Most realistic Execution Roleplay?
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I was thinking about roleplaying with a friend in various execution method as realistic as possible. I have some ideas and looking for better ones from you guys. So I was thinking:

1. Hanging - Easiest, A noose tied to a horizontal beam, the rope can be pulled from the other side to lift me up for a few seconds for the hanging role play.

2. Firing Squad - We have decided to use paint ball guns to role play realistically.

3. Garrote - Tie the condemned to a chair and use a rubber or plastic collar from behind to tighten it slowly.

4. Stoning - Tie up the victim. Cover her up tightly with a blanket up to her neck only exposing her face and head. Throw plastic balls instead of stones.

5. Cucifixion - Tie her up on a wooden cross, with a small stool for her to stand for support. remove it from under her for few minutes for execution.

6. Lethal Injection - Tie her up on a bed, use a real syringe to push water inside her. Coloured water assuming its safe.

7. Burning - Tie her up on a stake. Then a powerful hair dryer will be used to blow heat on her body.

8. Gas Chamber - No idea yet, but thinking of using a an airtight transparent plastic bag to represent being unable to breath.

9. Electric Chair - No idea yet, was thinking of using something like small electric cable which can give little shock but no permanent damage. Example: The shock we get sometimes while handling electric points.

Any Ideas of yours? And did u like mine?
Hanging & garotting sound best for me
For Lethal injection, it's not only just injecting the solution into the bloodstream of the inmate, when the execution is not botched at the last second of her life, the inmate with also have a voice like if she was snoring. The heart monitor goes flatline. When the execution is botched here is the extreme case would like to look like: The first injection is intended to make the inmate unconscious, if that injection does not work out well, the inmate will endure unbearable pain, because the second injection is intended to stop the lung from breathing, so most of inmate who did survive lethal injection said that they felt like if they were drowning, or hanged, so that why you notice their body spasming, the last injection is intended to stop the heart. Where the execution is done correctly or a botched a lot of inmate foams from their mouth. Taking into account this advice would make the execution of lethal injection more realistic, and I say that from personal experience with customizing 2 fetish clips that have lethal injection execution as a central theme.
I would absolutely 100% advise against injecting anything into another person unless you know exactly what you're doing.
Anyway, as time Traveller said you have not to inject, but I have a solution for you, there is a special needle in Amazon, it's cost 98$, it's the one that is use in movie to simulate an injection.
Also, do not inject water in the body, it is very dangerous.

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