Kaede's Misfortune
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It all began with Kaede being in the wrong place at the wrong time. While the rest of her village was in the midst of celebrating a festival, she thought of her secret lover and crept away to meet him behind his house as usual.

However, upon arriving, she was horrified to discover the house violently aflame and her lover nowhere to be found. A lone torch lay abandoned on the dusty ground, and she picked it up in a panic, unable to fathom who could do such a thing before one of her lover’s neighbors came hurrying by. They skidded to a stop and could only come to one conclusion when they saw the flaming object in her hand and the destruction unfolding behind her.


And so, Kaede was arrested, charged, then sentenced to death for her alleged crime. A special bamboo arch was constructed prior to her execution and on the fateful day, she was taken to the outskirts of the village topless and with both wrists bound behind her back. Her pale and soft breasts bounced ever so slightly as the guards pushed her along, which drew the attention of not only those who envied her beauty, but also those who dreamed of having her in their bed for the night.

However, it went without saying that her only lover now would be the ravenous flames, and her captivating looks were about to be extinguished completely, leaving behind only a hideous and fractured skeleton.

Once they reached the execution site, Kaede was forced to stand with her back against the stake while the bamboo arch was positioned so that it flanked her body. Following this, the local daimyo himself arrived to oversee the event, and the guards got to work fastening her arms to both sides of the arch before turning their attention to her torso.

Heavy breaths escaped Kaede’s lips as more rope was wound around her waist, then around her bare breasts, which heaved and puffed with each touch until she couldn’t bear the involuntary arousal anymore.
To finish off, one of the guards ran his hands over her body under the pretext of making sure the ropes were sufficiently tight, lingering a moment too long on her chest in much the same way as her lover whenever they risked having their affair discovered.

Then, straw was piled all around and the torch came down to seal her fate. The flames spread quickly to engulf her slender legs and wide hips, but did not travel any higher than her waist. Thus was the guards’ intention, for past experience taught them that this was a good way to keep the victim conscious and struggling for longer.

And struggle Kaede did. For many minutes, she squirmed from side to side in desperation, her face twisted in an expression of exquisite pain while soft moans sounded from her shapely mouth.

But, at last, the increasing smoke took its toll. Kaede’s movements became less and less pronounced and she blinked sporadically before falling unconscious. Her body was now completely blackened below the waist and the daimyo gave the word for the guards to throw more straw on the pyre so that all of her would be destroyed.

Sure enough, the flames soon climbed all the way up Kaede’s limp form and engulfed her quivering breasts. Soft brown nipples calcified then crumbled in the extreme heat while tender flesh turned molten red, then eventually dark as a prune. The ropes holding her in place burned through and her malformed body began to break apart, first at the waist, then at the arms and neck, marking the final stage in her transformation from a beautiful and desirable young woman to a pile of nondescript ashes.

As Kaede’s remains shrunk and disintegrated within the roaring flames, the bamboo arch remained standing like a monument to her demise, and the spectating daimyo gave one last order for the day. The guards nodded and in accordance with his wishes, removed the bamboo arch from the pyre so that it could later be cut up for practical use, then went off to find an unmarked spot in which they could toss Kaede’s ashes and use as a means of extorting money from her family.

The daimyo grinned once he was alone, knowing that he could end the life of any commoner on a whim, just as he had done earlier that week to the family of Kaede’s lover, who had fallen severely behind on their taxes.
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Beautiful story and sensual drawing - thanks!

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