Does anyone know the names of these two movies?
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1. In the film, a grandmother/elderly woman sits in front of a mirror with a tray full of small cakes and eats them all. After that she dies, because she overdosed on sugar, because she has diabetes, so it was a deliberate suicide.

2. Probably an American-Japanese film. The male lead is played by a white guy, I guess American, and the female lead is played by an Asian girl. He is being hunted by the yakuza and he takes refuge in her apartment. They fall in love and spend the night together. In the middle of their conversation in bed, after a night of sleep together, the yakuza break into her apartment. He hides in another room, while she is interrogated by the yakuza. Suspecting that she was helping him, the yakuza want to take her head off. They ask her how she wants to die, slowly or fast. She replies that she wants to die slowly so that she can know that she was once alive. At that moment, the one hiding in the next room tries to help her, but the yakuza cut off her head and start hunting for them.
Thank you very much!

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Forum > Public / Requests > Does anyone know the names of these two movies?

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