Tantalising Guillotine Scene
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This still from Ridley Scott's forthcoming biopic on Napoleon whets the appetite.

If you zoom in to the image, it looks like a blonde woman mounting the scaffold. Who is it? Marie Antoinette? Charlotte Corday? Madame Roland? Or just some poor, anonymous Aristo goin for a free hairdo ...?

Looks promising ...

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I can’t wait to see it!!! Big dresses and guillotines are my favorite ❤️
As a Ridley Scott fan interested in Napoleon, this whole thing is exciting to me.
It looks like this is Marie Antoinette, according to some people who saw a test viewing:


"The first half hour of the movie is pretty abrupt, since it starts with the execution of Marie Antoinette and within 20-25 minutes Napoleon is commanding a huge army in Egypt and we don’t really get a sense of how this happened or why, besides that he won one battle and killed a couple protesters."
On IMDB, I read there will Be Sanson and Marie Antoinette is played by Catherine Walker https://versailles-tv.fandom.com/fr/wiki/Catherine_Walker

Quote by billsterIt looks like this is Marie Antoinette, according to some people who saw a test viewing:


"The first half hour of the movie is pretty abrupt, since it starts with the execution of Marie Antoinette and within 20-25 minutes Napoleon is commanding a huge army in Egypt and we don’t really get a sense of how this happened or why, besides that he won one battle and killed a couple protesters."

I can’t wait! ❤️

By the way, here's some little bit more footage of the guillotine scene from the official tralier.
Shame. That video seems to have been removed. is it available elsewhere?
The link is valid.
Looks to be pretty disappointing in all honesty. No Bascule?

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