Looking for suggestions for films
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As the topic says, I am looking for suggestions for films, ones that have explicit female execution, murder, etc. Ritual sacrifices are the best, but done well and somewhat seriously, not hokey, comedic, camp etc. I prefer scenes where the lighting is good and the special effects are also not sub-par. Also, for the love of Mike, no suggestions where the killing is aborted or the victim is rescued!

The Shrine was pretty good:
Except that you don't get to clearly see the impalements, as they are hidden below the iron mask.

Snuff Movie was also good:
You get to see her nailed naked to the cross as she screams and suffers, very realistic, unfortunately, they don't let you see clearly when she is stabbed.

But a lingering slaughter, especial a ritualistic one, where the female, willing or not, is bound naked and awaits the vicious killing blow (or slice), where the lighting is good and you see it all, including good f/x, and where the atmosphere of the scene is pervaded with dread... I want to see those scenes in movies.

So, can anyone suggest any movies with scenes like those?

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