Number of Photos
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Forgive me if I'm being a bit thick, but why do some of the photosets say, for example, 9+8 photos when all I can see is the first 9.

As I say, sorry if I'm being a bit stupid but I'm not the most computer literate!!
Lol, sorry, I don't think I've explained the membership thing very well on the site. There is "VIP" membership for those who have donated money or contributed material through email/forum. VIP members gets to see the rest of the images (the 2nd number). I'm doing this to reduce bandwidth and encourage activity.

This site is still in early stages so i'm thinking through the membership ideas and have not promoted it as much.
This page currently has all the info
Hi, I donated 2 dollar by Amazon Gift card today.
So I would become a VIP member and see all the picts.

Am I a little unpatient here?
Cause I cannot open the picts until now.

Your account is now updated... yes, you are unpatient :) you donated less than 3 hrs ago, I said on the site to give me at least 24hrs to check email and process it. Amazon giftcard isn't exactly a merchant system that can be automated.
I have sent an Amazon gift card this morning to get. VIP membership. Please reassure me that you have received it. I am barely computer literate. Thank you. CG.j
Your account is updated now, you should've gotten a popup.
At first i updated your second account which had a typo in the email address, missing "@".
please my engish is not the best...i tryde several times to get in ..i think i am allredy a member

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