Herta Kasparova
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Young woman hanged as war-criminal
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as i recall, she was hanged for running down a bunch of people with her truck

Quote by iamjumboas i recall, she was hanged for running down a bunch of people with her truck

that seems like an odd crime for a woman back then (and even now!)
she was hanged for snitching people off to the Gestapo
Herta Kasperova, Gestapo informant
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i stand corrected. i was thinking about olga hepnarova. SHE was hanged for plowing through a crowd with a truck.

she was the last woman executed in czechoslavakia
I have been trying to figure out how those Czech gallows work, any comments?
lovely hanging, too bad that there isnt a video of the execution.
i hope there will be a nice realistic video of this execution somewhere.
Nice sequence.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHBiDKOOA2E Try this, it is the hanging of Karl Frank after the war in Prague. He was Heydrich's assistant in Czechoslovakia. He played a major part in the atrocities after Heydrich's assassination, including the Lidice massacre and destruction. If it doesn't work just try Karl Frank on U tube, he was despised by the Czechs and his execution well documented.

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