Would you hood a woman for her execution? (Hanging)
Forum Home > Public : Stories > Would you hood a woman for her execution? (Hanging)99% of the time my fantasy involves an innocent woman escorted out of her dungeon towards a scaffold. I taunt her by telling her how badly it will hurt and how slow it will take for her to die as I shackle her up. Running my hands along her body and giving her a gentle kiss before placing a hood over her head with a tight noose around her neck. Giving her a minute to properly collect herself and pray before pulling the lever away and watching her writhe and nag.... I was wondering if others shared similar fantasies?
In my fantasies as either an executee or an executrix, I never involve innocense in the story, we are all guilty no matter how bad we feel repentance. All my excution fantasies involve hood, masks and blindfoldes, except for the guillotine. In case of hanging if i am the hangwoman, the condemned always drops hooded and i stare down at his/her spasms before leaving him/her to hang in the pit for the regulation hour.

absolutley I would want a hood or a blind fold and my shoes would have to be removed
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С точки зрения эстетики, наверно, надел бы лёгкий мешок на голову. Но перед казнью раздел бы девушку, связал руки и ноги и поцеловал бы нежно в шейку, которая скоро обвяжется верёвочкой.
Personally, I would leave that to the hangman/hangwoman. My fantasies involve me being blindfolded, but the main decision is to them (the law).
Forum > Public / Stories > Would you hood a woman for her execution? (Hanging)