can come in now if you want to watch sir." "Has- has it-, I mean, what's happening?" he asked. "Well, she's just started, but it's she's not very far. You'll still be able to talk to her for a little while." "Why couldn't I come in earlier?" "Well, husbands sometimes get a little upset either when we put on the electrodes, or strap their wife in the chair, or even when the current goes on. You'd better go in soon, before she gets too far along if you want to be able to talk to her." He parted the curtain and saw her sitting naked, strapped into the chair, the wires on her nipples and the rod stuffed up between her lips, being electrocuted. "It looks like it's started," he thought as he walked around the chair, taking in the sight of the probe inserted between her wet pussy lips, as she moved on it, squeezing. He noticed how wet it was between her legs and wondered if it was something they put on her or her juices from the excitement. "Can you feel it much?" She nodded, "Oh, yes, but it's not very strong. It's mostly between my legs now. I think they want me to come.'' "Do you want to?" "It's fine with me, I might as well enjoy this a little." "What about your tits?", he asked, touching one of her breasts. "I think they use them for electrocuting me. I'm not sure doing them much would help me come. There's just a little tingle around my nipples now." "I thought they'd let me in sooner, to see some of the preparations or something, not after they'd turned it on. Some other people that know you, have come to watch, is it okay if they come in?" Lisa nodded. "Sure, I'd like that." There was no stress in her voice, it must not be too intense. The nurse said, "I'll get them." Her eyes blinked slowly, then widened. He asked if it was getting stronger. "Oh, yes ..." she replied. Just then the people, about a dozen filed in. She saw them and smiled. She felt their hot gaze on her naked body. The path from the door to the chairs required that they walk past the front of the chair, and she saw most of them pause and turn to look between her legs, where they could she her wet pussy lips working on the electrode as it sent current tingling into her. "Are they electrocuting you yet?" he asked. "I don't think so, but it's sure feeling good down there." She was perspiring. "Is it going to make you come?" She nodded. She spread her legs a little more, her pussy lips were quivering and contracting. He noticed the electrode on her clitoris twitching. Suddenly, she moaned and trembled, and he realized she was coming. The people murmured among themselves as they noticed it. It seemed to go on for some time. Finally the nurse came over to him. "She'll keep coming for a while with the current on like that. We're going to start electrocuting her now, did you want to stay and watch, or leave?" He got up and went to her. "They're going to start electrocuting you now, should I leave or...?" She gasped, "Please stay, the others too ..." He sat down. The humming grew louder, then she stiffened. Her jaw trembled a bit and her back arched. Glistening juices from her pussy oozed past the electrode. Her eyes were closed now but her breasts were thrust upwards, quivering with the intense current. He'd read that was the normal first phase of electrocution. So it was really happening. Her hands were gripping the chair now, as her breathing got shallower. The nurse whispered to him, "Most girls are unconscious by now. If she lasts about fifteen more seconds, she'll be free." He saw her gasp a few times, then her head fell to one side. Just then the humming stopped. He jumped up and went over to her. She moaned, then she raised her head and opened her eyes as the people applauded. 1997 al amir
A very good short story. It is sensual, focused, telling. The reader can add his/her own surroundings, such as dystopian future with population control, an overwhelming government, whom no-one is defiant to obstruct, the neighbours as the audience approving to the procedure. Great! Even the fact that the victim survives is well suited to the story. Thanks.

Forum > Public / Stories > FROM NET 16 from a collection of stories. The E-Van

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