Akai Tsuki (2nd version)
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Hello. I see there is 2 version of Akai Tsuki, one in color and dated on 2004 and a other in black and white. Long time ago I found a video of the 2004 version (I don't remember where) but I don't find anything for the black and white. Does someone have just a link, a information, about this second version ?
I think I explained this once before, but can't find the post in all the board's back pages.
So, as I recall, the first version was a TV mini-series, the second was a movie made the same year 2004.
The B&W pictures come from the flashback sequence that opens the film, and the latter stages of this are then reprised in colour later on in the course of the story.
I cut a clip which combines both sequences with a 'fiendishly clever'(!!) seamless transition. I trust it will meet with your approval.

Thanks, it was good !

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Forum > Public / Requests > Akai Tsuki (2nd version)

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