Suicide with a piano wire
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The suicide of a woman happens at the very beginning of the film. The action takes place in the castle. A crowd of people leave the castle (or is it a hallucination). Doors and windows open and close either because of the storm or because of the ghosts. The woman saw a piano in one of the rooms, and made a noose out of the piano wire. Then she sit on the top of the first floor with a head made of plaster or some other sculptural material, and throw themselves down. The next shot shows the plaster head falling and breaking, followed by the rolling head of a woman. I think the film was shot this year or two years ago. It was available on YouTube, but unfortunately I can't find it again.
'The Invitation' (2022)

Still on YouTube, but as PPV for a modest sum. Sorry, can't find a free view at the moment.
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Yes, it's that movie. Thank you!

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